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Bitfxt sta creando un ecosistema di trasparenza, fiducia, velocità e soddisfazione degli utenti. Abbiamo costruito il più grande scambio di criptovalute in Africa e stiamo rapidamente diventando lo scambio più preferito in Africa. Bitfxt è un'azienda IT che sviluppa software di blockchain di valore. Il nostro obiettivo è avvicinare la "blockchain" alle persone creando soluzioni decentrate interattive e facili da usare che saranno facilmente accessibili a chiunque
27 set 2018
27 nov 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Dettagli del token
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di Bitfxt

Bitfxt coin (BXT) is a ‘decentralized cryptocurrency built with a proof of stake algorithm. BXT Coin is the store of value in the Bitfxt ecosystem — an alliance of entities and technologies built on a world-class hardware infrastructure, proprietary blockchain technology, a decentralized, user friendly wallet system and a regulation-friendly global network of KYC authenticated users.   Poor technical architecture: Many exchanges are “put together quickly”, by good tech people, but who have little or no experience in finance or in operating an exchange. They often choose the simplest approach to get the system up and running. While this may work well in the beginning, as traffic grows, the system will not be able to handle the increased load. Exchange systems need to be engineered from the ground up with security, efficiency, speed, and scalability in mind. This often slows down the initial development, but is critical for long-term success. Our team has decades of combined experience building and maintaining world class financial systems that shape the economy. We understand how these systems are built from the ground up.   Insecure platform: There are hundreds of exchanges that went down due to being hacked. Bitfxt is built to high standards, audited, and penetration tested. We have experience, building financial systems to the highest security standards and strive to ensure security first. Poor market liquidity: Professional traders and normal users are significantly affected by this. Having a shallow order book means high slippage when trading, which is very expensive for traders. Getting miners, institutional investors and large traders into a new exchange is a chicken and egg problem, and requires a team with deep industry resources. Bitfxt’s team have been in both the finance and crypto industry for many years. The team has worked on and operated a number of exchanges, and have accumulated a large network of partners in this space. These partners will be key in bootstrapping the exchange.

Poor customer service: Traders are a different breed when it comes to users. Understanding the trader mentality is vital for running a successful exchange. Money is literally on-the-line. Many exchanges service traders as if they were running a social media site. A 3-second delay in seeing your friends’ status update would hardly be noticed, but on an exchange, the same would be unacceptable, resulting in a torrent of user complaints. In additional to the technology stack, Bitfxt is built with service in mind. Bitfxt shares support responsibilities across the entire staff and company. When a trader has a problem, they get an answer directly from someone who knows the system and not someone reading from a script.

Bitfxt Squadra

verificata 100%

Franklin Peters
Mubashar Iqbal
Software Engineer


$210 000

Eden Gomez
PR and Community Manager

Bitfxt Interviste

Franklin Peters
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My Name is Franklin Peters. I am the Chief Executive Officer and founder of Bitfxt Technology. I am a business mentor and blockchain expert who has worked as adviser in other successful blockchain projects,
What do you think about idea?
Bitfxt technology projects are mind blowing. We are focused on building interactive systems that would bring blockchain technology closer to the people.
Mubashar Iqbal
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My name is Mubashar Iqbal and I am mainly playing a role on the technical side. Nearly 8 years I worked as a software engineer on different project those prepared me to take new challenges and how to overcome them :)
What do you think about idea?
Blockchain is a disruptive technology and evolving continuously, every morning you have something new and interesting to learn. By keeping the advantages and use cases of blockchain technology Bitfxt provides out of the box blockchain based solutions, where mainly focusing on the building of interactive systems.
Eden Gomez
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the PR and Community Manager of BitFXT, I am in charge in some dealings and partnership with our project. I am also managing people that will work for us as a team.
What do you think about idea?
BitFXT has a different views than other platform and we have a unique features that cannot be found in their exchanges. If you want to know all of it, visit our website. We also have the lowest fees among other paid exchanges in the market yet one of the good exchanger.

Bitfxt Ultime novità

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