Galaxis Prepares for Token Launch on Bybit with $1M Community Grant Program

6 Mei 2024 BACK TO NEWS

As the anticipation builds for Galaxis's upcoming token launch on Bybit, the platform has announced a significant boost to its ecosystem with the introduction of a $1 million Community Creator and Community Member Grant Program. This initiative aims to incentivize active engagement within the Galaxis community while supporting creators in the Web3 space.

Galaxis, renowned for its partnerships with notable figures like Mike Tyson, Steve Aoki, and the NBA, is a champion of the Web3 creator movement. At the core of its platform are customizable membership cards that offer more than just digital tokens; they foster community support by providing perks and access to both physical and digital experiences. With over 32,000 ETH traded in secondary markets and $9 million USD secured through Galaxis Engines, the platform has already demonstrated significant success.

The $1 million grant program, supported by CoinMarketCap, will be split between the Creator Grant Program and the Community Member Grant Program. Over the next 12 months, each program will receive $500,000 to reward creators and community members for their active participation. Creators can launch their community membership cards for free on Galaxis, while community members can achieve Full or VIP Member status by topping up their cards with GALAXIS tokens. The more the community grows and the higher the membership tier, the greater the rewards for both creators and members.

Andras, CEO of Galaxis, expressed excitement about the initiative, emphasizing the platform's commitment to supporting and empowering creators. He highlighted the program as a testament to Galaxis's dedication to providing creators with the necessary support and platform to thrive.

In addition to the grant program, Galaxis is gearing up for an exciting token launch on Bybit, with the Initial DEX Offering (IDO) scheduled to commence on May 3rd. This dual launch of the token and platform marks a significant milestone for Galaxis and reinforces its position as a key player in the Web3 ecosystem.

Creators and enthusiasts alike are encouraged to visit the official Galaxis website for more detailed information about the grant programs and how they operate, as well as to learn more about the upcoming token launch on Bybit. Galaxis continues to lead the way in empowering creators and brands within the ever-evolving Web3 landscape, providing innovative tools and services to unleash their potential.