South Africa's Crypto Community Remains Bullish Despite Upcoming Elections

30 April 2024 BACK TO NEWS

As South Africa gears up for its upcoming presidential elections on May 29, members of the crypto community remain optimistic about the country's progress in the digital assets realm. Despite potential political shifts, recent regulatory advancements have positioned South Africa as a leader in cryptocurrency regulation on the African continent.

Regulatory Progress

South Africa's Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) has taken proactive steps to regulate cryptocurrencies, establishing a licensing regime for crypto firms. With plans to issue 60 licenses to crypto firms in the coming weeks, including industry players like Luno, Zignaly, and VALR, South Africa is paving the way for a regulated crypto market.

Forward-Thinking Regulation

The expansion of South Africa's Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act in 2022 to include crypto providers reflects a forward-thinking approach to crypto regulation. Maurice Crespi, a partner at Schindlers Attorneys, emphasizes that this regulatory framework aligns with global trends and acknowledges the growing importance of blockchain technology in modern finance.

Political Stability and Crypto Policies

Despite the upcoming elections and potential political changes, CEO of Nuud Money, Mpumelelo Ndamane, asserts that South Africa's crypto policies are unlikely to be affected. Ndamane highlights the country's political stability over the past three decades, ensuring the independence of regulatory bodies like the South African Reserve Bank and FSCA.

Exploring Stablecoin Use Cases

South Africa's National Treasury is set to explore use cases for stablecoins and assess policy and regulatory responses. The Intergovernmental Fintech Working Group will examine the impact of tokenization on domestic markets and publish a discussion paper outlining regulatory implications by December. Tokenization, representing real-world assets on a blockchain, presents new opportunities for financial innovation.

Growing Crypto Adoption

South Africa has witnessed significant crypto adoption in recent years, with a survey indicating that 47% of South Africans have either invested in cryptocurrencies or expressed interest. Bitcoin wallet downloads surged by 100% in 2017, and in 2020, South Africa ranked third globally in terms of crypto ownership, reaching 13%.


Despite the political landscape's potential changes, South Africa's crypto community remains optimistic about the country's regulatory progress and commitment to fostering innovation in the digital assets space. As the regulatory framework evolves and crypto adoption continues to grow, South Africa is poised to play a leading role in shaping the future of finance on the African continent.