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Pembaharuan Terakhir

23 Jul 2018

Investasi SB
Pendaftaran perusahaan perintis.
Dengan menggunakan pengalaman dan pengetahuan kami, kami menemukan area yang kaya akan balok batu. Kami mengeluarkan lisensi untuk penggunaan di bawah tanah, berlaku selama 25 tahun. Kami melakukan eksplorasi geologis, memperoleh sampel batu. Akhirnya, kami menjual perusahaan dengan lisensi untuk investor besar yang siap mengembangkan deposito.
1 Jul 2018
31 Agu 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
  • 1 SBI
    0.052 USD
15 Jun 2018
30 Jun 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
  • 1 SBI
    0.02 USD
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
detil tambahan

Tentang SBInvestitions

Currently, there is a growing speculative demand in the Russian market for ready-made deposits of block granite in connection with the scarcity of quality stone.

We want to partially meet this demand, receiving multiple returns for ourselves and our investors.

Along the way, we want to deal with the following problems:

1. The bowels of the Russian Federation, with all their wealth, belong to the people (according to the law) and are distributed by the state, In fact, only major businessmen and officials have access to them. And the further, the richer the rich become, the poorer the poor.

With the help of the blockchain, we want to enable small and medium-sized investors to participate in the process of using the national wealth and get from this income.

2. By attracting a wide range of possible investors and facilitating communication between the participants in the process, automation of allocation of investments and profits, we want to increase efficiency and reduce the time of search and collection of investments for our project, subsequently, applying the run-in model for any subsoil use project in Russia.

3. Deposits repeatedly change their owners. In the life cycle of the field there are multiple changes of owners.

We want to create in the detachment an information and document base on the deposits of this and the following projects, which in the future will make it easier for potential buyers to make the right decisions on buying and selling, transfer of rights, pledge and other actions related to project deposits.

The use of blockchain will make it possible to work more efficiently in the market, ensuring a qualitative and quantitative breakthrough in the entire sphere of subsoil use in Russia.

We represent the company "Invest Technologies", which exists since 2005, and is currently a co-founder of "EcoTechnology"​. EcoTechnology is the leading figure in the market of environmental design in the Republic of Karelia, a project investor for the exploration and extraction of construction stone to produce crushed stone, as well as an investor in the project for the extraction of construction sand.

We have already built and sold 5 projects of a similar kind, with an overall revenue of about 5 million USD. Even though our role in the projects has finished, we still keep in  touch with their owners. Here is an example of one of our projects: a quarry for the extraction of building stone and a crushed stone plant, is working very successfully bringing its owners about 3 million USD a month.

However, we are not going to talk about crushed stone now.

As to our highly respected investors, we would like to make the following offer for your consideration: a new project of preparation for industrial mining and the following sale of block stone fields of various colors (mostly black).

Block stone is widely used as raw material for the manufacture of ritual products, civil and road construction.

% name% Roadmap

  • Until June 30, 2018

  • PreICO with 60% discount.
  • By August 31, 2018

  • ICO.
  • Until January 31, 2019

  • Obtaining exploration licenses.
  • Until 31 July 2020

  • Protection of stocks of block stone.
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • Until June 30, 2021

  • Pre-sale preparation.
  • until December 31, 2021

  • Sale of deposits and redemption of SBI.

SBInvestitions Tim

Diverifikasi 67%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Belonogov Alexander
CEO. Businessman, ecologist, maecenas
Pyrozhenko Gennady
Geologist, discoverer of deposits in Karelia
tidak diverifikasi
Gliarianov Anton
Chief engineer-planner, land surveyor
tidak diverifikasi
Pozdnikin Konstantin
Javascript, solidity developer, analyst
Mukhin Arsenii
Lead javascript developer
Luzgin Sergey
Engineer, administrator.

Mantan anggota

Ignatieva Alexandra

SBInvestitions Wawancara

Belonogov Alexander
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Do you also think that the wealth of the earthly bowels belongs to all people? Join now! We have been trading in minerals for 13 years.
Pozdnikin Konstantin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We represent the company LLC Invest Technologies. We have been working on the subsoil use market of the Russian Federation for more than 13 years and are earning a very profitable business model.

If you want to take part in a profitable business to prepare for the sale of block stone deposits, welcome to our project!
Mukhin Arsenii
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am a leading web developer. I believe that the output of this project at the ICO will be a new word in the development of the industry.
Luzgin Sergey
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Our business is completely legal and open to investors. Join our project, we have very great opportunities and excellent development plans.

SBInvestitions Berita terakhir

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  • Jika Anda merasa ada masalah atau masalah yang harus diperbaiki pada konten ini, atau jika Anda ingin mengirimkan proyek ICO Anda sendiri untuk dicantumkan, Harap email kami.
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