Clear Mess Platform

Clear Mess Platform

Created using Figma
Your Inbox is Annoying
The Clear Mess Platform was purpose built to reduce noise and distractions
Messaging 3.0 is here, made possible through Blockchain Smart Contracts and Web 3.0
Clear Messages
Clear Your Inbox
1 ott 2022
22 ott 2022
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
Clear Mess Platform
Treasury Reserve
Public Sale
Engineering & QA, Advisors, Legal
Valute accettate
Contributo minimo
Dettagli della Compagnia
Nome della società registrata
Paese registrato
United States
Società fondata
Jan 1, 2022
dettagli aggiuntivi
Lista bianca

Di Clear Mess Platform

Cryptocurrency has met some, but not all, of its goals since its inception. The original goals included:
1. A decentralized store of value with privacy for its participants
2. Provide utility or value through a communications or messaging system
3. A transparent and decentralized payment system that would be freed from the financial
institutions that usually act as trusted third parties in online transactions
The second goal above is best captured in the following quote:

“I very much wanted to find some way to include a short message, but the problem is, the whole world would be able to see the message. As much as you may keep reminding people that the message is completely non-private, it would be an accident waiting to happen.”
- Satoshi Nakamoto

In the time span between 2009 when cryptocurrency was introduced, and 2022, the second goal of cryptocurrency (blockchain as a solution for a communications medium) has become increasingly relevant. The most popular messaging, communications, and social media platforms are overly noisy, distracting, filled with advertisements, and not useful on average to the everyday reader. This is based on the Web 2.0 traditional business model of creating an environment filled with Push Notifications, Alerts, Emails, and SMS messages to keep the consumer engaged in a hyperloop of constant stimulation and feedback. The long-standing issue with this approach is that critical and important information is lost amidst the noise and chatter of Web 2.0 product offerings. The Clear Mess Platform presents a Web 3.0 Blockchain solution to this problem.

% name% Roadmap

  • Cloud Messaging Platform MVP Partnerships & Integrations

  • Cloud Messaging
    Platform MVP
    & Integrations

Clear Mess Platform Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Tom Flannigan
Board Of Directors
non verificato
Luxi Ying
Board Of Directors
non verificato

Clear Mess Platform Ultime novità

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