Clip Finance

Clip Finance

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Clip Protocol is a single-click yield optimisation protocol for stablecoins. We find the best opportunities in DeFi, auto-compound your rewards, and diversify your risk by routing funds to multiple audited yield earning strategies.
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Di Clip Finance

Clip Finance is a single-click cross-chain stablecoin yield optimization protocol that sustainably protects and grows your wealth in all market conditions. We're simplifying the decentralized finance (DeFi) experience for people who are not accustomed to using web3 apps.

When you deposit stablecoins, Clip allocates them to the top-performing yield strategies in decentralized finance (DeFi) and automatically compounds the profits to maximize your returns.

We manage the complex DeFi protocols that make this return possible, while you stay in full control of your invested funds.

We've built a novel strategy router that directs user funds to a minimum of two yield farming strategies at the same time. Our protocol's smart contracts enable this process to be fully decentralized and automated. These features allow Clip to maximize user returns while mitigating the risks associated with any single yield farm.

Yield has been one of the key pillars of the DeFi industry since its inception. People want their money to work for them.

Hence, there are tons of yield-earning opportunities in the market, as well as yield aggregators that make your life easier. Yet, the user experience for yield farmers is still a far cry from what it could be.

It’s still complicated. Usually, you need to research, analyze, diversify and monitor your positions manually. And while there are tons of exciting financial innovations, we are still lacking simple products that everyone can use, regardless of your sophistication level.

We feel that there’s still room for products where you don’t have to make any other decision besides deciding how much you want to deposit. And leave the rest to seasoned builders, smart contracts, and AI.

The team behind Clip has been building for almost 1,5 years. We’re a team of 10 people, and we’re self-funded. In a market that moves at light speed, it takes a special kind of commitment to stay true to the vision you start with as well as bootstrap all the way to the launch. The founders Artur, Alex, and Mikk are seasoned entrepreneurs with prior successes and experience to build Clip on.

And while the team is capable of executing the plans, there’s always a question of whether yield optimization is the best business model that enables Clip to capture enough fees to be sustainable and share the success with the community.

Yield optimizers in general need to hit scale in order to capture meaningful fees, and we’ve built our whole tokenomics to support our TVL growth by empowering the community to attract more users.

Moreover, as you can read in the next chapter, the different products we will build on top of our infrastructure will create revenue streams that will likely outperform the fees we capture from yield optimization.

Building a great UX-focused yield product first is key to our business strategy because it appeals to the widest user base. And doing the core product right will feed our other offerings, from debit card issuance to yield derivatives and DAO services.

Our NFT community will reap large benefits as the early supporters, but they’re also a key pillar of the gamification element we’re bringing to the table and will have a net-positive effect on the whole user base through being an integral part of some of our future business verticals.

Clip Finance Squadra

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$13 475 000

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Clip Finance Ultime novità

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