Pracodawcy RP

Pracodawcy RP

Employers of the Republic of Poland is the largest and oldest employers' organization in Poland. Founded in November 1989, the organization represents 19,000 companies: from small businesses to the largest in the country - those that compete effectively in global markets. Companies affiliated with Employers of Poland employ around 5 million workers.

Di Pracodawcy RP

Employers of Poland is a recognized social partner in Poland and Europe: a member of the Social Dialogue Council, but also of the European Economic and Social Committee, the International Organization of Employers and the B20 group.

Our strength is the rationale and arguments presented to political and economic decision-makers, as well as the number and diversity of our members: unions, federations and companies. Our potential lies in the many years of experience and successes we have achieved in pursuit of our guiding idea - the creation of an employer-friendly state.


Magdalena Kitlas
Director of Relationships dept.
Dariusz Prosickidari...
Director of Marketing and Communications