

Created using Figma
A NEM powered video game distribution/exchange platform which disintermediates established “middle men” (the app stores) and create a direct relationship between the game publishers and gamers


- Provides a platform with all video games having NEM wallets built-in SDK whereby the gamers can exchange XEM for the in-game tokens and vice versa
- No need for a linked credit card for in-app purchases, so one has faster transferring using the XEM crypto, thereby reducing publisher risks
- It allows the game publishers to rely less on generating revenue from advertisements, which annoy the gamers usually and to make more revenue from in-app purchases
- Allows the gamer to realise into crypto currencies as the game rewards are directly linked to cryptocurrencies
- The blockchain API’s will allow games on the platform to interact directly with one another using “blockchain nodes,” which in-turn will make any third party middleware irrelevant

Info Teknis

Technical details:  CSharp2nem conveniently packages the Nem blockchain solution API's for easier integration into C# projects. Because CSharp2nem handles all cryptographic signing and encryption, it doesn't require a Nem node running locally. This makes it suitable for usage in low power and mobile device application as well as standard desktop applications. The source code:  The code is not available Proof of developer:  Public team

Xarcade Tim

Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Otto Von Nostitz
Co-Founder & CEO
tidak diverifikasi


$248 115 247

Lon Wong
Co-founder and Head of Strategy
tidak diverifikasi
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