Dr James Ong

Origami & MOSSOE
$ 1,385,000
Projects Raised
About Dr James Ong
Over 30 years of experience in the enterprise technology product and transformation consulting services in Asia, US and Europe. Since 1986, worked with Fortune 500 companies for technology-enabled business process transformation across multiple generations of technology revolution including Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence (AI), CRM, Mobile Internet, Cloud Computing, Omnichannel Retail and Blockchain. Actively engaged in entrepreneurial ventures by investing, incubating and mentoring technology start-ups and growing some of them successfully to matured company. Industry sector experience covers Education, Consumer Retail, Healthcare, Financial Services, Government, High Tech, Telecommunications and Automotive. Invited as speaker at various conferences and universities in China and Singapore.
Advisor in
Associated ICOs
Õpet Foundation
Õpet Foundation