Nebula Genomics

Nebula Genomics

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Perusahaan farmasi dan biotek menghabiskan miliaran dolar setiap tahun untuk memperoleh data genom. Para ilmuwan membutuhkan set data genom yang besar untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab penyakit dan mengembangkan penyembuhan. Namun, pertumbuhan pasar data genom terhambat oleh jumlah data yang kecil, fragmentasi data, kurangnya standarisasi data, dan lambatnya akuisisi data.

Nebula Genomics akan memanfaatkan teknologi blockchain untuk menghilangkan perantara dan memberdayakan orang untuk memiliki data genomik pribadi mereka. Ini secara efektif akan menurunkan biaya pengurutan dan meningkatkan privasi data, menghasilkan pertumbuhan data genom. Protokol terbuka kami akan memanfaatkan pertumbuhan data genom dengan memungkinkan pembeli data untuk secara efisien mengumpulkan data standar dari banyak individu dan bank data genom.
Jun, 2018
Jun, 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
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Mata Uang yang Diterima
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Negara Terdaftar
United States
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iya nih
Kesehatan, Data besar

Tentang Nebula Genomics

The first human genome was sequenced in 2001 at a cost of $3 billion. Today, human genome sequencing costs less than $1000, and in a few years the price will drop below $100. Thus, personal genome sequencing will soon be widely adopted as it enables better diagnosis, disease prevention, and personalized therapies. Furthermore, if genomic data is shared with researchers, the causes of many diseases will be identified and new drugs developed. These opportunities are creating a genomic data market worth billions of dollars.

Nebula Genomics seeks to lead this emerging market by understanding and overcoming key obstacles. We will spur genomic data growth by significantly reducing the costs of personal genome sequencing, enhancing genomic data protection, enabling buyers to efficiently acquire genomic data, and addressing the challenges of genomic big data. We will accomplish this through decentralization, cryptography, and utilization of the blockchain.

SEQUENCING COSTS - The Nebula peer-to-peer network will enable data buyers to acquire genomic data directly from data owners without middlemen. This will enable data owners to receive sequencing subsidies from data buyers and profit from sharing their data. Reducing sequencing costs will accelerate growth of genomic data.

DATA PROTECTION - Data owners will privately store their genomic data and control access to it. Shared data will be protected through zero-trust, encryption-based secure computing. Data owners will remain anonymous, while data buyers will be required to be fully transparent about their identity. The Nebula blockchain will immutably store all data transaction records. Addressing data privacy concerns will likewise accelerate growth of genomic data.

DATA ACQUISITION - The Nebula network will aggregate genomic data from individuals and genomic databanks and thereby address the problem of genomic data fragmentation. Direct communication with data owners and a smart survey tool will enable data buyers to collect high quality trait information. Utilization of standardized data formats will facilitate data curation. Smart contracts will automate and thereby accelerate data purchases.

GENOMIC BIG DATA - Genomic big data is projected to outgrow video and text data within the next few years. Through decentralized data storage, flexible utilization of available computing power and efficient file transfers enabled by space-efficient data encoding, the Nebula network will absorb the forthcoming data explosion.

Nebula Genomics Tim

Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

George Church
tidak diverifikasi
Dennis Grishin
tidak diverifikasi
Kamal Obbad
tidak diverifikasi
Armon Rahim
Growth Lead
tidak diverifikasi
Kevin Quinn
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Mirza Cifric
tidak diverifikasi
Preston Estep
tidak diverifikasi
Yining Zhao
tidak diverifikasi
Drew Volpe
tidak diverifikasi
Joe Urgo
tidak diverifikasi
D. A. Wallach
tidak diverifikasi

Nebula Genomics Berita terakhir

5.0 5
WEB2 Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan

ICO Pantera

1. A very competent gene sequencing company called `veritas` is the parent company.
2. It provides genetic sequencing services rather than simple genetic testing services. It is recognized that it is promising market, and it can be said that there are almost no rivals on ICO market.
3. Team is strong and institutional investors who are solid. Advisors, especially George Church, are prominent.
A complementary point
1. There are strong market competitors including 23andme.
2. There are not many developers yet, and they are showing weakness in marketing. Active marketing is especially important in the coin market.
3. No code has been published yet, and no tokensale has been published.

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