Exploring Eiyaro: Advancing Blockchain with AI Integration, Secure Smart Contracts, and Community Governance

Exploring Eiyaro: Advancing Blockchain with AI Integration, Secure Smart Contracts, and Community Governance

Jim Yaro, Co-founder of Eiyaro, explains our readers how the project plans to integrate AI technologies with its blockchain infrastructure by leveraging decentralized miner computation for training AI models, thereby optimizing resources and enhancing computational efficiency within its ecosystem.

What specific advantages does the Eiyaro codebase provide to beginners and advanced programmers?

J: Beginners:

1) Learning Opportunity: Eiyaro codebase provides a wealth of code samples and documentation, which is a valuable resource for beginners to learn blockchain technology and programming.

2) Practical Platform: By participating in the Eiyaro project, beginners can gain practical experience and learn how to apply theoretical knowledge to real projects.

For advanced programmers:

1) Technical Challenges: The Eiyaro codebase contains complex technical challenges, such as optimising blockchain performance and ensuring network security. These are opportunities for senior programmers to demonstrate their technical skills.

2) Career Development: You can participate in the development, maintenance and improvement of the project and drive the project forward by contributing code, solving problems and proposing innovative ideas to increase your market value and competitiveness.

Can you explain the role of the Tensor algorithm in the integration of AI and blockchain technology within Eiyaro?

J: Tensor algorithms, especially when combined with blockchain technology, play the following roles, which are particularly important when integrating AI and blockchain technology:

Decentralized AI models and data sharing:

The Tensor algorithm can be used to support distributed computation and storage of AI models, which allows Eiyaro to build a decentralized AI platform.

With blockchain technology, AI models and training data can be securely stored and shared while maintaining data integrity and non-tamperability.

Optimizing AI training and computational resources:

The Tensor algorithm supports efficient matrix and tensor computations, which are necessary in the AI training process.

By combining the Tensor algorithm with the blockchain's consensus mechanism (Tensority), decentralized computational resources can be utilized to accelerate the AI training process.

Resource Utilisation Improvement:

The Tensor algorithm allows AI-accelerating chips to participate in blockchain consensus computation, thereby increasing the resource utilization of the miner.

This not only solves the problem of resource wastage in traditional PoW mechanisms, but also opens up new possibilities for the combination of AI and blockchain.

Security and privacy protection:

The Tensor algorithm includes security mechanisms to ensure the security of AI models and data stored and transmitted on the blockchain.

User privacy and data security can be further protected by combining the encryption and anonymity features of the blockchain.

How does the Eiyaro Virtual Machine (EVM) enhance the execution of smart contract programs?

J: 1)High performance: EVM uses a stack-based virtual machine design with efficient execution speed and low latency. This allows smart contract programs to execute quickly and improves overall performance.

2)Security: EVM employs multiple layers of security mechanisms to protect the execution process of smart contract programs. For example, EVM supports permission control and authentication to ensure that only authorized users are able to execute contract programs.

3) Scalability: EVM supports multiple programming languages and smart contract standards, enabling developers to flexibly choose appropriate tools and technologies to write and execute smart contract programs.

4) Interoperability: EVM is tightly integrated with the Eiyaro blockchain network and can interoperate with other blockchain networks. This enables smart contract programs to be executed across chains, enabling more application scenarios and business requirements.

What are the key features of the high-level programming language Equity used in Eiyaro?

J: Equity language specific features:

Equity is a predicate expressive language where the execution of each statement in a contract either succeeds or fails. It is similar to parsing languages and is simpler than other languages.

Equity is a blockchain contract compiler for the UTXO model, generating a program to guard UTXO. it is smaller and more secure than the ETH contract for the account model.

The compiled result program is an abstraction of the execution flow of the virtual machine stack based on the contract parameter variables, which is essentially a program that combines the ops executed by the virtual machine according to rules.

The compiled program instruction execution flow is checked to avoid irregular execution flow when the user constructs the program directly using the instruction.

Optimize the compiled program instructions to reduce the execution overhead (gas consumption) of the instructions, e.g. ‘1 ROLL’ is optimized to ‘SWAP’.

Contracts are simple to read and write, easy for developers to write and understand.

What security mechanisms are in place to protect transaction data and user privacy on the Eiyaro network?

J: Security design of the wallet layer:

Private Key Module: Eiyaro's wallet layer is designed with a private key module, which is used to manage the generation, storage, and backup of private keys, as well as signing functions. Private key is the key to access and control digital assets, so its security is crucial. Managing the private key through a dedicated private key module enhances the security of the private key, thus protecting transaction data and user privacy.

Account and address design: Eiyaro employs a three-tier account-address-key system. This design allows users to use multiple private keys and form accounts through different combinations of private keys. Each account in turn can generate an unlimited number of addresses, which are formed by secondary private keys derived from the account's private key. This multi-address design provides better protection of user privacy.

Security features at the kernel layer:

Consensus Layer: Eiyaro's consensus layer is responsible for confirming the legitimacy of blocks, including block header verification and transaction validation. This helps ensure that only legitimate transactions are recorded on the blockchain, thereby protecting the security of transaction data.

Block Tree Management: Eiyaro uses a Block Tree (Block Index) to record all blocks across the network, preserving a single mirrored map of all blocks across the network. This design can handle orphaned blocks and fork situations to ensure data integrity and consistency.

What types of rewards and recognition are provided to active community members and contributors?

J: For core developers, there will be a 50k EY reward per month.

For community management, there will be a 10k EY reward per month.

For bug discovery and making promotional videos, there is no fixed reward amount (adjusted according to the actual situation).

How does the community self-governance model of Eiyaro function in practice?

J: The development team focuses solely on developing and improving features.

Instead, community management, promotion and feedback are the responsibility of the community members themselves.

What incentives are in place for community members to participate in node elections and project development?

J: The main incentive is to make a certain amount of EY rewards.

The community is encouraged to successfully provide secure nodes and to propose more reasonable and innovative development proposals.

What are the long-term goals for the Eiyaro ecosystem, and how do you plan to achieve them?

J: Decentralized AI model GPT and decentralized web service.

How does Eiyaro plan to further integrate AI technologies with its blockchain infrastructure?

J: Training AI models using decentralized miner arithmetic.