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Pembaharuan Terakhir

19 Mar 2018

Nickelcoin adalah cryptocurrency evolusioner baru yang diperkenalkan dan dapat digunakan dalam solusi tradisional untuk program Loyalitas klien dan kartu kini Digital. Kami mengambil posisi antara pelanggan dan pedagang, untuk memasok secara reguler portofolio layanan yang dirancang pada platform layanan berdasarkan permintaan. Nickelcoin Holding akan memberi nasihat kepada Anggota bahwa kami sepenuhnya mematuhi undang-undang Anti-Pencucian Uang internasional dan bahwa kami akan bekerja sama dengan lembaga penegak hukum jika diminta oleh mereka, ATAU jika kami mengklasifikasikan aktivitas yang terlihat ilegal secara kualitas.
26 Apr 2018
10 Jun 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
12 Apr 2018
23 Apr 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
detil tambahan
iya nih

Tentang Nickelcoin

Nickelcoin adalah cryptocurrency evolusioner yang diperkenalkan untuk pedagang, pemilik bisnis, dan konsumen yang menawarkan solusi tradisional untuk program Loyalitas pelanggan dan kartu hadiah digital. Nickelcoin mengubah kupon diskon tradisional, poin loyalitas dan voucher belanja menjadi token digital yang dapat diperdagangkan.

Dengan Nickelcoin, ada peluang untuk pendekatan global lain menggunakan blockchain untuk memelihara catatan transaksi dalam lingkungan yang saling terhubung dengan aman, tanpa kepercayaan, dan digital, yang akan menghilangkan sejumlah masalah yang tidak efisien.

% name% Roadmap

  • Nickelcoin

  • 2017

  • Business Development and market research.
  • Jan - June 2018

  • Site Development & ICO.
  • July - Sept 2018

  • Token Distribution/Listing on external exchangers.
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • Oct - Nov 2018

  • Launching of Wallet Application and Internal exchange.
  • Dec 2018 - Feb 2019

  • Launching of the web portal for the universal rewards offering and white label loyalty Apps.
  • March - April 2019

  • Intensive marketing/Development of Payment API and Plugins.
  • 2019 Continues

  • Expanding our loyalty services.

Nickelcoin Tim

Diverifikasi 100%

Justin Heagney
Founder & CEO
James Cooper
Project Development Manager & Co-Founder
Reptar Yhu
Smart Contract Engineer
Feng Hsiao
CMO and Co-Founder
Kiran Jain
UI/UX Designer
Lachlan Harrison
Lead Backend Developer
Arkady Alexander
Frontend and full stack developer
Thelma Runolfsson
PR Director

Mantan anggota


$34 167 210

Andrej Plankar
Ping Fu
Peter Moloney
Philip Shelper
Francesco Alessandri...

Nickelcoin Wawancara

Justin Heagney
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
James Cooper
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Project Development and Co-Founder at Nickelcoin.
It's an innovative project ,designed to change the world of Loyalty Rewards.
Reptar Yhu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We are team committed to seeing this project reach it's peak. Having planned the project since 2017. We all believe that our investors will count it worthwhile investing in this project with awasome team of professionals. Until success is achieved, we are not giving up on our work.
Feng Hsiao
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
CMO AND Co-Founder.

With Nickelcoin, there is an opportunity for another global approach using blockchain technology in Customer's Loyalty Rewards. It's a great project.
Kiran Jain
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the project UI and UX designer, this project was designed to help aid customers loyalty reward programme. By the support of our investors which is already overwhelming. It will be a huge success.
Lachlan Harrison
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the lead backend developer. Nickelcoin is a customer loyalty reward program. This project has a 100% success rate, with our experience team playing their individual role to foster the success of this project.
Arkady Alexander
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
It is a huge project , with a good team working strongly to see it come through.
Thelma Runolfsson
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am a public relations manager, NICKELCOIN

Nickelcoin Berita terakhir

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  • Jika Anda merasa ada masalah atau masalah yang harus diperbaiki pada konten ini, atau jika Anda ingin mengirimkan proyek ICO Anda sendiri untuk dicantumkan, Harap email kami.
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