Roburst Network [FROZEN]

Roburst Network [FROZEN]

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Cryptocurrency perlahan-lahan memasuki kehidupan sehari-hari kita sejak kemunculan Bitcoin pada tahun 2008. Kami telah melihat banyak cryptocurrency yang berbeda dirilis setelah itu, masing-masing meningkatkan yang sudah ada pada beberapa aspek. Sebagian besar solusi memperkenalkan masalah baru dan hari ini kami ingin menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.
Untuk melakukannya, kami menghadirkan Roburst Network, blockchain baru berdasarkan algoritma konsensus iDPOS. Ini akan memiliki konsekuensi sebagai berikut:
- Desentralisasi: Berkat cara iDPOS dirancang, kami memastikan jumlah minimum delegasi menandatangani blok.
- Konsumsi energi: Tidak seperti PoW yang membutuhkan banyak energi untuk memproses transaksi, PoS hampir tidak memerlukan energi.
- Kecepatan transaksi: jaringan kami dapat menangani 100.000 transaksi per detik, ini lebih dari Bitcoin, Ethereum atau bahkan jaringan Visa.
- Biaya transaksi: Dengan jumlah transaksi yang tinggi maka jaringan dapat memproses biayanya tetap rendah sementara tetap memberi remunerasi kepada para delegasi.
25 Mar 2018
24 Apr 2018
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Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
24 Feb 2018
25 Mar 2018
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Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
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Peron, Cryptocurrency, Kecerdasan buatan

Tentang Roburst Network [FROZEN]

Our goal is to resolve the problem that impacts many other cryptocurrencies: the transaction time. Our target is to complete transactions in less than a second.

Cryptocurrencies are slowly entering in our daily life since the emergence of Bitcoin in 2008. We have seen many different cryptocurrencies being released after that, each one improving the existing one on some aspects. Most of the solution introduced new problems and today we want to resolve those problems.

To do so we are presenting Roburst Network, a new blockchain based on iDPOS consensus algorithm. This will have the following consequences:

  • Decentralisation: Thanks to the way iDPOS is designed we ensure a minimum number of delegates are signing the blocks.
  • Energy consumption: Unlike PoW which requires a lot of energy to process transactions, PoS requires almost no energy.
  • Transaction speed: our network can handle 100,000 transaction per seconds, this is more than Bitcoin, Ethereum or even Visa network.
  • Transaction cost: With the high number of transactions the network can process the cost can be kept low while still remunerating the delegates. Furthermore the transactions inside Roburst Network will be sponsored and hence free for the user.

We are building our own blockchain using an enhanced version of the Delegated Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm that we called intelligent Delegated Proof-of-Stake or iDPOS. iDPOS is based on BitShares DPOS with improvements on the voting system, the privacy and the transaction speed.

Thanks to iDPOS people will be able to use cryptocurrency in their daily life. Indeed, with the ability to process up to 100,000 transactions per second, we offer people a new choice for transferring their money in a fast, secured and transparent way. All this keeping the network decentralized.

Our project is organised around 3 main items:

  • Roburst Trading Bot: a trading exchange linked to a bot that allow automatic trading. It can also be used in a manual way in which case the user receives regular market predictions directly on Telegram or Whatsapp.
  • Roburst Card and ATM: we are planning to provide users with Roburst Card and deploy Roburst ATM in the major cities of the world. This card allows payment and withdrawal of FIAT cash directly from your Roburst Trading account.
  • RoburstBridge: this will be used to connect different blockchains and deploy contracts that can interact with more than one blockchain.

% name% Roadmap

  • February 24th, 2018

  • Pre-sale stage starts.
    Pre-sale stage is open. To join Pre-sale, investors need to complete the whitelist registration provided by Roburst Network.
  • Pre-sale stage starts.

  • Pre-sale stage is open. To join Pre-sale, investors need to complete the whitelist registration provided by Roburst Network.
  • March 25th, 2018

  • Pre-sale ends, ICO stages start.
    Summary of the Pre-sale event, then move onto next stage: the ICO stage.
  • Pre-sale ends, ICO stages start.

