ArchAngel Token

ArchAngel Token

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The ArchAngel Token is a dynamic project designed at onset to drive the global adoption and comprehensive use of cryptocurrency and digital assets. The token’s self-sustaining ecosystem and tokenomics support a constantly growing and thriving ecosystem designed to add value. Our continuous dual-track development of Features and Epics ensure the project adds immediate value while also focusing on solving problems associated with the adoption of crypto and digital assets.
To be announced
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Di ArchAngel Token

Archa Staking Pool: Archa’s ERC20 token (ARCHA) is the base token within the ecosystem and offers investors with the opportunity to stake their Archa tokens.

Staked tokens earn holders passive rewards with additional Archa tokens, but more importantly they earn native tokens from every project within the Ecosystem within Archa’s Distribution of Value (DoV) model. Each token within the ArchAngel ecosystem provides a portion of their transactional taxes back to the Archangel staking pools where they are distributed to stakers. Earn tokens from each and every project in the Ecosystem (including Archa) by simply staking your Archa.

The ArchAngel Token’s primary use case is to create a framework where core teams of researchers, analysts, engineers, and developers focus on specific issues or problems within crypto and digital assets. Problems and issues are analyzed using Root Cause Analysis. Next, the teams engineer and design potential solutions to solve the discovered problems, issues, or risks. Each solution then transforms into an ArchAngel Epic. Each Epic is launched into our Distribution of Value ecosystem where the independent token interacts with users while interfacing (exchange of data and services) with other projects within the ecosystem.

ArchAngel Token Squadra

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Co-Founder, Program Director
non verificato
Co-Founder, Lead Developer
non verificato
Storm Crypto
Graphics Artist & Illustrator
non verificato
Marketing Lead
non verificato
Ed K
Co-Founder, Techie
non verificato
non verificato
Solutions Analyst
non verificato
Graphics Artist & Illustrator
non verificato


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non verificato

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