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Ultimo aggiornamento

19 nov 2019

Agrolifecoin is a social network of agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing, where everyone can have their own stores to sell or buy products, both farmers and companies dedicated to the sale of agricultural products and tools. But this time in cryptocurrencies.
4 nov 2019
30 dic 2019
100% completato
$1 000 000
10% berretto completato
Obbiettivo 1 000 000.00 USD
berretto 10 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 AGLC
    0.11 USD
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
Company Reserved 52%
Co-Founders 40%
1st 5000 Users 2%
1st 5000 Users who buy 1000 AGLC %2
1st 1000 pro subscribers 4%
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Nome della società registrata
Paese registrato
Società fondata
Mar 20, 2017
Struttura bonus
Partners and advisors 30%
Team 20%
Marketing 20%
Bounties 15%
Bounus 15%
dettagli aggiuntivi
MVP / Prototipo
Lista bianca
, a partire dal May 29, 2019 fino Aug 23, 2019

Di Agrolifecoin

The AgrolifeCoin system grows thanks to the efforts of multiple stakeholders in our cryptocurrency and in our project. So far it has been funded by a group of cofounders and the AgrolifeCoin team. It aims to be the alternative to financial institutions in developing countries to improve credit capacities in the agricultural sector.

It should not ignore the fact that the primary sector environment is generated an important parallel economic activity, which has to do with other sectors such as transport, technical, economic and legal advice, biotechnology or creation of means of production. If the agricultural sector is of great importance in developed countries, in those that are still developing, this importance is even greater. In these environments, agriculture is the true axis that supports the subsistence of the population (in 2005 it occupied between 18 and 22% of the active population and today almost 40%), reduces poverty, creates jobs and resources energetics to self-supply the activity.

The majority of farmers in these countries also lack consolidated financial systems and that can able to support large agricultural extension projects. The most important source of funding comes from corporate initiatives and is often limited and ineffective. All this makes them perfect scenarios to apply the project and its AgrolifeCoin currency. Currently, intense work sessions are being held with groups in countries in Europe, Africa and Latin America to promote the project.

% name% Roadmap

  • Agrolifecoin

  • First meeting to define Agrolifecoin Project
  • Social Netvork

  • Launch of the social netvork with all services and stores inclued
  • Creation Company

  • Creation of the company AGROLIFEGREN SL registered in Spain with CIF B04860227
  • IEO

  • Launch of the IEO on the latoken platform.
  • Leggi di più
  • Blockchain

  • Creation of a decentralized application for mobile phones with chat, wallets and stores include.
  • Aquaponics

  • Purchase of farms to start up plantations of organic products and the creation of a pilot plant for aquaponics

Agrolifecoin Squadra

verificata 75%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$1 000 000

Traian Borgovan


$1 000 000

Dan Ioica
Financial Manager


$1 000 000

Lauro Moraes
Public Relations
Calina Borgovan
Agricultural Engineer
Tancredo Cecato
IT Director
non verificato
Susana Andujar
Marketing Manager
Claudiu Dumitru Munt...
Francisco Díaz Herná...
Lead Blockchain Developer
non verificato


verificata 100%

Jose Francisco

Agrolifecoin Interviste

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
The Cryptocurrency designed for the primary sector. The only one with its own social network, Agrolifecoin, Where everyone can share their stuff and be able to sell and buy Agricultural Product.
What do you think about idea?
AgrolifeCoin is a Cryptocurrency with a huge mission: To turn global agriculture into the most profitable investment in history.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Salve il mio rolo e di Manager financiar e sono uno dei primi investittori su agrolifecoin.Sono contentto del lavoro fatto con la squadra e sono fiducioso che abiamo preso la direzione giustta.
What do you think about idea?
La mia vizione e che si po fare grande cose con la criptovaluta di agrolifecoin per tutti gli agricultori del mondo.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
A Rede Social Agrolifecoin e sua criptomoeda AGLC são uma exelente ideia que muito podem beneficiar a agricultura familiar e os pequenos agricultores ao redor do mundo bem como toda a industria deste meio.
What do you think about idea?
Estou orgulhoso por estar desde o inicio do projeto, acredito que os beneficios de relacionamentos possiveis na Rede Social podem aproximar pessoas ao redos do mundo com os mesmo objetivos e metas pessoais que, podem gerar intercambios de conhecimento gerando prosperidade e riquezas para todos neste meio descentralizado das criptomoedas.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
AgrolifeCoin es una red social de agricultura, caza, silvicultura y pesca, donde todos pueden tener sus propias tiendas para vender o comprar productos. Tanto los agricultores como las empresas dedicadas a la venta de productos y herramientas agrícolas pueden unirse a la plataforma e introducir su oferta en el mercado internacional sin fronteras o fronteras formadas por intermediarios y requisitos de sistemas de pago restrictivos.
What do you think about idea?
El objetivo clave de AgrolifeCoin es crear un ecosistema global, transparente, eficiente y seguro que permita a las empresas agrícolas y de alimentos reducir significativamente los gastos relacionados con la producción, las ventas y la logística. El proyecto da la bienvenida a todos los entusiastas de la criptografía para que participen en el IEO y ayuden a AgrolifeCoin a construir un futuro mejor para la agricultura y los alimentos que consumiremos nosotros y nuestros hijos.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As part of the Agrolifecoin project I have the mission of getting the message as far as possible. It is a responsibility not only with the project, but also with the agricultural ecosystem, since much of its problem is a matter of lack of efficiency in issues of distribution and commercialization and, above all, lack of financial support from state and financial agencies. And Agrolifecoin wants to be an alternative to alleviate the extent of what can be many of those problems. It is important to give real solutions to agriculture and return something of value to farmers who with their daily work and effort supply our food and our needs. Without them few could survive. It is a sign of respect for this Sector that, being so important, has so little visibility and little recognition. That is our Mission, to give Agriculture a valuable resource so that it can restructure what has been denigrated by policies and decisions that are not right.
What do you think about idea?
Puede ser una revolución para millones de personas donde su supervivencia depende de la agricultura. Una revolución para la Agricultura en sí. Es dar herramientas y valor a un sector en declive para miles de pequeños productores donde pordrán competir a la altura de grandes corporaciones que cada vez acaparan y desestructura mucho más el mercado. La globalización no tiene porqué ser algo negativo para los pequeños productores porque gracias a Agrolifecoin podrán dar valor a su trabajo y que los consumidores podamos elegir a quien compramos nuestros productos agrícolas cada día.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I’m very satisfied to participate in this project and y want to do everything for the success of the project
What do you think about idea?
It’s a very good idea and y think the coin it’s a very good investment for the future, the people can gain much money.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Pertenecer a proyectos de este tipo es lo que hace no se pierda la esperanza de hacer del que tenenmos un mundo mejor en el futuro, ese mundo que dejaremos a nuestros hijos, nietos... y que vamos tomando conciencia de que necesitamos hacer algunos cambios al resperto.
What do you think about idea?
La Agricultura es nuestra base no solo económica, tambien existencial, si no tenenmos para comer es dificil que ninguna tecnología nos mantenga vivos en este planeta.

Agrolifecoin Ultime novità

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