Halcyonite Digital

Halcyonite Digital

Halcyonite digital is a London based consultancy with a euro-wide reach. We also have a presence in Lagos, Nigeria and San Fransisco, USA.

Di Halcyonite Digital

Halcyonite Digital, a London, Berlin, San Francisco and Lagos based consultancy with global reach, is dedicated to actualising the power of Blockchain. This is achieved through  business model transformation, due diligence, and market research into Fintech, Renewable Energy, Supply Chain Management and Automotive.

Halcyonite Digital was founded by Ade Molajo, a Blockchain consultant who has been in the technology space since 2007. He graduated with a BSc in Information Systems (University of Liverpool) and an MSc in IT Law and Management (King’s College London). Ade has worked with large multinational firms including Atos and PwC. In addition, he had a stint with innogy innovation hub where he advised on Blockchain investments.


Ade Molajo
Blockchain: Speaker | Writer | Consultant

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