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Ultimo aggiornamento

12 set 2023

Our mission is to be the services provider banking and cryptocurrency products all in one place. We believe that managing your finances should be available to everyone and based on the principles of free or nearly-free cost, global access, and full transparency.
3 month
1 ott 2023
31 dic 2023
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Obbiettivo 3 000 000.00 USD
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
12 000 000
Distribuzione di token
6 million locked for Pre-STO
5 million for Main-STO
500k for airdrop
350k for giveaways
150k for project advisors
Valute accettate
Contributo minimo
Dettagli della Compagnia
Nome della società registrata
UAB New Software Solutions
Paese registrato
Società fondata
Mar 18, 2022
dettagli aggiuntivi
MVP / Prototipo
Ethereum, Celo
Lista bianca
, a partire dal Aug 30, 2023 fino Sep 30, 2023

Di Credits is a blockchain-based platform primarily focused on providing enterprise solutions for various industries such as finance, supply chain management, and gaming. However, it is also making a significant impact in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. In this article, we will explore how is supporting DeFi projects and driving further development in this rapidly growing space.

To understand Credits’ role in the DeFi space, it is essential to understand what DeFi is all about. Decentralized finance refers to a system of financial applications that operate on a decentralized blockchain network. DeFi applications aim to provide financial services such as lending, borrowing, and trading without the need for intermediaries like banks or other financial institutions. DeFi is changing the way we view finance, and it is creating new opportunities for people around the world. is one of the few blockchain platforms that understand the importance of DeFi and the role it plays in the future of finance. Credits is supporting DeFi projects by providing the necessary infrastructure for developers to build and deploy their applications on the Credits blockchain network. Credits offers a scalable, high-performance blockchain infrastructure that enables DeFi developers to build robust and secure DeFi applications.

Moreover, is actively developing its DeFi solutions to meet the growing demands of the DeFi space. The platform has developed its DeFi applications, such as a decentralized exchange, a yield farming platform, and a liquidity provision platform. These applications are built on the Credits blockchain network and offer users a decentralized and secure way of accessing financial services.

% name% Roadmap

  • 2023

  • Debit cards EU (in progress)
    Trading Stocks (in progress)
    Lending and Yield
    25+ Multicurrency
    Crypto B2B acquisition
    3 new markets with first
    launch Debit cards:
    - HK
    - Mexico
    - Brazil
  • 2024 – 2025

  • - Accounts for business
    - Card processing
    - Cards for business
    - Trading services
    - 5 new markets
    - US market, debit card

Credits Squadra

verificata 20%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Igor Chugunov
CEO & Founder
Roman Rašimas
Chief Compliance Officer
non verificato
Andrey Kuznetsov
Chief Operating Officer
non verificato
Joshua Oliver
Compliance, AML, Regulation
non verificato
Kyle Hingher
Cards and Payments
non verificato

Credits Interviste

Igor Chugunov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
What do you think about idea?

Credits Ultime novità

  • Poiché potrebbero esserci differenze temporali negli aggiornamenti delle informazioni, è necessario verificare le informazioni accurate su ciascun progetto ICO attraverso il suo sito web ufficiale o altri canali di comunicazione.
  • Questa informazione non è un suggerimento o consiglio su come investire in finanziamenti ICO. Si prega di indagare approfonditamente le informazioni rilevanti da soli e decidere sulla partecipazione ICO.
  • Se pensi che ci siano problemi o problemi da correggere su questo contenuto, o se desideri inviare il tuo progetto ICO da elencare, per favore inviaci un'email.
Si prega di leggere la dichiarazione di non responsabilità e l'avviso di rischio. Mostra disclaimer e avviso di rischio.