Project Shivom

Project Shivom

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SHIVOM adalah platform rantai blok terdesentralisasi di mana orang bisa mendapatkan genom mereka diurutkan dan disimpan sehingga memungkinkan pembentukan vertikal perawatan kesehatan yang sangat terukur dan terintegrasi penuh.
  • Pasar
    Volume 24H
    24 jam (harga)
    24 jam (volume)
  • CoinBene
    OMX/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0004
    $ 0.0009
  • Uniswap (v3)
    OMX/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0002
    $ 44.73
  • Coinsuper
    OMX/BTC % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0002
  • Idex
    OMX/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0001
  • DDEX
    OMX/WETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0002
    $ 2.56
  • Bamboo Relay
    OMX/WETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
  • TokenJar
    OMX/WETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
  • KuCoin
    OMX/BTC % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0007
    $ 731.49
  • KuCoin
    OMX/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0007
    $ 1.121 K
  • Bilaxy
  • DDEX
Main sale
3 Mei 2018
6 Mei 2018
100% lengkap
$35 000 000
100% topi keras lengkap
Topi keras 35 000 000.00 USD
16 Apr 2018
27 Apr 2018
100% lengkap
$32 000 000
91% topi keras lengkap
Topi keras 35 000 000.00 USD
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
detil tambahan
iya nih
Peron, Kesehatan, Perangkat lunak, Data besar

Tentang Project Shivom

Tentang Project Shivom

Kami membayangkan masa depan di mana data genom menjadi di mana-mana, dengan wawasannya untuk meningkatkan layanan kesehatan yang tersedia secara aman dan dapat diakses oleh semua. Shivom memelopori ekosistem omics untuk membuat visi ini menjadi kenyataan dengan menawarkan proposisi investasi pertama di bidangnya yang berkembang pesat untuk obat-obatan yang dipersonalisasi, didukung oleh teknologi blockchain canggih.

Kami juga akan membangun organisasi penemuan obat dan kedokteran presisi dan nirlaba yang canggih. Peneliti Shivom akan menggunakan alat dan teknik yang digerakkan oleh data, khususnya metode pembelajaran mesin yang mendukung kecerdasan buatan, yang akan menawarkan harapan dalam meningkatkan sistem dan layanan kesehatan di seluruh dunia.

Teknologi Blockchain adalah mitra teknologi pilihan kami karena dapat mengatasi masalah kepercayaan, termasuk persetujuan pasien, kepemilikan data, integritas data, dan otentikasi. Blockchain juga dapat mengelola hak data yang rumit dan memungkinkan akses terdegradasi menggunakan kontrak pintar.


Dengan SHIVOM, setiap orang akan dapat mengurutkan dan menyimpan genom mereka, dan ekosistem kami akan menawarkan pasar web terbuka bagi penyedia
lainnya untuk menambahkan aplikasi dan layanan mereka, di samping analisis data genomik dan obat-obatan yang dipersonalisasi. Solusi akan menciptakan nilai bersama untuk individu, organisasi nirlaba, pemerintah, dan entitas nirlaba. & Nbsp;

Info Teknis

Token standar Ethereum ERC20.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q1 2017

  • Сonceptualization healthcare ecosystem initiated
  • Q2-Q3 2017

  • Seed round
  • Q3-Q4 2017

  • Shivom Roadshow starts
  • Q1 2018

  • Private round raised from major crypto vc’s
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • Q1-Q2 2018

  • Innovation Council
  • Q1-Q2 2018

  • Partnership with state of AP
  • Q2 2018

  • OmiX tokens distributed
  • Q2 2018

  • Project Gaia (Partnerships for sequencing pilots globally- starting with biggest cancer hospital in AP
  • Q2 2018

  • Beta version platform product launch
  • Q2-Q3 2018

  • Establishment of sequencing processes and protocols
  • Q3 2018

  • Blockchain protocols for multiple encryption
  • Q3 2018

  • Co-development of new SNP panels for rare/complex disease
  • Q3 2018

  • Web Marketplace open
  • Q3 2018

  • First Genomics Lab setup
  • Q3 2018

  • Shivom Foundation
  • Q3-Q4 2018

  • Worldwide rollout of Shivom Platform
  • Q4 2018

  • Formation Shivom research division
  • Q4 2018/Q1 2019

  • Multi-omics Integration
  • Q1 2019

  • AI Platform

Project Shivom Tim

Diverifikasi 58%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Axel Schumacher
Co-Founder and CEO
Gourish Singla
Co-Founder & COO


