Nicolas Sierro

Product & Project Manager at EverdreamSoft
$ 714,856
Projects Raised
About Nicolas Sierro
Current main activity: Leverage Blockchain for digital collectibles and for gaming. Since 4 years I followed blockchain initiatives, and tested them with focus on the user experience … and barriers. I joined the gaming company EverdreamSoft mid 2016, fully convinced by the power of true ownership of digital assets, enabled by blockchain based token. I am a pioneer and veteran in Information & Communications Technology with 28 years projects experience in marketing, technical and operation activities for startups (e.g. Echovox/Zong sold to PayPal/Ebay, and for big companies such as ABB, City of Zurich, Deutsche Telekom, Orange France telecom, Peugeot, Swisscom, 1&1, and Swiss national TVs. After my Master of Science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), I gained strong international experience in several countries (Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, UK, France, Venezuela): new mobile and Internet services with prize and patent, product management with business plan, strategies to board of directors (startups evaluation, internal spin-off, and new business department). I know how to deliver high-pressure projects and complex program management. My broad product management experience serves my main Business Design activities to craft digital services and business models. I served as teacher for mobile and product management for Bachelor and Master schools. I mentor, coach, advise, and judge startups in several initiatives: Swiss Tech Association, Fintech Fusion, EPFL alumni, EPFL Innovation Park, MassChallenge, “Le Meilleur du Web”, Seedstars.
Associated ICOs