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Pembaharuan Terakhir

26 Apr 2018

TTC menyediakan protokol blockcahin yang didesentralisasi dan diberi insentif untuk jaringan sosial generasi berikutnya. TTC mendesentralisasi dan mengembalikan nilai komersial kepada pengguna yang mengolah dan menumbuhkan nilai jejaring sosial.
  • Pasar
    Volume 24H
    24 jam (harga)
    24 jam (volume)
  • Upbit
    TTC/BTC % hitung% bulan lalu
    $ 0.0223
    $ 202.195 K
  • Bibox
    TTC/USDT % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0363
    $ 13.136 K
  • Bittrex Global
    TTC/BTC % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0734
    $ 435.69
  • Upbit
    TTC/KRW % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0539
    $ 20.855 M
  • Upbit
    TTC/KRW % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0539
    $ 20.855 M
  • Bibox
    TTC/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0238
    $ 5.52 K
  • Bibox
    TTC/BTC % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0253
    $ 223.49
  • TokoCrypto
    TTC/IDR % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0203
    $ 9.77
  • Bitforex
    TTC/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
  • Bitforex
    TTC/USDT % count% satu tahun yang lalu
  • Coinzest
    TTC/KRW % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0667
    $ 3.05
  • Idex
    TTC/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0302
  • CryptoBridge
    TTC/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
  • CryptoBridge
    TTC/BTC % count% satu tahun yang lalu
  • Bamboo Relay
    TTC/WETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
  • Bibox
    TTC/BIX % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0261
    $ 0.5835
  • Kyber Network
    TTC/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.1182
  • Upbit
    TTC/KRW % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0702
    $ 5.902 M
  • Dcoin
    TTC/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.1607
    $ 1.129 K
  • Nexybit
    TTC/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0451
  • Nexybit
    TTC/BTC % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.1456
  • UEX
    TTC/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0118
    $ 51.222 K
    TTC/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0162
    $ 108.94
Main ICO
Apr, 2018
Mei, 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
12 Mar 2018
15 Mar 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
British Virgin Islands
detil tambahan
Daftar putih
iya nih ,
iya nih
Peron, Cryptocurrency, Hiburan


Pada TTC Protocol, pengguna jejaring sosial dihargai untuk menghasilkan, mendistribusikan, dan berinteraksi dengan pengguna lain dan konten sosial mereka. TTC Protocol mengembalikan nilai komersial kepada pengguna yang sama yang mengolah dan menumbuhkan nilai jejaring sosial.


Protokol TTC adalah platform terbuka yang memungkinkan pengembang membuat DAPP blockchain mereka sendiri dan mempromosikannya di platform TTC. Semua DAPP akan dapat diakses dengan satu akun pengguna dan dompet.

Protokol TTC juga akan mendukung platform iklan terpadu, menggunakan token TTC sebagai mata uang. Fungsi Masuk Tunggal (SSO) memungkinkan untuk berinteraksi dengan komunitas di seluruh ekosistem TTC.

Untuk mengimbangi beberapa kerugian dari platform Ethereum, protokol TTC akan menerapkan layanan transaksi hybrid on-chain / off-chain & nbsp;: semua transaksi akan diselesaikan pada blockchain Ethereum, sementara TTC menyimpan catatan transaksi dalam buku besar tidak rantai.

Sistem TTC terdiri dari 4 lapisan:

  • Alat Blockchain - arsitektur yang mendasarinya, termasuk basis data, jaringan, dll.;
  • TTC Core - lapisan untuk otorisasi terpadu, sistem token TTC, mesin hadiah dan dompet, dll .;
  • Platform Terbuka Protokol TTC - API dengan konten terpadu, manajemen pengguna dan informasi, dll.;
  • Aplikasi - DAPP dibuat oleh pengembang pihak ketiga.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q1, 2018

  • Implementation of smart contract. Deployment of the beta version of TTC public chain.
    Deployment of wallet on webpage. Pre ICO and main ICO.
  • Q2, 2018

  • Deployment of the stable version of TTC public chain. TTC on exchange
  • Q3, 2018

  • Deployment of the reward
    engine and social network.
    Beta launch of the
    application for iOS &
  • Q4, 2018

  • Launch of tataUFO on TTC open platform.
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • 2019

  • Roll-out full on-chain solution.


Diverifikasi 100%

Brian Cheng
President & Founder
Chase Chang
VP, Ecosystem
Yixiao Wang
Product Director
Yuanyong Zhai
Technical Director
He Zhang
Design Director
Jie Wu
Growth Director
Peng Liu
Technical Lead
Xiangyang Wang
Technical Lead


$29 326 000

Liang Zhang
Technical Lead
Yi Mo
Senior Product Manager
Bingqing Chen
Senior Product Manager
Shihao Guo
Senior Product Manager
Yunji Ma
Design Lead


Brian Cheng
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a Founder and President, I am in charge of overall management and strategy of the foundation.
Chase Chang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role at TTC is to grow the ecosystem by partnering with key social networks around the globe. I believe that TTC will restructure the value chain of the current social network platforms by recognizing and incentivizing the contribution of each member openly and directly.
Yixiao Wang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As the Product Director,I think TTC is a revolutionary advance for social networks. I am proud of that everyone can get rewards by TTC.
Yuanyong Zhai
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role in TTC is the technical director, changing social networking with technology, redefining the value of social platforms, and allowing users to participate in the generation and distribution of value.
He Zhang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Design directer
Jie Wu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role at TTC is growth strategy.I am excited to get more people to participate in the new global youth social network which will be distinctive.
Peng Liu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As technical leader, I believe TTC will can make our App be one of most valuable social network App in future.
Xiangyang Wang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As the product development technical leader, I think TTC will promote our App more active, it will provide better content and services for users, and also provide better platform for advertisers. So TTC will have huge investment value.
Liang Zhang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As iOS Technology Lead at TTC, I believe that blockchain will change the world, and TTC will gain far greater value.
Yi Mo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As the product manager and protocol designer, I believe TTC would change the way people communicate in social network, and bring a brand new experience to social participants all over the world.
Bingqing Chen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As the product manger at TTC, I think TTC will make content of network more valuable, and the reward will make author creat more quality content.
Shihao Guo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the main participant in the white paper and ICO website at TTC. As the first social networking protocol on blockchain indeed, I believe that it will have a great value.
Yunji Ma
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As design lead at TTC, I think TTC defines a new protocol of social networking, and it will bring us exciting experiences.

TTC PROTOCOL Berita terakhir

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