

Created using Figma
ArtMeta is a hyper-realistic virtual world, based on an imaginary island conceived by acclaimed painter Jonathan Delachaux, executed in collaboration with Romain Donnot, a Live FX and digital visionary. The island itself is a work of art that has been 11 years in the making. Each element within the island has a purpose, meaning, and story.
To be announced
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Di Artmeta

Delachaux has worked with a geologist, biologist, volcanologist, and astrologist to ensure the elements, details, and configuration of the island are congruent with nature. He also worked with an economist, and an ex-UN diplomat on the logistics of society, how it should function and how one may become part of it. The purpose of creating this state-of-the-art metaverse is to eliminate the boundaries of the physical world, giving accomplished creators the means to fully express their artistic vision and reveal new possibilities.

In this beautiful place, all the doors will be open and visitors will be able to experience endless artist- and gallery-created places both indoors and outdoors, with regular live events as well as high-end exhibitions.

A perfect mix of Soho, Art Basel, and the Venice Biennale, art enthusiasts will be able to purchase extremely rare NFT-based artwork from world-class art galleries and artists.

% name% Roadmap

  • 11.12.2021

  • Seed Round @ Trust Swap Private Round @ Trust Swap Public Round @ Trust Swap Set up of development team Set up of sourcing team Infrastructure/security implementation.
  • 2022

  • Development of Alpha Version Art Metaverse Onboarding of Tier 1 Key Galleries and Artists Production and Sales of NFTs Rental of objects.
  • 2023

  • Development of Beta Version Art Metaverse Scaling up of Metaverse Participants.

Artmeta Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Roger Haas
CEO, Head of Sourcing
non verificato
Romain Donnot
CTO, Head of Platform Development
non verificato
Jonathan Delachaux
Artistic Director
non verificato

Artmeta Ultime novità

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