As it stands, current blockchains and consensus protocols have several performance issues that prevent mass adoption. Ledgers need to be fast, secure and scalable to support the development of decentralized applications (DApps).
Wavelet is a directed-acyclic-graph (DAG) that bootstraps a hardened version of the Avalanche consensus protocol with a novel implementation of proof-of-stake to produce a ledger that is metastable, Sybil-resistant, truly decentralized and fast.
Perlin’s compute layer is bootstrapped on top of it’s DAG-based ledger unlocking a plethora of underutilized compute resources from everyday devices, to form a decentralized cloud computing marketplace that combats the inflated pricing models set by the oligopolistic cloud computing market.
Miners with everyday devices such as a smartphone, can securely rent away their idle compute capacity in exchange for a virtual currency termed PERLs, to customers of the network (researchers, startups and enterprises) who are in need of computing power.
This is where Perlin’s cryptographic tying of compute resources into a virtual currency is transacted on an open, self-audited distributed ledger, establishing a novel liquid market for computing power.
This paradigm shift in cloud computing will set the precedence for truly decentralized economies - a world where smartphones can collectively process computationally intensive algorithms in areas such as cancer research and artificial intelligence alike.
DECEMBER 2017 Ideation
JUNE 2018 Avalanche Consensus
JULY 2018 Whitepaper Release
SEPTEMBER 2018 Wavelet
OCTOBER 2018 Testnet Alpha
NOVEMBER 2018 Stability and Speed Improvements
JANUARY 2019 Compute Platform
MARCH 2019 Mobile Integration
JUNE 2019 Mainnet Release
Diverifikasi 0%
Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim
Diverifikasi 0%
Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim
$55 844 396
1. Distributed computing platform based on Dag and using a consensus approach called Avalanche consensus. This new consensus approach is based on high scalability and transaction. Initial test results showed 1600+ tps on 2000 nodes.
2. The Perlin network accesses underutilized computing power such as mobile phones to quantify the available resources of each participant.
3. The low cost of the Perlin Network allows computing power to be used by startups, researchers, and other small businesses.
A complementary point
1. No specific schedule or token has been published yet.
2. Dag, distributed computing projects have many similar projects. And there is a need to have many miners.
3. Additional information about team members and investors is not disclosed.
On a fundamental level, the Perlin ICO is solid across the board. WIth both a cutting-edge DAG protocol and innovative decentralized computing platform all in one package, there is more than one path to success for the Perlin ICO. The outstanding team and product together comprise a project that could very well set a new precedent for adoption and scale in the cryptospace.
Passing on Perlin, Origo, and Machine Exchange Coin for not having all-star teams (2+ all-stars) in my opinion.
Overall, for the reasons listed, Picolo affirms its rating on Perlin Network:
• An innovative idea that bootstraps several mechanisms on top of the Avalanche protocol that is unique from its competitors
• An all-star team with a substantial reputation in developing successful blockchain projects
• Backed by a panel of strategic investors with an established track record
• The project satisfies both prongs of a need and an opportunity in a growing market segment
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