Canadian Web3 Council

Canadian Web3 Council

Championing an inclusive digital economy for all Canadians through Web3. Advocates for responsible public policy & regulation.

Di Canadian Web3 Council

Canadians have played a critical role in building many of the most successful projects in blockchain, including the founding of Ethereum – a public network servicing a variety of decentralized applications. We are working to empower Canadians to recognize the economic and social benefits of this transformative technology.

Our goal is to accelerate the growth of Web3 technology in Canada through policy innovation. We achieve this by educating the public and bringing together Canadian innovators, experts and policymakers to collaborate on public policy and regulatory solutions.

Our Members

We represent organizations that have made a critical impact on the development of Web3 technologies across the globe, and who are committed to responsibly building and innovating in Canada. Our membership is diverse, ranging from financial products and exchange platforms to investors, and open-source blockchain projects.