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Pembaharuan Terakhir

15 Jun 2018

Path menciptakan jaringan pemantauan terdistribusi global yang menghubungkan bandwidth dan daya komputasi yang tidak digunakan ke platform terpadu. Alat analitik yang kuat dikombinasikan dengan node pemantauan bertenaga konsumen memberikan jangkauan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya di seluruh dunia dan persepsi yang tak ternilai ke dalam situs web, penggunaan, dan analitik jaringan.
Token Crowdsale
8 Agu 2018
22 Agu 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Public Token Presale
16 Jun 2018
7 Agu 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Private Token Presale
23 Mar 2018
15 Jun 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Friends and Family Presale
1 Mar 2018
22 Mar 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Detail Token
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iya nih

Tentang Path.Network

Tentang Path.Network

Tujuan Path adalah menciptakan jaringan simpul pemantauan terdistribusi secara global dan terdesentralisasi yang menghubungkan bandwidth dan daya komputasi yang tidak digunakan kepada pengguna yang mencari waktu kerja dan pemantauan kinerja untuk semua jenis layanan online. Siapa pun yang memiliki komputer atau telepon dapat mengunduh klien penambangan Path yang transparan dan non-sumber daya untuk menyewakan perangkat mereka dan bandwidth serta daya komputasi untuk Path Token (PATH). Ratusan ribu, jika bukan jutaan, node jalur penambangan kemudian akan dapat memberikan visibilitas yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya ke internet, menjadikannya pemimpin dalam uptime internet dan solusi pemantauan kinerja.

& nbsp; Node penambangan path dapat dijalankan melalui plugin browser komputer, aplikasi telepon, atau pada sistem operasi berbasis linux, dan secara otomatis akan berjalan di latar belakang ketika Anda memilihnya juga. Path akan mengirimkan pesanan pekerjaan yang akan diisi oleh titik-titik penambangan ini, sebagai imbalan bagi penyelesaian pekerjaan tersebut. Jumlah token yang diberikan akan bervariasi pada jenis pekerjaan yang diselesaikan. Pengguna akan dapat beralih jenis pekerjaan apa yang ingin mereka lakukan serta mematikan dan layanan penambangan kapan saja mereka mau. Selain itu, penambang dapat ikut serta untuk berkontribusi pada layanan pemantauan internet global gratis Path. Saat platform berjalan, lebih banyak opsi dan fitur akan ditambahkan ke penambang dan layanan pemantauan.

& nbsp; & nbsp;


Node path & nbsp; digunakan untuk memantau dan mengumpulkan informasi terdiri dari node pemantauan independen & nbsp; yang terletak di tingkat pengguna akhir, bukan di tingkat pusat data. Ini memungkinkan berbagai titik pengumpulan data dengan redundansi, visibilitas ujung-ke-ujung, dan & nbsp; jumlah lokasi pemantauan yang lebih besar di seluruh dunia.

Klien simpul pemantauan jalur akan mulai dengan ditawarkan sebagai plug-in browser Chrome. Saat berjalan di latar belakang, ia akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan meneruskan informasi yang dienkripsi yang dikumpulkannya ke database Path. & Nbsp; Setelah siklus melakukan pekerjaan dan meneruskan informasi ke Path selesai, simpul akan diberi imbalan dengan sebagian sebuah Token Path.

Platform Path akan menawarkan layanan berikut:

  • Pemantauan waktu kerja
  • Pengujian interaksi sintetis
  • Pemantauan kecepatan halaman
  • Peringatan waktu nyata
  • Pelaporan serangan DDoS
  • Visualisasi jalur dan rute
  • Pengukuran kinerja CDN
  • Perutean BGP
& nbsp; & nbsp;

Info Teknis

& nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp;

% name% Roadmap

  • MARCH 1ST, 2018: Friends and Family Presale

  • Path opens up its initial fund raising to friends and family.
  • MARCH 23RD, 2018: Private Token Presale

  • Path kicks off its private token presale. First adopters will have the chance to get in early to help build up Path's platform from ground zero.
  • MARCH 28TH, 2018: Public Beta Launch

  • Path's first mining node browser plugin will be released to the public. Preapproved users will be given access to use the service during its "beta" period.
  • JUNE 16TH, 2018: Public Token Presale

  • Path will open up the remaining presale tokens to the public for purchase. Only a fixed number of tokens will exist and tokens that are not sold will be destroyed. All tokens purchased will be distributed at the end of the crowdsale.
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • AUGUST 8TH 2018: Token Crowdsale

  • Path opens up its remaining PATH tokens to the public during its token crowdsale event. At the end of the crowdsale Path's platform will become available for use and PATH tokens will be distributed.
  • 2018+: Future Development

  • Path will continue to grow out its network, improve reporting analytics, expand monitoring solutions, and provide free internet health reporting.

