MSG Token

MSG Token

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More Stamps Global (MSG) bertujuan untuk merintis revolusi blockchain sektor pariwisata melalui platform pemesanan perjalanan unik yang dirancang untuk membuat perjalanan lebih murah, lebih aman, dan sepenuhnya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan. Dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan blockchain, pemesanan dan pembayaran dieksekusi lebih murah, lebih cepat, dan lebih aman daripada dengan platform perjalanan dan OTA yang ada. Pemesanan dijamin dengan buku besar yang tidak berubah, sementara biaya transaksi dihilangkan, menghasilkan tarif 10% -30% lebih murah untuk semua layanan perjalanan. Penerimaan lebih dari 40 cryptocurrency utama yang ada, di samping penggunaan token MSG untuk menerima diskon eksklusif pada layanan perjalanan, memastikan adopsi crypto yang cepat dalam industri perjalanan saat platform MSG berkembang.
1 Feb 2019
28 Feb 2019
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
10 Des 2018
26 Jan 2019
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Private Token Sale
1 Des 2018
9 Des 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
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Negara Terdaftar
detil tambahan
MVP / Prototipe
iya nih
Daftar putih
iya nih , dari Dec 1, 2018 sampai Feb 20, 2019
iya nih

Tentang MSG Token

MSG bertujuan untuk memecahkan tantangan industri pemesanan perjalanan melalui ekosistem strategis untuk menawarkan penawaran perjalanan, pemesanan hotel, dan layanan pemesanan penerbangan yang lebih baik. Dengan menciptakan pengalaman UI tanpa batas dengan platform online dan aplikasi seluler kami, kami memberikan diskon pada semua layanan terkait perjalanan ke pengguna, semuanya dibayar dengan 40 cryptocurrency berbeda dan token MSG.

MSG menghapus komisi perantara perjalanan, mengamankan opsi pemesanan untuk pelanggan dengan diskon 10% hingga 30% reguler. Selain itu, MSG bertujuan untuk menawarkan platform satu atap tempat mengelola semua aktivitas perjalanan Anda - termasuk pencarian hotel / penerbangan, pemesanan, manajemen perjalanan, manajemen program loyalitas, dan informasi tujuan.

Platform MSG memungkinkan wisatawan untuk mengakses peta, opsi akomodasi, dan ulasan bisnis, semua dari perangkat seluler mereka, dan semua tersedia tanpa akses online. Proyek-proyek ini akan dihubungkan dan diintegrasikan dengan cryptocurrency aman, internasional, dan terdesentralisasi yang disebut token MSG. Keamanan data pelanggan dijamin oleh standar keamanan siber tertinggi, didukung oleh teknologi blockchain kontrak pintar. Selain itu, sistem perlindungan verifikasi identitas tambahan memastikan anonimitas transaksi dan pengguna. Ancaman peretasan atau pelanggaran data karenanya dihilangkan secara permanen. Dengan inventaris lebih dari 250.000 layanan perjalanan di seluruh dunia, MSG siap untuk meluncurkan platform pemesanan perjalanan terluas, tercepat, dan lebih kompetitif di dunia. Bagian selanjutnya merinci fitur-fitur terpenting MSG dan proses fungsinya.


Gateway Pembayaran MSG

40+ cryptocurrency menerima dan banyak lagi yang akan datang, untuk platform perjalanan global yang benar-benar ramah crypto

Token MSG

Token pembayaran dan penghargaan unik platform MSG, didukung oleh keamanan, transparansi, dan efisiensi teknologi Ethereum

Aplikasi Mobile MSG

Cara tercepat dan termudah untuk mengelola semua aktivitas perjalanan Anda dari ponsel cerdas Anda - termasuk pemesanan, penawaran diskon khusus, dan pembaruan perjalanan untuk tujuan Anda

MSG Token Tim

Diverifikasi 75%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Patrick Amoah
Founder & CEO
Yazan Al Imam
Business Developer
Victoria Amoah
Head Of Sales & Suppliers Relation
Darya Hniadzko
Platform Design UI/UX
tidak diverifikasi
Shadrack Kofi Amoah
Business Analyst & Suppliers Relation

59 ICOs

$187 043 300

Naviin Kapoor
Blockchain & ICO Consultant
Denis Drogovski
Legal Consultant
tidak diverifikasi
Joshua Newornu
Technical Support Specialist


Diverifikasi 71%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Darius Kozlovskis
Strategic Marketing & ICO Advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Sydney Ifergan
ICO Advisor & Marketing Consultant

