Apurv Mishra

Founder and CEO at Zeus Protocol Inc, GAC Advisor( Artificial Intelligence ) at World Economic Forum and Fellow at TED
$ 50,000,000
Projects Raised
United States
About Apurv Mishra
Apurv Mishra is Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Zeus Protocol Inc. Prior to this, Chief Technology Officer at doc.ai. He is former Chief Operating Officer of Datawallet, backed by top investors including Tim Draper and Marc Benioff. He is a TED Fellow, Chairman of Glavio, Inc. and has been working in the space of Context-Aware and Wearable Technology for the last 9 years. He is also the youngest member of the World Economic Forum - Global Agenda Meta-Council on Emerging Technologies 2014 - 2016 and Member of the World Economic Forum - Global Agenda Council on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, 2014-2016. He holds Masters in Technology Policy from University of Cambridge - Department of Engineering. Prior to this, Apurv was working as VP Strategy for Hypios - a French big data startup based in Paris, that is helping Fortune 500 companies solve technical challenges by matching them with a vast network of scientific experts. He invented 'Glabenator' aged 14 years, in response to his grandfather's paralysis. This invention won the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair Grand Award 2006 (Engineering) at Indianapolis, President of India's National Technology Award 2006, Lecture during NOBEL PRIZE Ceremony 2009 at Stockholm (as Nobel Foundation's Seaborg SIYSS Fellow) and Palomar5 (Berlin).
Associated ICOs
Storiqa ICO
Storiqa ICO