HomeMine Token (HMT)

HomeMine Token (HMT)

Created using Figma

Pembaharuan Terakhir

11 Mei 2018

Kami menjadikan penambangan kegiatan harian sederhana yang tidak memerlukan investasi dan keterampilan teknis
21 Mei 2018
21 Jun 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Detail Token
Mata Uang yang Diterima
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Used blockchain
Cryptocurrency, Energi

Tentang HomeMine Token (HMT)

HomeMine menawarkan kesempatan untuk menghasilkan uang dari penambangan pasif pada peralatan listrik rumah tangga. WeHomeMine menawarkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan uang dari penambangan pasif pada peralatan listrik rumah tangga. Kami menjadikan penambangan kegiatan harian sederhana yang tidak memerlukan investasi dan keterampilan teknis. HomeMine adalah perangkat yang berorientasi pada anggaran dalam bentuk filter jaringan dengan chip penambangan terintegrasi yang akan digunakan untuk penambangan pasif dalam kondisi rumah. Cukup sambungkan setiap alat rumah tangga ke filter untuk memulai proses penambangan. Anda menambang setiap kali Anda menggunakan ketel, microwave, isi daya ponsel cerdas Anda dan sebagainya! Semua perangkat HomeMine terhubung ke kumpulan proyek di mana HomeMineCoin ditambang. Koin yang ditambang dapat dijual dengan dasar jaminan kepada administrasi proyek dengan harga tetap $ 42 per 1 HMC. Setelah produksi dimulai, token HMT dapat ditukar dengan filter jaringan HomeMine. Koin HMC yang ditambang dengan bantuan perangkat juga berfungsi sebagai cara membayar filter jaringan baru berdasarkan: & nbsp; 1 HMT = 1 HMC = 1 perangkat = $ 42BENEFITS1) Menyimpan uang HomeMine adalah penambangan pasif di mana Anda tidak perlu menginvestasikan uang, & nbsp; Anda cukup menggunakan peralatan rumah tangga dan dengan demikian mengkompensasi biaya listrik.

2) Kesederhanaan penggunaan Anda tidak perlu keahlian teknis untuk menggunakan HomeMine. Untuk meluncurkan penambangan, cukup sambungkan alat ke jaringan menggunakan perangkat.

3) HomeMine Keselamatan dilindungi dari panas berlebih, jadi Anda tidak akan harus menyelesaikan masalah pendinginan atau risiko kebakaran atau korsleting.

4) Jaminan pendapatan Administrasi HomeMine menjamin bahwa pembelian kembali HMC akan dilakukan pada tingkat bunga tetap sebesar $ 42 setelah produksi massal perangkat dimulai. Hingga saat ini, 10 perangkat HomeMine bekerja dalam mode uji di berbagai belahan dunia: di Meksiko, Jerman, India, Rusia, AS, Cina, dan Brasil. Indikator kinerja pertama berbicara sendiri: $ 94,8 adalah pendapatan rata-rata per perangkat per bulan. DISKON PRESALE 50%!

% name% Roadmap

  • Development of own mining chip for mass production

  • Improvement of the chip based on the existing test sample with maximum performance and stability indicators.
  • Development of software for accounting energy used

  • Development of a Smart Meter system to monitor the consumed power of appliances connected to the device and transfer these data to the cloud
  • Optimization of the power supply and device safety

  • Optimization of the stable chip operation in the set temperature mode and compatibility with other chips
  • Cloud service for profitability calculation

  • The cloud service provides transparency of profitability calculation and allows you to transfer income to a bank account or cold wallet.
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • Improvement of industrial design of the device

  • Preparation for mass production: creation of a new body, implementation of optimized equipment, taking certification procedures.
  • Development of mobile applications

  • Creation of applications for Android and IOS with the help of which you can manage the device,
  • Organization of a production line and fulfillment

  • The production line is planned to be launched in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
  • Start of equipment mass production

  • Start of mass production of HomeMine devices on its own production line.
  • Placing HMC coins on Bittrex and Poloniex

  • HomeMineCoin coin will be requested for placement on key cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • The start of HMC buyback at a fixed rate

  • Repurchase of HMC coins mined by devices at a fixed exchange rate of $42.
  • Organization of fee withdrawal to the bank card

  • Integration of the external payment system which will allow to pay the mined HMC coins in the Fiat currency
  • Development of an industrial sample of miner

  • Creation of a universal passive miner that can be integrated directly into other electrical appliances.
  • Development of co-products

  • Cooperation with companies that produce household electrical appliances in order to create a joint product with an integrated miner.
  • Marketing an economical household appliances brand

  • Starting the sale of a new kind of dual-purpose household appliances which would compensate expenses on its power consumption
  • Launch of two production lines for the b2b segment

  • Organization of production facilities for mass production of a universal miner intended for industrial integration into electrical appliance

HomeMine Token (HMT) Tim

Diverifikasi 100%

Georgiy Sandarovsky
СЕО & Founder
Sergey Kerzhentsev
Konstantin Melnikov
Chief Engineer
Irina Koroleva
Chief Development Officer


$1 090 000

Valentina Smirnova
PR manager, SMM marketer
Maria Ashikhmina
Senior Developer
Konstantin Melekhin
Blockchain Developer
Yuri Kravtsov
WEB designer

HomeMine Token (HMT) Wawancara

Georgiy Sandarovsky
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I’m the manager of HomeMine project, responsible for elaboration of the concept and project development strategy.
Sergey Kerzhentsev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I responsible for developing a prototype device, designed
an industrial prototype at the project. I like it, because It's free electricity idea and incredible team.
Konstantin Melnikov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I responsible for optimization of the mining chip and
internal system of interaction between hardware and
software. I think it's great technology!
Irina Koroleva
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I responsible for planning of the project business strategy,
benchmarking analytics and market research. This is one of the most interesting projects in which I work. Modern technology and a great idea!
Valentina Smirnova
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm responsible for the project promotion in social networks and for partner relations with equipment manufacturers in the direction of co-production. This project is a real inspiration for me !
Maria Ashikhmina
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I the lead developer of the project, responsible for
developing the key functional: mining pool, wallet,
statistics processing, etc. This is a very interesting task!
Konstantin Melekhin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I responsible for the blockchain component of the project,
developed HomeMine Coin. It's my biggest project and I like it really!
Yuri Kravtsov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I r esponsible for the development of the website and
interfaces for mobile and desktop applications, as well as
corporate identity of the project. This project gives me a lot of creative ideas.

HomeMine Token (HMT) Berita terakhir

5.0 12
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