HydroMiner H3O Pre-Sale

HydroMiner H3O Pre-Sale

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Pembaharuan Terakhir

6 Jun 2018

HYDRO MINER adalah platform penambangan untuk Bitcoin, Ethereum, dan cryptocurrency lainnya dengan cara yang ramah lingkungan melalui penggunaan energi terbarukan untuk mengurangi tekanan terhadap lingkungan. Penggunaan platform penambang Hydro mempromosikan penambangan mudah berbagai cryptocurrency dengan penggunaan sumber energi terbarukan membuat proyek ekonomis
  • Pasar
    Volume 24H
    24 jam (harga)
    24 jam (volume)
  • ForkDelta
    H2O/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0064
    $ 3.83
  • Idex
    H2O/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0083
  • Graviex
    H2O/BTC % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0001
    $ 0.3832
  • COSS
    H2O/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.8250
  • Everbloom
    H2O/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 1.32
Start Pre-Sale May 29th, 2018 9:00 am UTC, End Pre-Sale July 31th 2018, 9:00 am UTC
29 Mei 2018
31 Jul 2018
100% lengkap
$2 455 188
35% tujuan lengkap
Tujuan 7 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 H3O
    0.07 USD
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
detil tambahan

Tentang HydroMiner H3O Pre-Sale

Token H3O milik kelas token baru, itu bukan token utilitas atau voucher, tetapi token keamanan berdasarkan hak partisipasi (Genussrecht) tempat kami dalam proses menciptakan prospektus pasar modal menurut hukum pasar modal Eropa. Hak partisipasi akan memberikan pemegang token bagian dalam laba rugi dan nilai perusahaan Hydrominer. Fitur khusus dari token H3O adalah kemungkinan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pertumbuhan nilai Hydrominer. Akan ada opsi untuk pembayaran dividen kepada pemegang token dan hak tag-joint akan diterapkan. Jika pemegang saham menjual saham perusahaan mereka, (hingga) 80% dari keuntungan akan diberikan kepada pemegang token H3O. & Nbsp; Langkah selanjutnya setelah penjualan token H3O adalah mengubah token H3O menjadi saham yang dipatok ketika Hydrominer terdaftar. di bursa efek. Saat ini, tim melihat AIM (segmen London Stock Exchange). Kemudian, pemegang token H3O akan menjadi pemegang saham nyata dengan semua hak yang sesuai (dengan diskon untuk harga IPO). & Nbsp;

Pikiran dasar di balik token ini adalah membuat instrumen yang mirip dengan saham yang memungkinkan pemegang saham dan pemegang token H3O selaras dengan kepentingan mereka sejak awal. Pemegang tanda serta tim berusaha menuju operasi penambangan berkelanjutan yang paling menguntungkan. Dengan modal yang dinaikkan dalam penjualan token H3O, Hydrominer akan dapat memposisikan dirinya di garis depan bisnis penambangan kripto hijau melalui perluasan secara signifikan, berinvestasi pada peningkatan perangkat keras untuk memaksimalkan output perangkat keras dan melalui mengadopsi solusi pendinginan berpemilik Hydrominer. . Kami akan melihat dalam waktu dekat gelombang token keamanan datang ke pasar, karena token ini mengurangi risiko investor dan memberi mereka hak yang tidak mereka miliki dengan token atau voucher utilitas.


- minat selaras dari pemegang token dan manajemen perusahaan

-tingkat kepatuhan tertinggi: prospektus pasar modal penuh menurut hukum keuangan UE

-untuk dikonversi dalam pembagian tradisional setelah IPO HydroMiner (saat ini tim melihat AIM, segmen bursa London)

-tingkat keamanan tertinggi untuk investor (tidak seperti utilitiy atau token dividen)

-dijalankan di lingkungan likuiditas tinggi, untuk dicantumkan di bursa crypto keamanan

Info Teknis

-H3O akan menjadi Token ERC-20 yang berlaku pada rantai Ethereum

-kontrak kontrak pintar

-Persediaan Token maksimum untuk pra-penjualan adalah 100 Mio H3O Token

& nbsp;

% name% Roadmap

  • Q4/2016 Founding of Hydrominer

  • HydroMiner was founded by Nadine and Nicole Damblon, who came together with a group of miners in Vienna in, who formed a GesbR. They had the idea to move their mining equipment directly to the source of energy, into the hydro power stations, where they avoided the grid costs and were able to solely use renewable energy.
    In Q2/2017, HydroMiner Limited Company was founded and registered in Vienna.
  • Q2/2017 First Mining Farm in Schönberg

