Biometric Financial

Biometric Financial

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Biometric Finance ($BioFi) is a utility token that serves as the glue holding together a secure set of solutions developed by Finnovant, Inc., and Finnovant key partners. The BioFi ecosystem leverages biometric security to provide decentralized finance (DeFi) products and services riding on the blockchain. Finnovant’s core biometric solutions rely on our Say-Tec voice and facial authentication product line, which is now being used in the ecosystem globally. Finnovant is a Fintech startup company specializing in biometric authentication to secure financial products and services.

The BioFi ecosystem has already been launched and is equipped with real life utility for all holders of the $BioFi utility token. Partners can integrate easily with the BioFi ecosystem, highlighting the unique utility advantage that the entire service can bring. BioFi addresses the concerns many people have about safeguarding their personal data and being safe from exploitation by fraudsters.
Pre Sale
28 mar 2022
18 apr 2022
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Obbiettivo 250 000.00 USD
berretto 1 000 000.00 USD
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
Total Public/Private Sale for $BioFi: 20%
Total Team / Partnership Allocation for $BioFi: 32%
Individual Network Contributor Rewards for $BioFi: 24%
Enterprise and Organizational Contribution Rewards Pool for $BioFi: 24%
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Nome della società registrata
Finnovant, Inc.
Paese registrato
United States
dettagli aggiuntivi

% name% Roadmap

  • Operations & Roadmap

  • Q1-Q4 2023
    Certification of next gen Phēnix X1 with the FCC, Google, and the major U.S. mobile carriers
    Launching insurance services with BioFi
    Implement offboarding to fiat currency
    Apply BioFi to other industries
    Q3-Q4 2022
    Demonstrate Beta of node mining on Phēnix X1 phone
    Demonstrate proof of concept of insurance rewards pool/services
    Q1-Q2 2022
    Mint BioFi Token
    Integrate $BioFi with Hypergraph
    Begin implementation of node mining on Phēnix X1 phone
    Begin implementation of insurance rewards pool/services
    Q4 2021
    Launch $BioFi Pre-sales
    Define Insurance Rewards Services
    Q3 2021
    Launch Krptic Wallet
    Launch Finnovant and BioFi Websites

Biometric Financial Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Brian Maw
non verificato
Chris Benedict
CRO, Business Development Lead
non verificato
Stephen Fitzpatrick
non verificato
Maggie Lin
Director, Global Business Development
non verificato
Kwok Lh Wong
General Manager Asia Pacific
non verificato
Sandra Matthews
Director of Marketing
non verificato
Cody Dyer
Chief Strategy Officer
non verificato
Rick Toman
Founder, Chief Strategist Torus Solutions
non verificato


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Cliff Jurgens
Advisor, Customer Success
non verificato


$33 700 000

Benjamin Diggles
Chief Strategy Officer, Constellation Network, Pro...
non verificato

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