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Menggabungkan teknologi blockchain, jaringan terdesentralisasi, dan enkripsi canggih, Promether menandai akhir pengawasan dan membawa era baru privasi online, keamanan, dan anonimitas.
1 Mei 2018
1 Jun 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Detail Token
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
British Virgin Islands
detil tambahan

Tentang Promether

Promether adalah jenis jaringan baru yang disebut Jaringan Simbiosis Adaptif (ASN). Berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip Artificial Intelligence (AI) dan Ubiquitous Computing, Promether memungkinkan siapa saja untuk membuat jaringan yang aman dan anonim hanya dengan menggunakan dan mengkonfigurasi serangkaian komponen perangkat lunak yang dapat digunakan kembali. Ini adalah sumber terbuka dan berbasis komponen, sistem yang dapat digunakan kembali yang mengabstraksi rincian jaringan aman dari aplikasi yang menggunakannya. Mendukung topologi terpusat, desentralisasi, terdistribusi, meshnet, dan hybrid, aplikasi apa pun dapat berkomunikasi dan mentransfer data dengan aman. & Nbsp;

Baik Anda individu yang mencoba membangun aplikasi pertama Anda, atau perusahaan yang membutuhkan untuk mengembangkan layanan global, atau bahkan pemerintah yang ingin membangun komunikasi yang aman - Promether cukup fleksibel untuk beradaptasi dengan tuntutan jaringan spesifik setiap orang. Keamanan end-to-end yang sederhana, dapat digunakan kembali, dan efektif untuk semua orang dengan beragam fungsi.

% name% Roadmap

  • 2018 Q1 - Hephaestus

  • Project Setup & Branding
    Team Building
    Initial Seed Round
  • 2018 Q2 - Proioxis

  • Private Sale
    Marketing Roadshow
    Social Media
    Initial Coin Offering
    Partnership Acquisition
  • 2018 Q3 - Hestia

  • Marketing Strategy Execution
    Team Building
    Ongoing Ecosystem Building
    Contributor and Developer Incentives
    Community Building
  • Q4 - Athene

  • API Beta Release
    Contact Proof of Concept Teaser
    Contact Integration with API
    Community Developer Base Building
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • 2019 Q1 - Helios

  • Mainnet Release
    Contact MVP Release
    Decentralized VPN Release
    Product Market Testing
  • 2019 Q2 - Phanes

  • Ongoing Development of Promether Platform, Contact, and additional dApps
    Developers Incentivisation Rounds
  • 2019 Q3 - Ananke

  • Decentralized File Sharing and Storage Platform Alpha with Promether Integration

Promether Tim

Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Eric J Anderson "eij...
tidak diverifikasi
Rishan Bhagowat
Business Manager
tidak diverifikasi
Daniel Bainbridge
Marketing Manager
tidak diverifikasi
Elton Brauer
Content Manager
tidak diverifikasi
J-F Simard "tek"
Community Manager
tidak diverifikasi
Cameron Gaertner
Software Engineer
tidak diverifikasi
Seth Wahle
Hardware Engineer
tidak diverifikasi
Jason Bissell
Systems Engineer
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Alex Heid
Strategic Advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Steven Wilkinson
Blockchain Advisor
tidak diverifikasi


$11 000

Randall Johnson
Legal Advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Richard Leckinger
Technical Advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Bryce Case
Hacker Advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Alexander Reay
IoT Advisor
tidak diverifikasi

Promether Berita terakhir

5.0 17
ICO Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan

Differentiation: Promether differentiates itself from similar competitors by claiming to be a “all-in-one” solution which will be fully configurable and modular. In addition, users will be able to access the platform for free. Promether is intended to act as an application building block by giving developers access to a “next-generation security based open-source API” without the need to be experts in networking and security.

Market Penetration Potential: Promether outlines the target markets for the platform: data security, cloud storage, global VPN, cloud computing, instant messaging, cybersecurity, messaging apps, and altcoins. The potential for market penetration is fairly significant. As the concern for privacy increases among the general public, users will search for solutions that will allow them to communicate freely and securely. A solution that is able to combine all the attributes stated above has potential to become a market leader. However, execution of the project will not be trivial and will require a sufficiently thorough development plan, which Promether is lacking.

Solution Advantage: The organization plans to allow the network to be used for free. Additionally, providing an all-in-one solution provides a greater user experience compared to using a multitude of isolated projects. These two aspects when combined, provide an enticing product. Some advantages that the whitepaper lists when compared to other projects are not clear (secure instant communications), however.

Long-Term Vision: Promether aims to “redefine the rules that govern the masses, and build a new paradigm of security on the Internet without authority, trust, centralization, giving up control, or the ever-watchful eye of Big Brother”. With the development of a secure, censorship-free communication platform, as well as a decentralized file sharing and storage service, the organization aims to become a market leader and develop an all-in-one solution for private communication.

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