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Pembaharuan Terakhir

26 Mar 2018

Tim Triggmine telah menciptakan sistem yang benar-benar cerdas yang tidak hanya otomatis
pengiriman email tetapi juga menyesuaikan dengan parameter bisnis dan individu yang selalu berubah
karakteristik masing-masing pelanggan. Ini dimungkinkan karena teknologi yang diadopsi
dalam solusi mereka: AI dan blockchain.
Triggmine mewakili tingkat evolusi berikutnya dalam pemasaran email untuk smalland
pengecer berukuran sedang. Pengguna tidak perlu lagi mengkonfigurasi secara manual tanpa akhir
daftar, segmentasi basis data, dan persiapkan milis - semua ini ditangani oleh
Sistem cerdas Triggmine berdasarkan pada data pengguna.
Triggmine token adalah metode pembayaran internal sistem pada platform dan
digunakan untuk mengumpulkan biaya platform dan pembayaran untuk layanan dan produk. Semua
pengguna perlu membeli token untuk menggunakan layanan dan produk Triggmine.
20 Sep 2018
20 Okt 2018
100% lengkap
$4 970 557
topi keras
53% topi keras lengkap
Topi 1 500.00 ETH
Topi keras 3 000.00 ETH
11 Jun 2018
11 Jul 2018
100% lengkap
$4 608 056
307203% topi lengkap
Topi 1 500.00 USD
  • 1 TRG
    0.1 USD
16 Apr 2018
30 Apr 2018
100% lengkap
$3 041 317
101% topi lengkap
Topi 3 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 TRG
    0.1 USD
Detail Token
Total pasokan
Distribusi Token
Pre-sale - 31,000,000 TRG - 5%
Main sale - 248,000,000 TRG - 40%
Network development fund - 93,000,000 TRG - 15%
Advisers - 31,000,000 TRG - 5%
Team - 124,000,000 TRG - 20% (locked for 18 months)
Bounty campaign - 620,000 TRG - 1%
Reserve - 62,000,000 TRG - 10% (vested for 36 months)
Legal and ambassadors - 24,800,000 TRG - 4%
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Kontribusi Min
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
detil tambahan
MVP / Prototipe
iya nih
Negara yang Dibatasi
China, Singapore

Tentang Triggmine

Triggmine adalah sistem cerdas untuk otomatisasi pemasaran email berdasarkan teknologi blockchain dan kontrak pintar. Layanan ini memungkinkan pengusaha eCommerce untuk menjalankan kampanye pemasaran email yang hemat biaya dengan menggunakan sistem yang digerakkan oleh AI. jaminan kontrak pintar dari harapan yang terpenuhi. Teknologi blockchain memastikan 100% penggunaan Triggmine aman dan menguntungkan.
Triggmine Coin (TRG) dirancang untuk melakukan fungsi kunci akses pra-pemesanan yang memungkinkan akses ke masing-masing layanan Triggmine di mana pengguna membayar berlangganan bulanan ke Triggmine .


- Kampanye email otomatis berbasis pemicu

- Kampanye email autopilot (berdasarkan algoritma pintar)

- Perpustakaan templat (196 item)

- Email dan kampanye terkirim yang tidak terbatas dibuat

- Kontrak pintar (akan digunakan sebelum dimulainya penjualan utama)

- Masternodes & nbsp; (akan digunakan setelah menyelesaikan ITO)

& nbsp;

Info Teknis

Untuk semua informasi teknis, silakan hubungi kami langsung di

% name% Roadmap

  • June 2018

  • Smart contract deployment

Triggmine Materi

Triggmine Tim

Diverifikasi 100%

Igor Solovyov
Max Solovyov
Den Chikalov
Chief Operating Officer
Alexander Glushchenk...
Serhii Myrko
Business Analyst
Tonya Makarenko
Content Marketing Manager
Roman Krutko
Data Scientist
Igor Stavytskyi
Senior Software Engineer
Stas Havryliuk
Customer Service Manager
Alex Kagan
Digital Marketing Manager


