

Confidential, fast, easy to use leading the way to confidential DeFi.

Di Beam

Choose regular privacy transactions for strong anonymity or Maximum anonymity set transactions for a guaranteed anonymity set of 64k.

Confidential Assets

Create, transact and trade assets on Beam blockchain from the comfort of your wallet. From the blockchain perspective, asset UTXO are indistinguishable from Beam UTXO.

Atomic Swaps and DEX

Atomic Swaps allow the exchange of Beam and Confidential Assets in a decentralized way, without any trusted party. Currently, BTC, LTC, QTUM, DASH and DOGE are supported. Swaps with ETH and ERC20 tokens, and a full-featured DEX are underway.

Superior usability

Beam Wallets, mobile and desktop are known for their usability and aesthetics. We count your clicks so you won’t need to. Beam benefits from two types of transactions, one where the wallets talk to each other, and another that’s send-and-forget, much like that of Bitcoin.

Smart Contracts AKA Shaders

The Beam Virtual Machine, with WASM execution, makes confidential Dapps possible. The Contract Shader encapsulates the business logic running in Beam nodes, while the App Shader takes care of the presentation layer, making applications easily installable into Beam wallets.

Confidential DeFi

Numerous innovations are in the works, including a full-powered DEX, oracles, side-chains, wrapped assets and decentralized bridges with Ethereum and Polkadot. Expect Algorithmic Stable coins, lending, Uniswap-like AMM, NFT tokens, and many other financial instruments to appear powered by the Beam blockchain.

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