84Hub Token

84Hub Token

Created using Figma
84hub aims to create an alternative unique ‘fee-free’ protocol for building decentralized applications.
23 dic 2021
23 gen 2022
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
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Di 84Hub Token

Blockchain Technology is The Most Secure and Safest Way to Save Data. There are Many More Benefits Of Using Blockchain Technology. That's Why Now a Days Blockchains are Being Used in Businesses, Enterprises, and Public Networks.

Blockchain Became Famous by Being Used for Crypto Currencies and Smart Contracts on Public Blockchain Networks Like Ethereum, Where People Create And Deploy Smart Contracts and Many Kind of Decentralised apps.

Now As we Know there Are Lots of Benefits Using Blockchain Technology, There are few Issues when we use It For Cryptocurrencies and Smart Contracts (tokens, Nfts Etc).

The Major issue is The Gas We pay As Fee for Deployments and All Kind of Transactions. Gas is basically Used to Protect the Network From Attacks and Decrease the vulnerability of Network. It Goes As a reward to The Nodes,  which are Helping the Network to be Stable.

The Native Coin Of Network is Always Used to Pay Gas fee. Which is a Beautiful Concept, as Long as Native Coin is being Traded at Lower Prices. But When Native coin Becomes Expensive, the Fees are Also Effected. For Example, Ethereum Network Use Ether as Gas to Pay for Every Action. As Much as Ether is Traded at Higher Prices, Gas(fee) is Also Becoming Higher.

84Hub Solves this Issue. 84hub Network is More Secure, More efficient, More Fast, Handles More Transactions and Fee-Free Blockchain Network. You don't Need to Pay Any Valuable Assets  From Your Wallet to Deploy Smart contracts or Transactions. It Is Completely Free Forever. You Can Build Everything What you do On Ethereum or All Other Hard forks of Ethereum.

84HuB is Also Compatible with Existing Dapps  on Binance Smart chain Or Other Ethereum Forks. Means You can Easily Migrate to 84HuB SuperChain For Fee-Free Model. Where All Your Projects will be More Fast , More secure, and Free From Paying Expensive Gas Fees Forever.

We want to Provide True Decentralisation to the World. Where Nobody Controls or Manifest Anything just Like Nature and Universe. This Is 84HuB is All About.

% name% Roadmap

  • Quarter 4 2021

  • Launching an IDO
    1st Phase of IDO will be launched.
  • Quarter 1 2022

  • Listing of HUBT on Biggest DEX
    84hub Token will be listed on PancakeSwap.
  • Quarter 2 2022

  • Development of 84HuB Super Chain
    Focused Development of 84HuB Super Chain. Spreading awareness regarding 84hub Project and reason of it's existence and need, Educating and answering the concerns of the community.
  • Quarter 3 2022

  • Launch of 84HuB Super Chain & HUBC (84HuB Coin)
    84Hub SuperChain Mainnet & Testnet will be Released. HUBC will be available for swap with HUBT.
  • Leggi di più
  • Quarter 4 2022

  • Launch of 84HuB Swap DEX.
    84HubSwap will be available to Enjoy Fee-Free Swaps and Various other Uses.
  • To Be Continued.....

  • Future Upcoming Projects on Super Chain:

    * NFT Platform

    * State of Art Metaverse

    * Next Gen Play to Earn Gaming Platform

    * 84 Launch Pad

    * Social HUB (No Cancel Culture)

    * 84HuB Decentralized Crypto Banking

    * 84HuB ATMs

    * 84HuB Payment gateway & POS Integration

    List will be Continued...

84Hub Token Squadra

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Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Manjinder Singh
Founder / Developer of 84HuB Superchain
non verificato


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Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

R.s Bajwa
Investor / Advisor
non verificato
Shadi Ayoub
Advisor / Blockchain Developer
non verificato

84Hub Token Ultime novità

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