

Created using Figma
Transferable real estate currency; Exchange Currency on; Minimizes acquisition costs for Real Estate: 1 XCC instead of €171,88 – 265,63 €. Cheaper and privileged acquisition for convertible loans. Enables cheaper creation of equity coins (Sharecoins) on Immotausch blockchain
Presale April
Mar, 2024
Apr, 2024
100% lengkap
0% tujuan lengkap
Tujuan 340 923 777.00 USD
Topi 763 786 252.00 USD
  • 1 XCC
    10 USD
Detail Token
Total pasokan
Distribusi Token
Token will be distributed to Investors directly.
Allocation of funds
Further Development of the Ring Exchange Platform
A significant portion of the funds will be allocated to advancing the functionality and user experience of our Ring Exchange Platform. This includes enhancing features, optimizing performance, and implementing user feedback to ensure a seamless trading experience.
Development of the Ring Exchange Blockchain
We will allocate resources to the development of the Ring Exchange Blockchain, a crucial component of our platform infrastructure. This blockchain will provide the necessary scalability, security, and decentralization to support our exchange ecosystem effectively.
Development of the Consensus Mechanism
Funds will be dedicated to the ongoing development and refinement of our consensus mechanism. This mechanism is fundamental to ensuring the integrity and efficiency of transactions on our platform, fostering trust and reliability among users.
Establishment of Additional Companies, onje for each of 24 investment coins
ICO Funding
The entire proceeds from the initial coin offering (ICO) will be utilized to fuel our project's expansion and development efforts.
Development of Initial Real Estate Portfolio in Germany
A portion of the funds will be allocated to kickstart the development of our initial real estate portfolio in Germany. This includes acquiring properties, conducting due diligence, and establishing strategic partnerships to facilitate growth in the real estate sector.
Through prudent allocation of funds across these key areas, we aim to accelerate the growth and adoption of our platform, solidifying our position as a leading player in the real estate tokenization space. Our commitment to transparency and responsible financial management ensures that investor interests remain at the forefront of our decision-making process.
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Kontribusi Min
Detail Perusahaan
Nama Perusahaan Terdaftar
Immotausch GmbH
Negara Terdaftar
Perusahaan Didirikan
Mar 26, 2013
detil tambahan
MVP / Prototipe
iya nih
BNB Smartchain

Tentang Immotausch

The Exchange Coin serves as a down payment for construction projects of up to 20 % of the property value and as an exchange currency and transferable real estate credit for existing properties. It includes a right of first refusal and minimizes the cost of acquiring convertible loans. The XCC will also help to create equity coins (sharecoins) on the real estate exchange blockchain (Immochain) more cheaply. Price Advantage for as Part of a Building Community
XCC investors become part of our building community and can pay up to 20% of the planned sales price with Exchange-Coins. Within a building community, these 20% are sufficient to cover the land share. Compared to investors who are part of the building community of a property built by Immotausch, only 15% margin is charged on the incurred costs. In addition, no real estate transfer tax is levied on the production costs for the building. Saving 20% of Acquisition Costs When Using XCC
Investors can use XCC for up to 20% of the purchase price and thus save 20% of the ancillary acquisition costs if they only become holders instead of owners; Immotausch will Co-Invest (according to our purchase criteria). Cost Savings buying Real Estate
In this table, we'll compute the cost savings associated with using XCC in various regions of Germany. Each region incurs different traditional acquisition costs, ranging from 5.5% to 8.5%, with 32 XCC burned per €100,000 transaction. Calculations for each Region in Germany. The consensus procedure in the ring exchange algorithm can reduce the ancillary purchase costs even further. Transferable Real Estate Currency
XCC can be a transferable Real Estate Currency for lowering the rent, or buying real estate with Immotausch GmbH, up to 20% of the price. Co-Invest only according to our purchase criteria. Ring Exchange Consensus Procedure
The Ring Exchange Consensus Process for price changes mirrors the procedure in poker. Each party can raise or fold. In our case, reductions are also allowed alongside raises.
Furthermore, there is no limitation on the rounds of price changes. The game continues until a party involved in the exchange refuses any further price change or can no longer put up enough coins with the needed value.
Step 1: Initial Request and Acceptance
Party 1 initiates the procedure by requesting a price decrease of $5,000
using 5 ITC.
Step 2: Escalation of Request
Party 2 accepts this request using 5 ITC and adds an additional $5,000 to the decrease using another 5 ITC, making it a total request for a $10,000 price decrease. Party 3 accepts the $10,000 price decrease and raises the stake significantly by requesting an additional $90,000 decrease, totaling the price reduction request to $100,000 leveraging the price decrease by using 1 Exchange Coin.
Step 3: Final Agreement
Parties 1 and 2 accept the escalated request, finalizing the price decrease at $100,000, each of them using 10 ITC and 1 XCC total. For price changes above €100,000, the Immochain Coin Universe is used leveraging the XCC by other Coins: 1 XCC per €100k including 1 ITC per €10k. Transaction Costs or Burning
Depending on the membership level of the parties, taking action in a ring exchange, the plattform differs in regard of the topic of transaction costs or burning by counting the number of tokens hold by the trading parties.
There is also a difference in the time period the token are held by the respective account. In the XCC valuation compared to burning, we consider the list price of 200 € for the comparison. Instead of paying transaction fees in Euros, the burning of XCC is valued within the range of €250 to €40,000 with an average valuation of €7,980. This underscores the inherent value attributed to XCC beyond its nominal worth in facilitating transactions. Reduced Transaction Costs for each Region in Germany
Users who use ITC and XCC can agree on a price increase or decrease of up to €100,000 through the consensus procedure. For higher values, other coins are required, which will be issued as part of the Immochain project. The following calculations illustrate the potential savings using ITC and XCC across different acquisition cost rates and trading ratios for, sum-marizing the saved costs per €10,000, €50,000, and €100,000 for each region in Germany: Cheaper and Privileged Acquisition for Investment Products
XCC offers investors the chance to amplify their investment returns by upgrading Immotausch loans. Through the burning of XCC, investors can sidestep option costs. This integration into various investment products enriches the utility and value proposition of XCC within the Immotausch ecosystem. In the Immotausch Securities Universe, XCC holds an average valuation exceeding €250, further underlining its substantial worth.
Moreover, XCC provides cheaper and advantageous acquisition for Immochain Coins, amplifying its attractiveness and potentially drawing in more users, thereby bolstering its value. XCC as Keycard to Immochains exclusive Investment Coin Universe
XCC serve as Keycard to the upcoming Coins. We will create Coins for each risk class and a sharecoin in each tranch, which combines all risk classes with profit shares. The first tranches contain an anti-dilution protection for the a certain amount of profit shares.
According to the motto “First come, First serve”, timestamp of buying necessary ITC and XCC decides, who will get the coins, when demand is higher than supply.



