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Pembaharuan Terakhir

4 Jun 2018


Kami menjembatani kesenjangan teknologi antara asuransi, pemain pihak ke-3, dan pengguna. Menggunakan Protokol Insureum, perusahaan asuransi mendapatkan data yang mereka butuhkan untuk membuat kebijakan yang lebih baik. Pengembang dan pihak ketiga lainnya diberi insentif untuk menghubungkan aplikasi dan layanan mereka dengan Protokol Insureum. Dan pemegang polis dihargai untuk berbagi data anonim mereka. Dengan ekosistem ini, pihak-pihak ini dapat bertukar token berbasis blockchain (Insureum) untuk membeli dan menjual 100% data anonim. Menggunakan blockchain untuk mengirim informasi ini dengan aman di antara semua pihak, dan membangun kebijakan asuransi baru akan menghemat jutaan industri asuransi setiap tahun.
  • Pasar
    Volume 24H
    24 jam (harga)
    24 jam (volume)
  • Coinone
    ISR/KRW satu tahun lalu
    $ 0.0030
    $ 293.98
  • Bitforex
    ISR/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0048
    $ 54.617 K
  • Coinone
    ISR/KRW % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0161
    $ 62.191 K
  • Coinone
    ISR/KRW % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0135
    $ 68.592 K
  • Bitforex
    ISR/USDT % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0251
    $ 61.54
  • CoinBene
    ISR/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0082
  • Bitsonic
    ISR/KRW % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0009
    $ 4.13
  • CoinBene
    ISR/BTC % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0053
  • Bitforex
    ISR/BTC % count% satu tahun yang lalu
  • Coinzest
    ISR/KRW % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0069
    $ 377.71
  • TokenJar
    ISR/WETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
  • Coinzest
    ISR/KRW % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0114
    $ 122.328 K
  • Nexybit
    ISR/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
  • Coinzest
    ISR/BTC % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0672
  • Coinzest
    ISR/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0120
Private Sale
30 Apr 2018
30 Mei 2018
100% lengkap
$30 000 000
300% tujuan lengkap
Tujuan 10 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 ISR
    0.1 USD
Detail Token
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
South Korea
detil tambahan
Daftar putih
iya nih ,



Despite the insurance industry’s success over the last 30 years, it has never been a technology
leader. Finally, with the Insuruem Protocol, the insurance value chain will become cost efficient
and simple, and create larger value in the insurance industry by enabling transactions between
stakeholders. Insurance companies, policyholders and 3rd parties alike can all make
transactions according to their own competencies, and all excess value (created from the
transactions) is shared based on their contribution.

Zikto started negotiations with insurance and financial institutions in 2015, concerning the
gathering and processing of lifecycle data. It was these new connections that led Zikto down the
path toward changing their focus as a company.

The Zikto team realized that a lot of players in traditional finance-based sectors have a strong
initiative to understand their current and potential customers. A data-gathering intermediary can
be a real asset for these sectors to understand their target audiences. With reliable data, they
can develop better products that are customized, digitalized and more cost-efficient.

However, it is very difficult and costly for these sectors to gather this data by themselves. It
requires a significant investment of time and money to develop and integrate such a system,
market it to the public, manage the data gathering processes, and analyze it. The Challenge,
Zikto’s data integration platform, bridged the gap nicely by providing data and analysis gathered
from various smart devices. Zikto secured a number of sales agreements and ongoing
negotiations with global insurance companies, as The Challenge offered a good value-for-price.
As just one of millions of app developers, Zikto ultimately decided to side with the win-win
monetization strategy of adjusting their focus to the processing and integration of data.

Now, Zikto is expanding the idea of data sharing to another level: developing a protocol to
facilitate the transactions. It will promote more stakeholders in the traditional insurance industry,
benefiting all. Insurers will find easier ways to gather data, users and policyholders will have
access to better insurance products, and third parties like app developers and sales agencies
will find optimal ways to monetize their services and products.

The Insureum Protocol is a new blockchain-based insurance ecosystem that seeks to connect
insurers, their customers, and developers. It is designed to assist insurance companies in
tailoring insurance policies to individual lifestyles to provide unique incentives for customers.
Zikto’s vision is for the Insureum Protocol to create the conditions through which many new
insurance products attractive to people under the age of forty are developed.


