Core DAO

Core DAO

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Satoshi Plus consensus is the only truly decentralized Web3 consensus
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Di Core DAO

The Blockchain Trilemma is a well-studied problem by both academics and market participants. It states that all cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. must make trade-offs between optimal security, scalability, and decentralization, often prioritizing two elements at the expense of the third.

Our solution to the trilemma above is Satoshi Plus consensus, which operates at the core of the Core Network. Satoshi Plus consensus combines Proof ofWork (PoW) and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) to leverage the strengths of each while simultaneously ameliorating their respective shortcomings. Specifically, Bitcoin computing power guarantees decentralization, the DPoS and leadership election mechanisms ensure scalability, and the entire network holistically maintains its security. Core is the first chain to implement our new consensus mechanism. Although it will not be the last, we believe that with the strength of our community, CORE will achieve the necessary network effects required to create a successful currency and serve as the much needed springboard for broader Web 3 adoption.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. First, we compare the tradeoffs made by other L1 and L2 networks. Next, we dig deeper into Satoshi Plus consensus and its various components. We then discuss the security properties and future directions for the Core network. We then discuss the base layer currency of the chain - CORE. Finally, we discuss the governance of the Core network via the Core DAO.



Scaling and Cross-Chain
Where Core is fully EVM compatible, we can leverage scaling solutions from Ethereum and other compatible chains, ex various types of rollups. We also may choose to go down a Polkadot or Cosmos style L0 relay vs hub chain model. The future of scaling is bright, and we plan to incorporate the best technologies from other chains as research matures.
Enhanced Security
While the round-robin nature of block production provides certain security benefits, it also involves tradeoffs. For example, by having a known ordering in advance, the protocol isn’t susceptible to an entire category of potential randomness exploits, but the block-producing validator is fully known which may lead to more focused attacks. In response, we are focusing on ways to improve block production. Particularly, the research around single secret leader election [HG] that chains like ETH are also exploring is of great interest.

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