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23 Mar 2018

ONSTELLAR adalah platform baru yang selain menyediakan antarmuka pengguna premium dan pengalaman menawarkan model bisnis yang sama sekali baru yang dirancang khusus untuk sepenuhnya menyelaraskan kepentingan anggota dengan platform itu sendiri. Didorong oleh teknologi blockchain terbaru, OnSetllar diatur untuk menyelesaikan pelanggaran aturan privasi oleh jaringan media sosial saat ini. Ini mencapai tujuan ini dengan memberikan anggota kontrol atas data yang dikumpulkan dari mereka dan bagian yang adil dari nilai yang diciptakan. OnStellar akan menjadi hal besar berikutnya di internet. Kemampuan untuk menghasilkan pendapatan saat terlibat dalam hobi favorit Anda (pembuatan konten media sosial dan kontribusi) pasti akan menarik bagi semua pengguna. Bahwa itu aman dan tidak melanggar privasi pengguna juga merupakan nilai tambah. Penggunaan eksklusif cryptocurrency akan segera menjadi bagian dari masa lalu yang orang sadari manfaatnya.
29 Mar 2018
7 Jun 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
  • 1 ONST
    0.2 USD
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
Cayman Islands
detil tambahan
iya nih
Peron, Cryptocurrency, Internet



Dari paranormal ke metafisik, ONSTELLAR adalah jaringan sosial pertama di dunia tempat tinggal orang yang tidak dapat dijelaskan. Ekosistem ONSTELLAR dirancang untuk melibatkan anggota dalam dunia cryptocurrency yang menarik, sementara pada saat yang sama memberikan peluang untuk bertemu orang-orang baru, terlibat dengan profesional industri, dan mendapatkan akses ke produk, layanan, dan acara untuk komunitas kami. Terhubung dan berkolaborasi dengan orang lain seperti Anda dan dapatkan imbalan karena membuat dan menemukan konten.


Ekosistem ONSTELLAR dirancang untuk melibatkan anggota dalam dunia cryptocurrency, sementara pada saat yang sama memberikan peluang untuk bertemu orang-orang baru, terlibat dengan profesional industri, dan mendapatkan akses ke produk, layanan, dan acara untuk komunitas. Terhubung dan berkolaborasi dengan orang lain dan diberi imbalan karena membuat dan menemukan konten. Portal Digital ke:

  • aneh dan mendalam
  • fenomena yang tidak dijelaskan
  • cryptozoology
  • sains & amp; teknologi
  • ufologi
  • zaman baru & amp; seni kosmik
  • teori konspirasi
  • paranormal
  • semangat tubuh pikiran & amp; spiritualitas & nbsp;
  • sejarah kuno & amp; misteri & nbsp;
  • penyembuhan alternatif & amp; obat & nbsp;
  • supernatural & amp; okultisme & nbsp;

Info Teknis

& nbsp;

% name% Roadmap

  • 1st Quarter 2017

    Our team envisioned a platform to benefit its vast network of professionals in the industry as well as the ever-growing audience hungry for more information and interaction. The team decided to launch a new kind of network leveraging the latest technological advances in UI/UX and blockchain.
  • 4th Quarter 2017

    Design and development of the platform features was commenced with a heavy emphasis on implementation of the latest in user interface and user experience to deliver a first class platform.RECRUITING PROFESSIONAL CONTRIBUTORS.
    OnStellar begins recruiting leading content contributors from our extensive database of professional contacts.
  • 1st Quarter 2018

    The formal release of OnStellar’s Bounty Program enables participants to earn ONST tokens for spreading the word about our platform. ICO PRE-SALE.
    The pre-sale starts on the 29th of March, 2018. To participate, go to www.onstellar.com
  • 2nd Quarter 2018

  • ICO.
    Please subscribe to one of our channels to get the latest updates. ONSTELLAR ON TOUR.
    Come meet the OnStellar team at “Contact In The Desert”, June 1 – 4 at the RENAISSANCE INDIAN WELLS RESORT & SPA, 44400 Indian Wells Lane, Indian Wells, CA 92210. DEVELOPMENT.
    OnStellar will be among the first Smart Media Tokens to launch on the Steem network. For further information, please check the white paper.
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • 3rd Quarter 2018

    Anticipated SMT protocol development and release by Steemit Inc. TEST NETWORK.
    The OnStellar platform will be rolled out in test environment. ONSTELLAR ON TOUR.
    The OnStellar team will be at “Awakening UFO and Conscious Life Expo”, June 23 at the BEC Arena, Longbridge Road, Trafford Park, Manchester, UK.
  • 4th Quarter 2018

    First launch of the OnStellar platform and incentivized system utilizing the OnStellar crypto token called ONST.
  • 2rd Quarter 2019

    Release of Phase 2 functions in OnStellar platform.
  • 3rd Quarter 2019

    Release of Phase 3 functions in OnStellar platform.