$43 000 000

Sally Eaves
Co-Founder & CMO
tidak diverifikasi


$49 611 696

Henry Ines
tidak diverifikasi
Natalie Pankova
Chief Scientific Officer
tidak diverifikasi
Agam Kansal
VP Marketing


$200 399 735

Pierre Maarek
Investment Lead
tidak diverifikasi
Charles Leslie
Investment Lead
Kayleen Schreiber
Design Lead
Azam Shaghaghi
Head of Public Relations
tidak diverifikasi
Ajit Singh Kular
Dr. Rashad Ibrahim

Project Shivom Wawancara

Axel Schumacher
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Axel has over 20 years of R&D leadership experience in genomics, epigenetics, biomarker discovery, Bio-IT, and aging & longevity. He is the Author of the ‘Blockchain & Healthcare Strategy Guide’, the standard compendium for the healthcare industry. Axel translates scientific discoveries into practical applications to help understand, diagnose, and treat complex disorders, but also to promote cutting-edge technologies that could transform precision medicine and the way we age. Axel is a Faculty-Member of the Blockchain Research Institute in Toronto. He holds a PhD in Human Genetics from the University of Cologne.
Gourish Singla
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the COO and Co-founder of Project Shivom.
I believe this project will revolutionize the healthcare spectrum.
Agam Kansal
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
VP Marketing
Charles Leslie
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm really excited to be part of a project that is destined to revolutionize healthcare.
Kayleen Schreiber
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I design and edit content to communicate Shivom's vision and purpose.
Ajit Singh Kular
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am working as a Search and Digital Marketing Head at Project Shivom.
Dr. Rashad Ibrahim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
SHIVOM is a game changer for next generation Health Technology.
An amazing Idea utilizing distributed Ledger Technology Patroned by a great Team.

Project Shivom Berita terakhir

$ 0.0002
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 174.537 K
Volume 24h:
Circ. Supply:
943.082 M OMX

% name% Ulasan

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

SHIVOM is a decentralized block chain platform where people can get their genome sequenced and stored hence enabling the establishment of a highly scalable and fully integrated health care vertical.


  • Security: The merging of block chain and genomics enables the users to securely store  their genome sequenced data within the ecosystem  via a state of art cryptography
  • Increased market: The platform creates an open market free from exploitation by individuals  which enables the other providers to add their applications and services alongside the genomic data analytics
  • Incentives: The  platform incentivizes the patients directly for donating data to the research studies and organizations
  • Lower costs: The platform enables the whole process of genome tests to be conducted at a subsidized rates hence promoting mass production
  • Transparency: The platform users have full control over the accessibility of their data  within the platform  secure fashion
  • Good team: The platform has  a good team full of experience  led by  the CEO, Akash Guarav who is a block chain expert a and helped in facilitation of first block chain company in India
  • Improved global health: The  platform  eliminates third party involvement in handling the genome data of the patients and selling them to health organizations without the consent of the patients  through information control by the users hence increasing profits


  • The platform application mentioned is not clearly generated
  • The  OMIX token exchangeability with other crypto currencies is not captured by the platform


  • The platform management team should generate a user friendly application for all the users across the world
  • The OMIX token should be made exchangeable with other crypto currencies and fiat for easy  profit generation
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ICO Drops

24-Apr: I have no plans to participate in Project Shivom.

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News, reviews

Judging from the negative point I have raised, the project does not sound of investment quality. However, the overall concept of the platform is unique, and the venture could face a revisit if the inefficiencies get the adequate solutions.

In conclusion for this stage, there is not enough information regarding the Shivom project. There is little information on the part of their operations and supposed partnerships or advisors. As such, I would not recommend on putting your investment in such a project.

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News, reviews

Strengths: signed partnerships; very strong team and world-renowned advisors. Thorough market research and clear vision of the market, business model is presented in detailed way.

Weaknesses: no financial plan/projection, no competitor analysis, no marketing plan. The product is technically advanced, this may require additional funds.

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