Path.Network Tim

Diverifikasi 10%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

E.j Hilbert
tidak diverifikasi
Marshal Webb
Co-President & Co-Founder
tidak diverifikasi
Matthew Flannery
Director of Technology
tidak diverifikasi
Jake Mcdonald
Director of Engineering
tidak diverifikasi
Mark Paone
Lead Software Developer
tidak diverifikasi
John Welander
UI/UX Lead
tidak diverifikasi
Josh Keating
Senior Software Engineer
tidak diverifikasi
Michael Knyazev
Senior Software Engineer
tidak diverifikasi
Travis Armstrong
API Developer
Austin Woods
Economic Analyst
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Eric "cosmo" Taylor
Security advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Bryan Larkin
Blockchain advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Bryce Case
Token Ambassador
tidak diverifikasi
Paul Kim
ICO advisor
tidak diverifikasi


$12 300 000

Brian Evans
Marketing advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Shawn Zandi
Infrastructure advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Branden Hampton
Partnership advisor
tidak diverifikasi

Mantan anggota

Bryant Townsend
Co-President & Co-Founder
Cherie Aimée
Community advisor

Path.Network Wawancara

Travis Armstrong
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
With over 20 years of experience in all things software and hardware, Travis brings a broad spectrum of experience to the team.

Path.Network Berita terakhir

5.0 0
ICO Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan

PATH has already released a beta of the mining node browser plugin and is waiting for feedback from the pre-approved users having access to the beta version. In the future PATH is planning to add such features as Synthetic Interaction Testing, Page Speed Monitoring, DDoS Attack Reporting, and CDN Performance. So, PATH has a good idea, clear vision of a way to beat their competitors, beta version of the product, solid team. If they improve their marketing campaign and keep their roadmap, the project has an excellent chance for success.
An excellent idea of implementing mining and monitoring nodes on user devices instead of building extremely expensive infrastructure can move the project on top of the uptime and performance monitoring industry.

Baca lebih banyak

Strength and Opportunities:
Path has already managed to convince a broad range of investors to support the project. Among them are Bitmain, INBlockchain, Crypto Capital, BitForex, Eastern Capital, Hash Finance, Currency World, Mars Finance, and Happy East Capital. Additionally, the team counts with solid advisor profiles.
Weaknesses and Threats:
It seems that a lot of the services that Path wants to provide are already provided pretty well by centralized agents. Today several applications and marketing dashboards exist that provide instant email, SMS and API notifications in case of server downtimes at very affordable rates. A strong question mark remains whether the problem that Path is solving needs to be solved by a blockchain network or whether existing centralized solutions are better suited. Also in terms of website analytics, which is a field that Path wants to serve, there already exist powerful competitors such as Google Analytics. Path Network requires one million nodes in order to achieve global coverage for its service. It will be very difficult to achieve that high number of nodes. In the meantime the service is basically useless compared to already existing and functional centralized solutions. Website monitoring is a service that is often purchased together with a bunch of other services and not individually. For these reasons several large enterprises that are potential users of Path are customers of an existing marketing analytics dashboard that includes website monitoring. Due to the other services provided by the dashboard the enterprise may not change service provider since it is the entire bundle of services that creates the value for the customer.
Path Network is serving a very specific and certainly profitable niche market. However, not all kind of services that are offered on the internet require a blockchain based solution. Path may not have a strong competitor at the intersection of blockchain technology and the website monitoring market, but it is unclear whether the blockchain powered solution offered by Path will provide a more convincing alternative to customers than the established centralized solutions. The main competitors of Path will be the big established centralized counterparts. Offering a better and cheaper alternative will be the hardest challenge for Path and will decide on the long term prosperity of the PATH token. In the short term the indicators for the ICO look positive.

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