  • Summary of the Pre-sale event, then move onto next stage: the ICO stage.
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • April 24th, 2018

  • ICO stages end. Summarize all stages with sales and unsold coins.
  • ICO stages end.

  • Summarize all stages with sales and unsold coins.
  • May 1st, 2018

  • Coin distribution date.
    Main net launches as well as the coin will be distributed to investors' wallet.
  • Coin distribution date.

  • Main net launches as well as the coin will be distributed to investors' wallet.
  • May 5th, 2018

  • Listed on Trading sites.
    Roburst Coin now lives on multiple trading sites (at least 5 sites including internal trading site: Roburst Trading Bot).
  • Listed on Trading sites.

  • Roburst Coin now lives on multiple trading sites (at least 5 sites including internal trading site: Roburst Trading Bot).
  • June 15th, 2018

  • RoburstBridge 2.0 deployment.
    First deployment of RoburstBridge 2.0, with the allowance of sidechain creating, transferring crosschain, improvments on security, speed, stability and more.
  • RoburstBridge 2.0 deployment.

  • First deployment of RoburstBridge 2.0, with the allowance of sidechain creating, transferring crosschain, improvments on security, speed,..
  • June 20th, 2018

  • First ATM in LA.
    With the help of RoburstBridge 2.0, the first Roburst Coin ATM will be available in Los Angeles, CA.
  • First ATM in LA.

  • With the help of RoburstBridge 2.0, the first Roburst Coin ATM will be available in Los Angeles, CA.
  • July 4th, 2018

  • Development of RoburstBridge 3.0.
    Starting the process of development the next version of RoburstBridge 3.0, including implement the Lightning Network.
  • Development of RoburstBridge 3.0.

  • Starting the process of development the next version of RoburstBridge 3.0, including implement the Lightning Network.
  • September 5th, 2018

  • Roburst Coin ATM worldwide deployment.
    We aim to deploy over 300 ATMs worldwide, first in major cities around the world.
  • Roburst Coin ATM worldwide deployment.

  • We aim to deploy over 300 ATMs worldwide, first in major cities around the world.
  • October 1st, 2018

  • Allowance of public sidechain creating.
    Everyone can now create their own cryptocurrency based on Roburst Network.
  • Allowance of public sidechain creating.

  • Everyone can now create their own cryptocurrency based on Roburst Network.
  • November 11th, 2018

  • Roburst E-commerce website launches.
    Roburst Network's E-commerce website that only accepts Roburst Coin.
  • Roburst E-commerce website launches.

  • Roburst Network's E-commerce website that only accepts Roburst Coin.
  • December 12th, 2018

  • Worldwide Roburst Network event.
    First world-wide event held by Roburst Network that summarizes a year in work with Roburst Network.
  • Worldwide Roburst Network event.

  • First world-wide event held by Roburst Network that summarizes a year in work with Roburst Network.

Roburst Network [FROZEN] Tim

Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Samantha Wilson
Co-founder / CEO
tidak diverifikasi
Daniel Lee
Co-founder / CTO
tidak diverifikasi
Ronald Raji
Finance Director
tidak diverifikasi
Justin Wilkerson
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Davis Jones
Blockchain advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Michael Suppo
Blockchain advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Marshall Hand
Cryptocurrency advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Samy Mkacher
Blockchain advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Arvind Narayanan
Blockchain advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Marc Badia
Finance advisor
tidak diverifikasi
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  • Informasi ini bukan saran atau saran tentang berinvestasi dalam pendanaan ICO. Silakan teliti sendiri informasi yang relevan dan putuskan partisipasi ICO.
  • Jika Anda merasa ada masalah atau masalah yang harus diperbaiki pada konten ini, atau jika Anda ingin mengirimkan proyek ICO Anda sendiri untuk dicantumkan, Harap email kami.
Silahkan baca disclaimer dan risk warning. Tampilkan disclaimer dan risk warning.