CoInsure Blockchain

CoInsure Blockchain

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CoInsureBlock 'è una nuova generazione di assicurazione peer-to-peer basata su testimonianze di prove sociali, sfruttando appieno il potere dell'innovazione blockchain. Mira a diventare il primo servizio assicurativo al mondo ad offrire fiducia ai membri della comunità criptata durante la transazione di prodotti e servizi.
10 mar 2018
1 mag 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
  • 1 CIB
    0.06 USD
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
United Kingdom
dettagli aggiuntivi
Contratto intelligente

Di CoInsure Blockchain

We all heard about shared economy: people sharing cars, home, bikes, even wi-fi. But why can’t we share our risks and protect each other without insurance companies. We have to pay lots of money because only insurance companies have algorithms for risk assessment, technology and resources.

Join us in a venture in what is to bring a complete change to the insurance as we know today!

    We’ve successfully reinvented the social proof methodology for insurance industry. The approach has been filed for patent protection in the US and worldwide.

    Insurance is a $7 trillion global market. By becoming an early adopter of blockchain technology, CoInsure can gain an important advantage.

    CoInsure team combines best of both worlds – industry professionals with years of experience and dedicated blockchain experts with a track-record of successful crypto projects.

  • CoInsure (CIB) TOKEN
    CIB token will be the fuel of CoInsure platform, used by clients and 3rd-parties worldwide. The platform will use different means to incentivize participants and make the tokens available to a broad audience.

    Our business model allows self-regulation without the need of a central institution. As the risk-prone individuals will be automatically excluded, CoInsure can offer significant cost reductions.

    CoInsure motivates groups for a change to better. We’re creating a complete switch in paradigm and growing a global community that shares a common value of reciprocity.

Insurance of tomorrow
CoInsure aims to become a first-of-a-kind blockchain-based decentralized insurance platform powered by social proof guarantee. CoInsure is a next generation of peer-to-peer insurance based on social proof endorsements, fully harnessing the power of blockchain innovation. It will serve as a replacement for insurances as we know and offer a completely new type of coverage for areas of life and business that began to emerge with the evolution of blockchain and transactions being carried out on the distributed ledger.

The science of social proof
Social proof is a natural, in-built mechanism within all of us, representing people`s moral compass. In other words, people reference the behavior of others to guide their own behavior. InsurePal embeds social proof in a form of financial commitment. The endorser who financially guarantees for someone has to use its own due diligence when providing the guarantee to at the risk of losing their money. Through such endorsements and guarantees, the network in whole becomes more risk aware, consequently inducing a change of people’s behavior.

Worldwide patent
This is the first time we have successfully reinvented the social proof for insurance industry. The innovative approach has been filed for patent protection in US and worldwide. Insurance play a vital role in society and its proper function is imperative. To prevent unfair competition, it is at large subjected to tight regulation and unified standards. For that, we make it our imperative that CoInsure abides with all the regulatory requirements. This way our policyholders can always rely they are safe and covered.


CoInsure è una nuova generazione di assicurazioni peer-to-peer basata su testimonianze di prove sociali, sfruttando appieno il potere dell'innovazione blockchain. La piattaforma servirà da sostituto per le assicurazioni come sappiamo oggi e offrirà un tipo completamente nuovo di copertura per le aree della vita e degli affari che hanno iniziato a emergere con l'evoluzione della blockchain, a partire dall'assicurazione delle transazioni commerciali blockchain. L'approccio innovativo è stato presentato per la protezione dei brevetti negli Stati Uniti e in tutto il mondo. La prova sociale è un meccanismo integrato in ognuno di noi, che rappresenta la bussola morale delle persone. InsurePal incorpora la prova sociale sotto forma di impegno finanziario.

Informazioni tecniche

La piattaforma funzionerà come dAPP per i clienti B2C e come servizio per i partner B2B che rivenderanno l'assicurazione di prova sociale utilizzando la soluzione CoInsure.

% name% Roadmap

  • 10 March

  • ICO Launch

CoInsure Blockchain Squadra

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