Diverifikasi 14%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Scott Leslie
Chief Executive Officer
tidak diverifikasi
Desh Weragoda
Executive Vice President
Danny Holland
Smart Contract Developer
tidak diverifikasi
James Martinez
Creative Director
tidak diverifikasi
Sarah Alkaff
Senior Graphic Designer
tidak diverifikasi
Chasen Cunitz
tidak diverifikasi
Susan Von Seggern
Public Relations
tidak diverifikasi
Eric Seropyan
Social Media Manager
tidak diverifikasi
Bobby Rivera
Social Media


$3 000 000

Chris Brennan
Community Manager
tidak diverifikasi
Jeffrey Berry
Senior Front-End Developer
tidak diverifikasi
Noman Khokher
Project Manager/Consultant
tidak diverifikasi
Umair Ahmad
tidak diverifikasi
Muhammad Asad
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

John Berry
Technical Advisor
tidak diverifikasi


Desh Weragoda
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
General oversight of implementation of marketing and development for ONSTELLAR.

The recent activities by companies and governments to censor the public has lead to many people not having a platform to share their voice, values and beliefs. By providing a platform to connect and collaborate, we fulfill a need demanded by many.

From the paranormal to the metaphysical, ONSTELLAR is the world’s first social network where the unexplained lives. The ONSTELLAR ecosystem is tailored to engage members in the exciting world of cryptocurrency, while at the same time providing opportunities to meet new people, engage with industry professionals, and gain access to products, services and events for our community. Connect and collaborate with others like you and be rewarded for creating and discovering content.
Bobby Rivera
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role is to communicate to and from ONSTELLAR to communicate our progress and vision but also to give our users a voice and a way to contribute their feedback back to our team.

ONSTELLAR Berita terakhir

5.0 11
ICO Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

ONSTELLAR is a new platform that besides providing a premium user interface and experience offers a totally new business model specifically designed to entirely aligning members’ interests to the platform itself. Driven by the latest blockchain technology, OnSetllar is set to solve breach of privacy rules by the current social media networks. It achieves this objective by giving members control over the data collected from them and a fair share of the created value.


  • Onstellar eliminates the issue of site ownership since it is a centralized and an entirely member controlled network. Members are assured of freedom of speech and freedom of association.
  • It gives members an opportunity to vote on the direction of the platform as well as the ratio on which the generated rewards are shared.
  • The infrastructure is both open source and transparent. All the submissions on the platform are logged as a signed and date stamped transactions ensuring a secure system that boost authenticity and accountability.
  • Instead of merely creating and sharing content for fun, this platform rewards all contributors to content. Anyone who creates shares or advances conversations is entitled to a share from proceeds of the same.
  • The platform utilizes a tried-and-tested blockchain technology capable of handling thousands of transactions every second. This results in superfast operation that guarantees instant gratification.
  • Whitepaper: The platform boasts of a very comprehensive and elaborate whitepaper that explains every detail. By skillfully and intricately contrasting the platform with major social media, the whitepaper leaves no doubt on the helpfulness of the platform in the mind of the reader.
  • The Team; the team is made up of distinguished individuals who are highly qualified and have proven track records in the field.


  • The Team: While the team members are highly skilled and experienced, they are very few. The whitepaper outlines only two, which is somewhat small given the nature and expanse of the platform.
  • Exclusive reliance on cryptocurrency is likely to cause the problem of adoption. Some people have not fully adopted the digital currency and hence may not be able to embrace the platform.
  • While the community features translation tools, non-English speakers may not get a fulfilling experience due to localization. The tools do not provide seamless translations.


  • The platform should include more diversely skilled seasoned team members to ensure every potential pitfall in the final implementation is identified and solved in advance.
  • OnStellar should incorporate fiat currency so a full range of users can use the system to generate income.
  • It should recruit individuals who translate the platform to non-English speaking users for optimum user experience.


OnStellar will be the next big thing on the internet. The ability to generate income while engaging in your favorite hobby (social media content creation and contribution) is bound to appeal to all the users. That it is secure and does not infringe on the privacy of users is also a plus.  The exclusive use of cryptocurrency will soon be a thing of the past a people realize their benefits. For these reasons, I will not hesitate to invest in the platform.

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  • Karena mungkin ada perbedaan waktu dalam pembaruan informasi, informasi akurat tentang setiap proyek ICO harus diverifikasi melalui situs resminya atau saluran komunikasi lainnya.
  • Informasi ini bukan saran atau saran tentang berinvestasi dalam pendanaan ICO. Silakan teliti sendiri informasi yang relevan dan putuskan partisipasi ICO.
  • Jika Anda merasa ada masalah atau masalah yang harus diperbaiki pada konten ini, atau jika Anda ingin mengirimkan proyek ICO Anda sendiri untuk dicantumkan, Harap email kami.
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