  • Hydrominer rents the first hydro power station in Schönberg with an output of up to 290 kWh, around 120 mining units are deployed there, each rig containing 6-10 GPU cards.
  • Q4/2017 Successfull ICO

  • Hydrominer raised 7346 Ether during the ICO, participants were able to buy H2O Tokens, which are vouchers for mining time on the mining facilities of Hydrominer that were build with the raised funds.
  • Q4/ 2017 Second Miningfarm near Waidhofen an der Ybbs

  • Building of the second facility with 250 Antminers S9 and a container with 1152 GPU cards, constant energy supply of 600 kW.
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • Q1/2018 Mining portal

  • HydroMiner implemented a mining portal which allows users to redeem their H2O tokens towards 2-year mining contracts. Mining start for Token holders was Saturday 24th of February.
    The mining shop was implemented in early march, where mining contracts can also be purchased with fiat money, BTC, ETH and other cryptocurrencies. Customers can choose if they want to mine Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ether, Ether Classic or Zcash. Other currencies will follow.
  • Q1/2018 Joint Venture

  • In an upcoming Joint Venture with a group of renowned investors in Austria, Hydrominer plans to equip its 3rd hydro power station, again near Waidhofen.
  • Q2/2018 Presale H3O Token

  • Tickets with a minimum presale payment amount of 140 000 USD will be sold during the Presale that starts 15 May 2018, 9 am UTC and will end at 30 June 2018, 9 am UTC. Investors will own a participatory right that will let the owner participate in the growth and value of HydroMiner. When the second ICO starts, probably in Q3, the participatory right will be converted into a tokenized security.

    The H3O Token will be a compliant security token with a capital market prospectus according to the European financial law. It is the first of its kind in europe.
  • Q3/2018 Main Sale H3O Token

  • With the start of the main sale of H3O security token, H2O Token Holders can upgrade their H2O Tokens into H3O Tokens, for an 1 H2O : 50 H3O exchange rate, after the capital market prospectus for the H3O Token is approved by the financial authorities (Q2). Hydrominer’s H3O will be the first fully compliant security token according to european financial law.
    More information will be released as soon as this has happened, please check the latest H3O update.
  • Q3/2018 Building of new Mining Farm

  • In Q3 HydroMiner will build new mining facilities, currently HydroMiner looks at hydro power stations in Armenia. With the funds from the second ICO these power stations will then be equipped with mining hardware.
    Depending on the amounts raised the hydro power stations can be aquired by HydroMiner.
    The constant output of the hydro power stations the team currently looks at in these countries ranges from 2 MW to 25 MW.
  • Q2/2019 IPO

  • In Q2/2019 the team will prepare the IPO of HydroMiner, probably at the AIM (Alternative Investment Market), a segment of the London Stock Exchange. The team is already in contact with lawyers and advisors to get everything done in time for a listing in early 2019.
    Through this step HydroMiner is able to offer more traditional investors an entry point into the crypto mining business.

HydroMiner H3O Pre-Sale Tim

Diverifikasi 53%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Nadine Damblon
CEO & Founder
Michael Marcovici
Davies Guttmann
Nicole Damblon
Christian Vogl
Alexander Azmann
Sebastian Kastner
Leading Technician
Axel Ferro
Graphic Design
tidak diverifikasi
Enrico Jacono
Graphic Design
tidak diverifikasi
Helmut Schindlwick
Volunteering Technical Consultant
Michele Roscelli
tidak diverifikasi
Benjamin Guttmann
Project Manager
tidak diverifikasi
Alexander Valtingoje...
Smart Contract Developer
tidak diverifikasi
Florian Pircher
Smart Contract Developer
tidak diverifikasi
Andreas Achleithner
Operations engineer
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

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$2 455 188

Oliver Volkel
Legal Advisor
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Arthur Stadler
Legal Advisor
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Jeff Dillman
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John Holland
Financial Advisor
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$9 455 188

Troy Linforth
Security Advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Christian Daimer
tidak diverifikasi
Sascha C. Dennstedt
tidak diverifikasi

HydroMiner H3O Pre-Sale Wawancara

Nadine Damblon
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I founded the company together with my sister to shift the crypto mining to renewable energies. Our goal is to become one of the leading sustainable mining operations. To accomplish that we are offering the best way to particiapte in the profits of the company by creating Europe's first security token, which grants shareholder rights to the investor.
Let's make the crypto mining green!
Michael Marcovici
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am one of 4 directors technicaly and work as co ceo in charge of business development
Davies Guttmann
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am CFO of Hydrominer
My resposabillities are investor relations and preparing the capital raises.
I think, ther H3O token sale is very exciting, becaus this will be (one of) the first full fledged security token in the EU with full voting rights for all token holders. This is decentralized decision making!
Nicole Damblon
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Together with my sister I founded HydroMiner, an eco-friendly crypto-mining company in the austrian alps. We expanded our mining ventures to two fully equipped hydro power stations in lower austria and have grown to a substantial business with over 20 employees. My focus lies on Investment Relations, Business Developing and Strategic Planning.