Diverifikasi 100%


$14 223 584

Alex Momot
Andrey Khavryuchenko

Triggmine Wawancara

Igor Solovyov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
In Triggmine Token Sale, cryptocurrency is not about raising funds, but developing unique solutions. Crypto is good. Artificial Intelligence is better. Crypto + AI is gorgeous!
Max Solovyov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Email marketing automation is an unchallenged trend in the business world. Yet entrepreneurs are still not able to fully benefit from it because they lack the time or professional knowledge. We want to change that. With this in mind, we’ve designed Triggmine, the first solution that allows entrepreneurs to run their business instead of email campaigns.
Den Chikalov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Entrepreneurs will get real help instead of a sales pitch. With the Triggmine off- the-shelf solution, they will be able to run their business efficiently. Full automation of email marketing by AI will allow them to not only save time, but also track the statistics of the applied efforts. And all this without needing the services of additional specialists.
Alexander Glushchenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Cryptocurrency projects have become mainstream, and finding a unique one to contribute to is even harder, as they rarely differ from one another. Triggmine stands out from the pack by combining an AI-driven solution and AI-based blockchain technology. For Triggmine, cryptocurrency is not a target, but a means.
Serhii Myrko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Business Analyst
Tonya Makarenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Triggmine is the first solution in email marketing automation that allows entrepreneurs to run their business instead of email campaigns. this became possible due to the mix of artificial intelligence, smart contract, and best marketing practices.
Roman Krutko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As an off-the-shelf solution based on a blockchain technology, Triggmine is very different from its competitors in the email marketing automation market. It was initially designed not as a feature or additional tool but as an inherently new approach to how the email marketing process is performed. The next step is to introduce the AI algorithm to make Triggmine a happy medium in a world of extremes.
Igor Stavytskyi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
A basic premise for successful business collaboration is reliability. This AI and blockchain-driven solution can address the challenge and create the needed level of credibility.
Alex Momot
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Triggmine's team is experienced professionals with long data record of success. I'm sure they will deliver outstanding product.
Andrey Khavryuchenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The Triggmine team has created a truly intelligent system that not only automates email marketing but also adjust to the ever-changing business parameters and individual characteristics of each customer. I'm advising on blockchain architecture.
Stas Havryliuk
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Triggmine is an intelligent system for email marketing automation based on the blockchain technology and smart contracts. The service enables eCommerce entrepreneurs to run cost-efficient email marketing campaigns by using the AI-driven system. The smart contract is a guarantee of fulfilled expectations. The blockchain technology ensures 100% secure and advantageous usage of Triggmine.
Alex Kagan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
New technology in a fast-developing field can be an excellent long-term contribution. The adoption of artificial intelligence is still very much a grassroots movement, and the problem of email marketing, which Triggmine solves at the same time, is an indication of the prospects for continued development and enduring interest in the project.

Triggmine Berita terakhir

5.0 19
ICO Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a decentralized network protocol for Email Marketing Automation based on block chain and smart contracts enabling ecommerce entrepreneurs to run cost-efficient email marketing campaigns by using AI-driven system.


  • Control over personal data: The platform fully facilitates the users to have full control over their personal data and are able to sell access to their personal data  by accepting TRG  but remain to be the only owners of the data
  • Fundamental privacy : All the users data is encoded with private keys and special algorithms by their owners  and hence no party can gain direct access to the data
  • Strong economic incentivation model: This enables the platform network participants to receive rewards for their contributions to the network
  • Open and free market: The platform provide free market for different players  ranging from the marketing agencies, advertisers, traffic  and lead generators  hence providing open market services  through the decentralized  system
  • No human intervention: The platform enables evolution of email marketing to small and medium sized retailers  as the users no longer need to manually configure endless lists, segments database and prepare mailing lists as all that is done through the platform
  • The platform has a credible team under the guidance the founder  Igor Solovyov  who has many years of experience in business development, marketing, project management  and assisted by other
  • The platform white paper is has all the details required by the users to enable them drive the importance of the platform


  • The platform white paper  is lacking the involved team
  • The TRG token doesn’t give the users more incentives making them to have no rights
  • The white paper is not available in other languages  hindering the platform use in other areas


  • The whitepaper should include the involved team with their professional experiences to enable the users
  • The TRG token should be made compatible with other  crypto currencies  to enable its widespread use in all countries


The platform  helps in streamlining the process of email marketing for SMEs  building  a good customers relationship  through the combination of an AI-driven email marketing  and AI-based blockchain technology  making it more viable  hence promoting me to invest in it.


Baca lebih banyak

Everything produced in this article was made for educational purposes only. If you do plan on investing in ICOs, do so at your own risk. Positives Ease of Use: With Triggmine, digital marketers can create their own email campaigns within minutes after purchasing TRG coin and using their platform. Increases Lead Generation: You don’t have to search for email leads when using Triggmine manually. It’s A.I. network will find leads related to your search criteria and help you create a marketing campaign to attract them. Customer Insights: Customer’s opinions are heard when using Triggmine. You’ll be able to improve your customer’s interest in your product once they are reached by your marketing campaign. Negatives CRM integration: Triggmine lacks a feature that lets users upload their own customer relationship management system into their platform. This makes it difficult for marketers to connect with customers included in their campaign. Limited CMS Available: Some popular content marketing strategies aren’t available yet. We’ll have to see if Triggmine adds features later on as they complete their roadmap.

Baca lebih banyak
News, reviews

While email marketing on our online systems seems compelling, the marketing campaigns have little to show off regarding results. And although they can personalize your email campaigns, there is the need for a platform that can analyze a high volume of data. Triggmine use of blockchain technology by functioning on the neutral and decentralized network that will enable it to personalize the email campaign. As such, the blockchain technology is helping Triggmine meet the expectations where AI-based applications have failed. While I would presume Triggmine’s overall role in the industry will be negligible, the use of AI in email marketing will undoubtedly change careers.

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