Protokol Insureum menjembatani kesenjangan teknologi antara industri asuransi, pengembang pihak ketiga
(Aplikasi & amp; IoT), dan pemegang polis.

Tidak seperti rantai nilai yang dikelola secara manual, Protokol Insureum menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk
menciptakan ekosistem terdesentralisasi yang menghubungkan perusahaan asuransi, pemegang polis mereka, dan pengembang pihak ketiga
, dan berupaya menyediakan akses ke sejumlah besar anonim secara individual, tetapi data demografis dapat diidentifikasi. Premi yang dibayarkan akan memperkaya penciptaan nilai total industri
. Selanjutnya, nilai yang dibuat dibagi berdasarkan kontribusi masing-masing pemangku kepentingan.

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, industri yang berdekatan (keuangan dan layanan kesehatan) telah mencari cara baru untuk mengakses data pelanggan. Dalam industri asuransi, IoT, produk yang dapat dikenakan dan teknologi pintar lainnya dapat
memberikan informasi yang sangat relevan tentang pelanggan kepada perusahaan asuransi yang dapat membantu mereka
membuat rencana dan membuat produk asuransi yang menarik bagi pelanggan potensial.
Misalnya; Pelacakan GPS dan telematika dapat menginformasikan perusahaan asuransi seberapa cepat seseorang
mengemudi, atau menyarankan bahwa pengemudi yang secara teratur mengemudi untuk jangka waktu yang lama harus menjadwalkan lebih banyak
jeda. Teknologi lain mungkin melacak seberapa sering mereka pergi panjat tebing, bersepeda, dll. Perusahaan asuransi
juga dapat menentukan jumlah langkah yang diambil selama hari normal sebagai salah satu ukuran kesehatan.

Dalam ekosistem protokol Insurem, perusahaan asuransi, pemegang polis, dan pengembang pihak ketiga mereka dapat bertukar token berbasis blockchain yang disebut Insureum untuk membeli dan menjual data anonim.
Penanggung akan menerima data yang mereka inginkan dan memiliki peluang untuk mengembangkan jenis produk asuransi yang benar-benar baru atau bahkan lebih baik, terutama untuk segmentasi asuransi berbasis penggunaan.
Pengembang diberi insentif untuk menghubungkan aplikasi ke Protokol Insureum untuk menerima Insureum, dan pemegang kebijakan
adalah dihargai karena berbagi data anonim mereka.

Nilai Protokol Insureum dijelaskan di bawah ini. Nilai bagi setiap pemangku kepentingan tertentu dapat bervariasi tergantung pada perkembangan Protokol Insureum di masa depan dan faktor-faktor lain.
Namun, Zikto berencana untuk memastikan gagasan utama pembagian data Insureum yang diberi insentif akan menjadi
diaktualisasikan dengan cara-cara berikut selama tahap pertama.

2.1. Pemegang Polis

Protokol Insureum memberi pemegang polis lebih banyak kekuatan untuk memilih rencana yang sesuai dengan gaya hidup mereka dengan menyediakan data yang beragam kepada penanggung, meskipun rencana semacam itu tidak akan dapat dibeli melalui Zikto atau dipasarkan melalui Zikto atau dipasarkan melalui Protokol Insureum, setidaknya pada tahap awal.
Namun, kami memiliki rencana untuk melayani sebagai pasar bebas untuk produk-produk asuransi di masa depan
setelah memperoleh lisensi regulasi yang tepat. Ketika pemegang polis memilih untuk berbagi data, mereka dihargai dengan bisa berdagang dan mendapatkan cryptocurrency (Insureum). Mereka dapat, pada tahap
kemudian, mungkin juga menghemat waktu dan usaha ketika membuat klaim, karena sebagian besar proses akan
diotomatisasi dengan menggunakan kontrak pintar pada blockchain.

