Association of Corporate Investigators

Association of Corporate Investigators

The ACi’s role is to champion the role of corporate investigators. We are the leading independent professional body and industry voice on corporate investigations. We aim to provide the gold standard in training, certification and continuing professional development. Led by our members, we create networking, knowledge sharing and career opportunities, and provide central resources, thought leadership and benchmarking.

Di Association of Corporate Investigators

The ACi is a global association founded by corporate investigators to meet the needs of the corporate investigation community in its widest sense, from entrants to seasoned professionals, across all sectors. Investigations are recognised as part of corporate DNA. The global investigations community, and all its related service and technology specialists, is estimated to exceed 500,000 people. Our association exists to serve and to build this growing community, actively promoting diversity, equity and inclusion as central to our member-led mission. We provide platforms for sharing thought leadership, cross-industry insights, networking opportunities and centralised resources. We are developing the gold standard in corporate investigations training, drawing from leading industry experts in our community. We bring together investigators who work internally and externally, in the private and public sectors, NGOs, and not for profits, united in our pursuit for professional excellence in corporate investigations.