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ALFCOIN® is the first Crypto Hedge Fund in the crypto world that offers you the most attractive investments plans.
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An hyper-deflationary token built on BSC(Bep20) that rewards holders of ALF on monthly basis with very attractive interest rates.

Our “Fox Vault” investment plans are the heart of Alfcoin which was designed and thought around it. Fox Vault rewards its investors with up to 313% APY interests rates, these high rates are possible because of compounding interests. Indeed, our optimized yield-generating products generate profits through daily trading on financial markets (Dow Jones, Nasdaq, Dax, etc) and these profits are then used to generate even more added value.

All trades are made by human traders, no bot are involved so we can guarantee optimal risk and money management, supervised by expert risk manager. Also, the health of the market isn’t necessary a concern, our traders trade both ways: Buying assets to sell on an upward price movement (long) and selling assets to buy on a downward price movement (short).

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