Jon Duschinsky

Co-Founder at Oreka Solutions
$ 1,270,000
Projects Raised
About Jon Duschinsky
I stand for the possibility of possibilities. My passion is connecting organizations and their leaders to the impact they can make in people’s lives. I do this by Sparking Change - which involves creating the ideas that amplify the connection between what an organization does and the impact it can have in the world. And by Supporting Changemakers - providing them with coaching, mentoring and a whole raft of other supports so that they can deliver the promise of that impact. I work with large and medium-sized corporations, governments, non-profits and impact-driven start-ups like Oreka Solutions, which I co-founded. Voted the world's second most influential communicator on social innovation, I speak regularly to C-suite and leadership audiences around the world and have shared platforms with the likes of Mikhail Gorbachev, Kofi Annan, Steve Wozniak and many others.
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