Sesuai dengan sifatnya yang cocok untuk semua, produk asuransi konsumen tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan berbagai pemegang polis individu. Dengan Protokol Insureum, pemegang polis dapat membeli
produk asuransi yang disesuaikan seperti (misalnya) asuransi hewan peliharaan, asuransi mobil hanya untuk
mengemudi jarak jauh, asuransi real estat hanya selama musim liburan, keamanan siber
asuransi dan lainnya dengan harga yang lebih masuk akal. Kedua, data yang saat ini mereka bagikan
gratis akan menjadi lebih berharga. Pengguna data (perusahaan asuransi dan pihak ketiga lainnya) akan memberi hadiah kepada pemegang kebijakan
(dan penyedia data lainnya seperti pengguna aplikasi) untuk data dengan Insureum. Mengingat
bahwa saat ini hampir tidak ada hadiah untuk data, ini akan secara dramatis mempengaruhi perspektif pada
nilai data.

Bayangkan polis asuransi yang memberi Anda imbalan jika Anda mencapai sasaran metrik seperti berjalan 10.000 langkah
per hari. Atau jika Anda seorang pengemudi yang aman dan jangan membanting rem Anda dalam lalu lintas, Anda akan berhak mendapatkan diskon

2.2. Perusahaan asuransi

Perusahaan asuransi akan dapat membuat ekosistem mini yang berisi aplikasi internal atau pihak ketiga
yang secara akurat mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data nyata dari pemegang polis (potensial). Dalam ekosistem
ini, cryptocurrency dipertukarkan antara pengembang dan perusahaan asuransi, dan
dapat digunakan untuk membeli dan menjual data anonim untuk mengembangkan dan mengelola penawaran produk
yang disesuaikan.

Mampu mengidentifikasi penipuan dengan melakukan transaksi referensi silang pada blockchain juga dapat membantu
perusahaan asuransi untuk menghemat waktu dan uang dalam hal penjaminan emisi dan proses klaim


Info Teknis

% name% Roadmap

  • 2017.4.1

  • Launch of ‘The Challenge’ (Integrated step count platform for wearable devices and
  • 2017. 5. 1

  • Operation of blockchain-related pilot project with SK Telecom, CoinPlug, Daily
    Intelligence (ICON)
  • 2017. 6. 1

  • 5-year contract to provide step count data to KB Kookmin Card
  • 2017. 10. 16

  • Completion of first draft of the white paper
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • 2018. 5.30 Pre-Sale

  • ICO
  • 2018. 3Q

  • Pilot test Insureum using ‘The Challenge’
  • 2018. 4Q

  • Deploy MVP for Insureum protocol interface to gather usage data globally
  • 2019. 2Q

  • Launch Insureum Platform (phase 0) and implement strategies to gather main
    players (insurance companies, users, 3rd parties)
  • 2019. 4Q

  • Start Phase 1, focus marketing on DApp developers, distribute smart contract
  • 2020

  • Start Phase 2, focus marketing on sales agency (GA), develop optimal sales commission
  • 2020 3Q

  • Start Phase 3, focus marketing on inspectors, connect to IoT devices
  • 2021

  • Pilot test underwriting automation, start discussion on Insureum Protocol expansion


Diverifikasi 93%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Ted Kim
Co-founder, CTO and co-CEO
David Suh
Co-founder, CFO and co-CEO
Thomas Choi
Lead blockchain developer
Ziggy Bak
Growth hacking Director
Eric Hwang
Senior Analyst
Eric Kim
Senior Back-end Developer


$43 193 140

Jay Kim
Senior Developer
Andrew Suh
Sales Director
Michael Ahn
Marketing Manager
Peter Han
Blockchain Developer and Analyst
Hayden Lee
Sr. Graphic Designer
Victoria Shangina
Graphic Designer and Jr. Developer
Newt Choi
Customer service Manager
Jenny Kang
Financial Administrator
tidak diverifikasi
Donna Lee
Financial Administrator


Diverifikasi 85%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim


$30 000 000

Will O'brien
tidak diverifikasi
Chanwoo Lee

29 ICOs

$220 122 322

Ismail Malik
tidak diverifikasi


$30 000 000

Kingsley Edwards
Chanki Lee
Yoon-Sup Choi
Sung-Ki Lim
Kwang-Nam Kim
Gana Oh
Chiweon Kim
Santhosh Kumaraswam...
Yohan John Kim