Eco-friendly mining will become increasingly important to strengthen the adoption of the blockchain. And a compliant investment vehicle is a necessary condition for a profitable long-term investment. This is why HydroMiner will issue a fully compliant Security Token, it is the smartest way to profit from crypto-mining.
Christian Vogl
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
CTO of Hydrominer IT Service GmbH
Alexander Azmann
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Everything is there for a green mining revolution: affordable energy from renewable sources, and people who want to support a sustainable approach. Let’s make crypto mining green! HydroMiner - a hydropowered eco-friendly mining company.
Sebastian Kastner
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am responsible for developing and maintaining Hydrominers cooling technology and identifying risks and improvement opportunities of the operation. With three years’ experience in designing mining infrastructure, I am also an expert in managing many aspects of the mining process such as management software, pools, and improving mining hardware at the core.
Helmut Schindlwick
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Helmut owns a higher technical degree, a master of business and master of science degree. The MSc study and his master thesis "IT Governance" brought him to the blockchain technology back in 2016.
Since then Helmut was seeking to apply his knowledge in various international projects and cryptocurrency start-ups. Looking for ways to make the Blockchain and related crypto currencies more user friendly and more sustainable. For over 10 years now, Helmut tries to live an organic, less energy-intense lifestyle, and therefore supports the Hydrominer Team in their activities to provide green energy to the cryptocurrencies for the consumer market.

HydroMiner H3O Pre-Sale Berita terakhir

$ 0.5603
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 8.00
ICO Price~$0.0700

% name% Ulasan

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a mining platform for Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies in an eco-friendly manner through the use of renewable energy in order to relieve pressure on the environment


  • The platform transparently fully highlights the companies involved to the users across different countries promoting a comprehensive view of the mining industry
  • The platform use enables different companies to mine easily with cheap and unsteady power supply without the reliance on the expensive chips
  • The deployment of mining hardware in hydropower stations enables the platform to get electricity inexpensively leading to the rise of many farms
  • The platform use promotes environmental conservation as it eliminates the environmental problems of massive fossil fuel based energy consumptions through the use of renewable energy resources
  • The platform enables the companies in different countries to mine different cryptocurrencies at a lower overall cost through the use of less expensive energy sources and direct connections with the hydropower plants to save the grid charges
  • The platform H3O token guarantees the holders rights over the company and highest degree of security while generating profits
  • The platform white paper is properly detailed bearing the importance and usage of the project in ensuring the users mine different cryptocurrencies easily through the companies involved
  • The platform has a good team consisting of highly experienced cryptocurrency miners and finance professionals enabling to create easy mining process


  • The platform is highly dependent on hardware supply which is very expensive
  • The project requires capital-intensive plans to formulate
  • The countries of application is not highlighted in the white paper with the corresponding value of the H3O tokens


  • The platform white paper should clearly highlight the countries of application of the project
  • The platform H3O token value at the pre-sale stage should be highlighted
  • The platform should set up more security measures to prevent the any loss due change in cryptocurrency value


The use of Hydro miner platform promotes easy mining of different cryptocurrencies with the use of renewable energy sources making the project economical. I would therefore invest in it

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Ahli yang Diinvestasikan: $650
News, reviews

HydroMiner is an environmentally-friendly, profitable mining operation based in the Alps. The miners rely on hydroelectric power and water cooling to create an energy-efficient, highly-profitable mining operation. HydroMiner has access to two hydroelectric power sources. Using money gathered from its token sale (for H2O tokens), the company hopes to expand into southern Germany while also boosting their current mining operations.

As an H2O token holder, you’re entitled to receive profits from the HydroMiner mining operation. Each token represents one watt of energy from the operation.

As far as we can tell, HydroMiner is legitimate. The company appears to be open and honest about its work online, and they have an extensive FAQs section, team page, and other information about their project. We don’t have the specific locations for any of the mining setups – although that’s not necessarily unusual.

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