We want to enable Champions to identify their most loyal fans, unlock additional monetization possibilities and maximize the lifetime value of every fan by actively including them in the decision making process through voting with the unique Champion tokens. The Starzz ecosystem will further offer a wide array of products and services such as social media networking, live streaming, marketplace for merchandising and NFTs, marketing services, ticketing and many more.
Fans will finally have the power to influence the decisions and future of their favorite Champions, as well as a degree of interaction with them that they have never had access to before. We are also introducing a novel concept known as the Decentralized Autonomous Club, a sports club that is run democratically by all fans as a DAO. The purpose of the DAC is aligned with our main goal, which is to bring the decision power back where it belongs — in the hands of the fans.
The Starzz project creates a full-fledged, blockchain-based, crowd- and fanbase management ecosystem that will bring the interaction between Champions and their fans to a whole new level.
The project will enable every team, club, athlete, celebrity, influencer, artist, streamer and creator (collectively referred to as Champions) - regardless of the industry they are active in - to provide voting rights to their communities through their own unique tokens (hereby collectively referred to as Champion tokens) and thus allow their communities to directly participate in their decision-making process. Fans will be able to acquire the tokens, which will represent their tokenized survey points, and exercise their votes in polls created by their favorite Champions. The decisions will then be implemented by the Champions. These tokens will not possess a payment function and cannot be traded directly between individuals within the ecosystem.
Beyond the possibility of voting, Champions and their communities will have access to the first ever ecosystem with the most comprehensive set of tools for advanced interaction, all of which will be combined under one roof. The Supporterzz.com platform will pack all possible social media features offered by traditional solutions, streaming, various incentive programs, ticketing & renting, product and service listings on a marketplace, NFT listings and many others that are currently not offered by any existing solution at a single point of interaction.
Voting with Champion tokens
We are introducing unique tokens for every Champion that will give voting rights to its holders and will be tradable on the Starzz exchange.
Social media network
Our social media network will offer multiple tools for advanced interaction between fans and Champions.
The marketplace will offer multiple product and service listings including NFTs, ticketing and unique merchandise.
We are implementing multiple incentive mechanisms and an Ambassador program that will continuously reward users.
Diverifikasi 100%
Penawaran ini didasarkan pada informasi yang diberikan semata-mata oleh pemberi penawaran dan informasi lain yang tersedia untuk umum. Penjualan token atau acara pertukaran yang sama sekali tidak terkait dengan ICOholder dan ICOholder tidak memiliki keterlibatan di dalamnya (termasuk dukungan teknis atau promosi). Penjualan Token terdaftar dari orang-orang yang tidak memiliki hubungan dengan ICOholder yang hanya dapat membantu pelanggan melacak aktivitas yang terjadi di dalam keseluruhan token sector. Informasi ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk memberikan nasihat yang harus Anda andalkan. Anda harus mendapatkan saran profesional atau spesialis atau melakukan due diligence Anda sendiri sebelum mengambil, atau menahan diri, tindakan berdasarkan konten di situs kami. Syarat dan ketentuan apa pun yang dimasukkan oleh kontributor sehubungan dengan perolehan Token ada di antara mereka dan penerbit Token dan ICOholder bukanlah penjual Token tersebut. Pemegang ICO tidak memiliki tanggung jawab hukum atas setiap pernyataan yang dibuat oleh pihak ketiga sehubungan dengan penjualan Token dan setiap klaim atas pelanggaran kontrak juga harus dilakukan secara langsung terhadap entitas penerbit Token yang tercantum di sini. P>
Jika Anda memiliki masalah tentang sifat, kepatutan atau legalitas penjualan token ini atau orang-orang yang terlibat di dalamnya, hubungi info@icoholder.com dengan informasi rinci tentang masalah Anda. p> div>