Sword Coin

Sword Coin

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Sword Coin mengimplementasikan rantai blok khusus, mengimplementasikan perdagangan dan fitur spesifik platform aplikasi finetec, secara teknis terkait dengan perangkat lunak Sword Capital Brokerage pemenang penghargaan yang digunakan di lebih dari 100 negara, dan didasarkan pada basis pengguna yang ada menjamin basis pengguna yang luas dari mana Sword Coin dapat digunakan dalam perdagangan. Sword Capital mengimplementasikan teknologi yang memungkinkan para pedagang untuk menggunakan Sword Coin dengan mudah dan mulus untuk perdagangan menggunakan platform perdagangan yang ada. Untuk mencapai hal ini, platform perdagangan modal pedang terintegrasi dengan rantai blok koin pedang dan pertukaran lalu lintas koin pedang.
Data tidak tersedia
1 Jun 2018
31 Agu 2018
100% lengkap
$20 660 000
topi keras
41% topi keras lengkap
Topi 1 000 000 000.00 USD
Topi keras 50 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 SWD
    0.05 USD
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
detil tambahan
iya nih
Peron, Cryptocurrency, Kontrak Pintar

Tentang Sword Coin

Cryptocurrency has had a tremendous impact on the world. It is rising in popularity and provides people with new ways for transferring value. Bitcoin provided the first peer-to-peer electronic cash allowing online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution, using cryptography to achieve a trust free, decentralized system. Ethereum provided a blockchain platform for developing decentralized apps and multiple cryptocurrency tokens based on the Ethereum blockchain, sparking the growth of the industry by allowing people to rapidly create cryptocurrency tokens. Since then, over a thousand cryptocurrency tokens have been created and there are projects the world over working actively on creating many more.

Despite increasing popularity and usage, cryptocurrencies continue to face several issues and impediments to widespread usage. Cryptocurrencies continue to remain extremely volatile with their value changing rapidly not just day to day but even every minute.

Sword Capital is solving this combination of issues for cryptocurrencies while also providing technological innovation by developing Sword Coin. Sword Capital is a leading global brokerage and investment management firm that provides award winning technology platforms for trading in over 100 global markets. Thousands of people use the sword capital trading platforms on a daily basis, conducting billions of dollars of transactions every month. Sword Coin will be a customized cryptocurrency that is designed to be suitable for widespread usage, brokerage applications and investment management.

Sword Coin will implement a custom blockchain, allowing us to implement features specific to trading and fintech application platforms, and will be technologically tied to the award-winning Sword Capital brokerage software used in over 100 countries so that it will be available to the existing userbase of Sword Capital for use on our trading platforms. This assures a broad userbase that can make extensive usage of Sword Coin in their transaction right from the outset. Sword Capital will implement the technology to allow traders to easily and seamlessly use Sword Coin for conducting trading transactions using our existing trading platforms. In order to achieve this, the Sword Capital trading platforms will be integrated with the Sword Coin blockchain and the Sword Coin cryptocurrency exchange. Our Sword Coin integrated trading platform will be used to further develop and expand our business out of Hong Kong, where we have already established a company to focus on global business. Using sword coin for trading transactions through the Sword Capital platform will provide traders with advantages such as lower fees and other rewards. This will ensure widespread usage of Sword Coin and will also allow Sword Capital to perfect the blockchain technology for the Coin for use with trading platforms, as we have the full ecosystem for implementing and using the coin.

% name% Roadmap

  • Reached Softcap of $1 Million

  • Sword Coin ICO reached Softcap of $1 Million in 48 hours!
  • $4 Million Raised

  • Sword Coin ICO raised $4 million in few days

Sword Coin Tim

Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Mohammad Dakson
tidak diverifikasi
Sadiq Dakson
tidak diverifikasi
Nour Mohammadi
Strategy Planning and Business Development Manager
tidak diverifikasi
Mohsen Khan
Technical Analyst
tidak diverifikasi
Shaaswat Sharma
Technical Lead
tidak diverifikasi
Hisham Muneer
Lead Blockchain Developer
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Ankit Monga
Social Media & Community Manager
tidak diverifikasi
Saurabh Thakur
System Developer
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Vedant Singh
System Developer
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Sword Coin Berita terakhir

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