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Operazione CryptoMining di nuova generazione, ecologica, che ti consente di acquistare la nostra partecipazione agli utili.
10 giu 2018
1 set 2018
100% completato
$35 000
100% obbiettivo completato
1 apr 2018
30 apr 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi
piattaforma, criptovaluta, Contratto intelligente


Token di rilascio CSM basati su un concetto di business reale. Un ICO per le persone che pensano e credono come noi in cui l'estrazione di criptovalute è redditizia e una lunga corsa lungo la strada. Abbiamo un team di esperti con anni di esperienza mineraria e analista di trading. CSM ti fornisce il servizio che salva molti problemi. Livello di rumore, manutenzione, affitto, elettricità elevata, 24/7 monitor minatori, scarico di calore dei minatori, ecc. Un ICO in cui crediamo di utilizzare il mining come reddito passivo a lungo termine per i titolari prima che implichiamo il sistema di prestito. Il tuo investimento continuerà a crescere con la nostra gestione e i piani attuali. (Esamina la roadmap / il white paper per una migliore comprensione) Il valore del token CSM aumenterà lentamente e costantemente nel tempo.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q1, 2018

  • Launch tokens sale, order of miners as 50% phrase target hit. Mining operation set up.
  • Q2, 2018

  • Begin active mining , preparation of 1st dividend payouts after 3months of
    active mining .Develop CS mining pool.
  • Q3, 2018

  • Cs Desktop/mobile wallet. 1st dividend payout issue to token holders.
  • Q4, 2018

  • Promote Cs Advertising campaigns. Lending plaform development, issue CSL tokens.
  • Leggi di più
  • Q1, 2019

  • Launch Lending plaform system, development of CSL internal exchange.
  • Q2, 2019

  • Target procure large orders of miners. Improve rigs cooling system.
  • June, 2019

  • Develop of CseXchange beta test.Advertising campaigns for outcoming CS-eXchange.
  • Q3, 2019

  • Launch Cs-eXchange. Complete/hit 70% Csm mining system rigs target.
  • Q4, 2019

  • Launch CSL on external exchanges and get CSL listed on coinmarketcap.
  • December, 2019

  • Buyback token system. Discussion Development of marketplace.
  • Q1, 2020

  • Development of Csmarketplace. Develop visa prepaid for CS tokens.
  • Q2-Q3, 2020

  • Target develop own miners and open public discussion for further development plans for year 2021.


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Ng B . H
non verificato
Alvin Tay
non verificato
Kaze Phua
non verificato
Tan Wei Hao
non verificato
Lan Khoo
non verificato
Justin Aw
non verificato
Micheal Lo Y.b
non verificato


5.0 7
ICO Profilo Visione Attività Potenziale Prodotto Squadra

% name% Recensioni

Advanced Security: Since it acts as a global platform, Crowd Share mining creates a safe and efficient global system to cover every data security requirements that’s on the blockchain.
Competitive Advantage: Crowd Share Mining has straightforward learning environments that make it easier for users to understand and utilize their platform.
Decentralized Marketplace: Besides mining, Crowd Share Mining has a marketplace where users can create live bidding auctions.
No Full Product: This is an ICO that’s still under development. Bu Q3 of 2019, Crowd Sale a fully functional product will help increase the overall transparency and authenticity of the project.
Website Design: While it looks appealing, we’ve found a few issues within the website’s interface. This will need to be fixed if the team hopes to have more long-term investors interested in their idea.
Profit Uncertainty: While Crowdshare Mining promises to give their users profit, we’re unclear as to how the system will distribute the profits equally once a block has been successfully mined.

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News, reviews

Although the concept behind Crowd Share Mining is promising, the venture is not the first of its kind. On the other hand, there is little to desire on the part of the team's information, their location and the layout of the payment dividends. The experience part is also a point of concern since a majority of the development team are relatively young. Consequently, this makes the project less viable and authentic compared to what it promises to achieve in the future. Still, Crowd Share Mining has progressive future quality.

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