45 ICOs

$86 873 133

Jason Hung
ICO Advisor & Founder Of Crypto Fund

34 ICOs

$63 377 805

Giovanni Casagrande
ICO Advisor & Co-Founder Of Black Marketing Guru


$5 911 201

Marco Sala
ICO Legal Specialist & Advisor
tidak diverifikasi

16 ICOs

$51 886 082

Giacomo Arcaro
ICO Advisor & Co-Founder Of Black Marketing Guru


$5 000 000

Ken Cucchia
Founder of ListaCoin DEX & ICO Advisor

MSG Token Wawancara

Patrick Amoah
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I've been in charge of a successful crypto booking platform for over a year, and now it’s the time for me to invest into a bigger project to decentralize the travel booking systems and make people’s dream travel destination affordable by eliminating middleman fees and completely cutting markups.
What do you think about idea?
I think that MSG is representing the future of travel industry simple because it offers:
Seamless Experience one stop platform - The platform’s booking system allows for the instant search of all available flight deals, hotel bookings, discount packages and many other services on a global basis. Purchases can be made instantly via MSG token or any other of the 40 major accepted cryptocurrencies
Yazan Al Imam
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
A great project with a great concept that we developed over the past year, and finally will come into play now with the upcoming growth to be seen after raising funds.
It has a working platform already
What do you think about idea?
MSG has an outstanding Idea because:
All bookings are payable with 40 different cryptocurrencies and the MSG token too.

MSG eliminates travel intermediate commissions, securing booking options for customers with regular 10% to 30% discounts.

One-stop platform where to manage all your travel activities - including hotels, flights, cruises, activities, booking.

The key difference between MSG and other travelling agencies, with MSG users will have the possibility to get discounts on their bookings only by purchasing MSG token from the exchange listing on the platform therefore increase the token demand and price.
Victoria Amoah
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the sales representative for More Stamps Global who takes care of all bookings through the the msg platform.
What do you think about idea?
More Stamps Global has the Low cost inventories & Direct suppliers - MSG has initiated contracts and negotiations with the lowest cost inventories and will use the funds to operate with the direct suppliers too, in order for the platform to avoid the monopoly of the GDS systems
Sydney Ifergan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Advisor for More Stamps Global, acting as an ICO and marketing advisor as well business development .
What do you think about idea?
More Stamps Global (MSG) is aiming to pioneer the tourism sector’s blockchain revolution via a unique travel booking platform designed to make travel cheaper, safer and fully adapted to customer needs.
Jason Hung
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I help project as advisor to reach as many resources and connections at China. Also give my suggestion to improve project readiness.
What do you think about idea?
A project can not auccess without a great team. Wish the project can bring better life to the world.
Giovanni Casagrande
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
On this project i'm Marketing and Growth Hacking advisor and together we found a good solutions for improve all the community
What do you think about idea?
I like to much this idea, it's important make travel cheaper, safer and fully adapted to customer needs.
Shadrack Kofi Amoah
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the business analyst and suppliers relation for More Stamps Global. Connecting suppliers to msg.
What do you think about idea?
The exclusive MSG token discount investors will have the ability of fully booking their travels with MSG tokens, giving them the choice of utilizing their tokens fully or covering the platform fees like the rest of the post.
Giacomo Arcaro
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Giacomo has now been involved in the world of cryptocurrencies and ICOs for quite some time, establishing himself as a veteran of the industry and a pioneer of its processes. Currently also working as an advisor on ICObench Top #20 and N.1 on, Giacomo has extensive experience in understanding the specific requirements of a business regarding the models through which it can generate capital that allows it to thrive in competitive environments. He collected 18.4M€ for ICO he advise so far.
What do you think about idea?
More Stamps Global (MSG) is aiming to pioneer the tourism sector’s blockchain revolution via a unique travel booking platform designed to make travel cheaper, safer and fully adapted to customer needs. By harnessing the power of blockchain, bookings and payments are executed cheaper, faster and more securely than with existing travel platforms and OTAs. Bookings are secured on the immutable ledger, while transaction fees are eliminated, resulting in 10%-30% cheaper fares for all travel services. The acceptance of over 40 major existing cryptocurrencies, in addition to the use of MSG token to receive exclusive discounts on travel services, ensures the rapid adoption of crypto in the travel industry as the MSG platform expands.
Naviin Kapoor
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My name is Naviin kapoor, and I am an ICO and blockchain advisor to MSG token, I shall help the team during the inplementation of ico
What do you think about idea?
MSG Token is one of the innovative product which is based on blockchain technology. Moreover, this is one of the first platform where users can book the flights with cryptos.
Ken Cucchia
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Marketing & Business Development Adviser with a focus on e-commerce & growth within the North American market.
What do you think about idea?
The concept is a natural fit for the Blockchain economy. Wide range of partnership opportunities for the MSG community across all sectors.
Joshua Newornu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the technical support specialist for More Stamps Global. Helping the team's technical support, providing technical knowledge.
What do you think about idea?
I am happy to join this movement because traveling hasn't been cheaper and to make cheaper you need a technical knowledge to make it happen. The website is very easy to use!

MSG Token Berita terakhir

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