Exchange Coin (XCC) Advantages in Real Estate Transactions

Cost Savings Across German Regions: XCC minimizes acquisition costs, with savings ranging from €171.88 to €265.63 per XCC across different regions of Germany. Investors benefit from streamlined transactions and enhanced returns, with the minimum value of one XCC at €171.88 (Bayern) and the maximum at €265.63 (Brandenburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Saarland), reaffirming XCC's value proposition in facilitating efficient and economical real estate transactions.

Key Advantages of Exchange Coin (XCC)

Transferable Real Estate Currency: XCC can be utilized for lowering rent or buying real estate with Immotausch GmbH, up to 20% of the price. This feature enables investors to reduce acquisition costs and facilitate property transactions.

Ring Exchange Consensus Procedure: The ring exchange consensus procedure mirrors the process in poker, allowing parties to negotiate price changes effectively. XCC can be used alongside other tokens like ITC to finalize agreements, reducing transaction costs.

Reduced Transaction Costs: Users can agree on price increases or decreases up to €100,000 using ITC and XCC, with transaction costs varying based on membership levels and holding periods, providing flexibility and cost-saving opportunities for participants.

XCC Valuation by Saving Ring Exchange Transactions: By burning XCC instead of paying transaction fees in Euros, users can realize significant cost savings. The value of XCC ranges from €250 to €40,000, depending on membership levels and holding periods, emphasizing its value beyond its nominal worth in facilitating transactions.

Real-World Application: The ring exchange consensus procedure empowers homebuyers to negotiate effectively and reduce transaction costs, making property transactions more accessible and affordable. This innovative approach, coupled with blockchain technology, revolutionizes the real estate industry and makes homeownership more attainable.

In conclusion, XCC enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and fosters flexibility in real estate transactions within the Immotausch ecosystem, ultimately benefiting investors and homebuyers alike.


Detailed information and calculations can be found in the Token Offering Document

Info Teknis


Total Supply

500,000,000;    96,000,000 on Binance



Price during Presale-ICO

Until 25.03.24 $10.90

then increase by 12 % per day for 14 days

then increase by 5 % per day for 7 days

then increase by 2 % per day for 7 days

then on increase by 0.5 % per day

End 30.09.2024


BNB, USDT, USDC und wenn möglich: ITC (1 XCC = 80 ITC)



Min. Invest

$ 10 pro Wallet/Adresse

Max. Invest

$100.000/day per Wallet/Adresse; Max. 500.000 Pieces per day total


23.3.2024, 10:00


End 30.09.2024 10:00


Direct on Wallet

% name% Roadmap

  • Pengembangan Blockchain Pertukaran Cincin dan 24 Mata Uang Real Estat yang Dapat Dipindahtangankan dengan Partisipasi Keuntungan

  • - Multibahasa
    - Perpanjangan set lapisan ke aplikasi di seluruh dunia
    - Kegunaan token untuk pembayaran
    - Kegunaan token kami sebagai investasi
    - Antarmuka ke Metamask untuk berinvestasi dalam obligasi real estat, pinjaman konversi, real estat, dan saham perusahaan
    - Penyisipan lintas pasar dan lintas segmen dari profil pertukaran dan pertukaran cincin untuk semua industri dan segmen sebagai bagian dari perluasan penerapan (misalnya alat transportasi seperti mobil, kapal, pesawat terbang, jet; furnitur, alat musik, mata uang digital, barang, objek, hak dan kewajiban, saham perusahaan, sekuritas)
    - Pengembangan Lebih Lanjut dari Platform Ring Exchange
    - Pengembangan Blockchain Bursa Cincin
    - Pengembangan Mekanisme Konsensus
    - Transisi Riehl Estate Management UG ke Immochain AG
    - Pendirian Perusahaan Tambahan, masing-masing untuk satu Koin Immochain
    - Pendanaan ICO

Immotausch Tim

Diverifikasi 100%



Patrick Riehl
Managing Director

Immotausch Wawancara

Patrick Riehl
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am founder and managing director of Immotausch. I feel responsible to create a better real estate finance system that really helps people to accumulate wealth as well as to find and maintain their desired property.
What do you think about idea?
It feels great to see such an overall concept from ring exchange of whole properties to tokenization and ring exchange of property shares.

Immotausch Berita terakhir

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