$30 000 000

Sungjae Hwang

INSUREUM Wawancara

Ted Kim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm co-founder and CEO of the Insureum Protocol. We are very excited about the project.
David Suh
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the Co-CEO and CFO of the company. I am in charge of Strategy / fundraising / business development of Insureum project.
Thomas Choi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
interested in lightening network & Schnorr sig.
Ziggy Bak
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Overseeing the strategy and marketing, as well as internal operation.
Eric Hwang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Senior Analyst
Eric Kim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Principal Engineer
Jay Kim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Andrew Suh
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Michael Ahn
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Marketing Manager
Peter Han
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Jr Developer
Hayden Lee
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role is to deliver an image of integrity and trust through design.
Victoria Shangina
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am Graphic Designer & Jr. Developer in Zikto. I am responsible for graphic design and website development for Insureum.
Newt Choi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
CS manager
Donna Lee
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Accounting and HR Manager
Chanwoo Lee
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Financial Advisor
Kingsley Edwards
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Blockchain Advisor
Chanki Lee
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Investment advisor
Yoon-Sup Choi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As an expert in digital healthcare, I will contribute to develop new usage-based insurances using digital healthcare methods.
Sung-ki Lim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'll advise regarding insutech, product development and acurial model to connect with zikto big data as an Actuary.
Kwang-nam Kim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I invested in Zikto two years ago as the CIO of Idea Bridge Asset Management. So I understand deeply the business model of Zikto and l am consulting the contents of the white paper,etc.
Gana Oh
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Thank you!
Chiweon Kim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I play an advisor role at Insureum.
Santhosh Kumaraswamy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
The Zikto team has an outstanding track record and I have confidence that they will disrupt the insurance industry with Insureum!
Yohan John Kim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Excited to be part of a service/product that can be adopted and used by both enterprises (insurance companies) and consumers (UBI products).
Sungjae Hwang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?

INSUREUM Berita terakhir

$ 3.847E-5
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 4.021 K
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.0004
ICO Price~$0.1000

% name% Ulasan

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

INSUREUM . is a blockchain-based insurance ecosystem that seeks to connect insurers, their customers and developers. It helps insurance companies in tailoring insurance policies to individuals lifestyles to provide unique incentives for the customers.


  • The platform  ensures that data and transactions from the wearable  are  securely and totally decentralized thus making the industry to be incredibly risk-prone
  • The platform use promote transparency as all the transactions are  open and data sharing   and processing is carried out automatically without the involvement of anybody
  • The ecosystem enables the insurers to get data they need  easily to help them create better policies  giving them the opportunity to develop a totally new  and better insurance products  for usage-based insurance segmentation
  • The platform bridges the technology  gap between the insurance industry,3rd party developers and policy holders  hence providing access to a plethora of individually anonymous but demographically identifiable data
  • The  Insureum token can be used as a nodes to access value chains  enabling the nodes and participants to be rewarded each time their  data used for analytic purpose by the insurance companies
  • The platform team  is composed  of well experienced professionals from  various sectors  including data, finance, digitalization, sales and marketing   led by the CEO Ted Kim


  • The platform white paper is  too comprehensive for users with basic knowledge on the insurance
  • The Insureum token  is not compatible with fiat and other commonly used crypto currencies
  • The sudden changes on the white paper without the knowledge of the users and the involved companies can hamper the smooth token exchange


  • The platform token should be made exchangeable with other crypto currencies and fiat to enable all the users  make payments easily
  • The platform co-founders and the CEO should make the project white paper simple and understandable to users with  basic knowledge


The platform creates a decentralized ecosystem that easily connects the insurer, policy holders and other third parties enables insurance companies to offer faster and cost-efficient services making the project viable. I would therefore invest in it.


Baca lebih banyak
ICO Pantera
Baca lebih banyak
Jeremy Khoo
Group CEO | Blockchain Entrepreneur | VeChain ICO Partner | Fund Partner | Exchange Founder |

Tough industry with a lot of regulatory hurdles. However, this is an innovative product with a strong team with a record to boot. Would look forward to measured progress.

Baca lebih banyak
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