Gramarye Media is a disruptive book publisher, a film studio, a game developer, and more. We’re the world’s first content incubator. Gramarye Media is the cross-media entertainment studio of the future, the first on the east coast — discovering, incubating, vetting, producing, and distributing original content, including books, films, games, AR and VR, merchandise, and more.
We’re disrupting the Hollywood studio model. With budgets soaring, original content is risky because it lacks brand awareness. Meanwhile, analysts and executives agree: the cycle of sequels and remakes is presenting increasing danger to industry profitability. In addition, there is tremendous waste built into the Hollywood system. Executives and analysts agree: Hollywood spends at least twice what it should making films. Gramarye has recognized that these issues provide an opportunity for disruption.
Our process is based on three core concepts:
1. Reduce Risk — Discover original content with a built-in, proven audience
2.Produce Content at a Significantly Lower Cost for multiple cross-media channels in concert to open new opportunities for revenue generation
3.Own access to Distribution Channels All three pillars will generate revenue.
Gramarye makes disruptive use of blockchain technology in two ways: First, Gramarye’s SEC-Compliant STO raise makes us the first major studio funded by a preferred stock offer represented by a Blockchain-based Security Token. It’s not just a Gramarye raise — we’re investing in a complete ecosystem of partner companies, each of which expands our capabilities and returns dividends to token holders while diversifying the investment. Second, Gramarye uses blockchain utility tokens (which cannot be sold) to provide meaningful rewards and incentives to fan evangelists who spark the viral spread of brand awareness, and to stream content directly to consumers hungry for the core, generational stories that unite us all.
Our offer is Series A Preferred Stock represented by a Blockchain-based Security Token Offering. With traditional securities, it usually takes at least seven years for investors to see a return from a startup investment. But with a token security purchased with a discount, investors may see a return in as little as two years or less — or hold to see even more potential opportunities for growth and dividends.
Your investment is thoroughly diversified. It’s not just a Gramarye investment … it’s an investment in an entire ecosystem of partner companies, including the virtual production facility of tomorrow, real estate, distribution, traditional publishing, and more.
Diverifikasi 38%
Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim
Diverifikasi 0%
Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim
Penawaran ini didasarkan pada informasi yang diberikan semata-mata oleh pemberi penawaran dan informasi lain yang tersedia untuk umum. Penjualan token atau acara pertukaran yang sama sekali tidak terkait dengan ICOholder dan ICOholder tidak memiliki keterlibatan di dalamnya (termasuk dukungan teknis atau promosi). Penjualan Token terdaftar dari orang-orang yang tidak memiliki hubungan dengan ICOholder yang hanya dapat membantu pelanggan melacak aktivitas yang terjadi di dalam keseluruhan token sector. Informasi ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk memberikan nasihat yang harus Anda andalkan. Anda harus mendapatkan saran profesional atau spesialis atau melakukan due diligence Anda sendiri sebelum mengambil, atau menahan diri, tindakan berdasarkan konten di situs kami. Syarat dan ketentuan apa pun yang dimasukkan oleh kontributor sehubungan dengan perolehan Token ada di antara mereka dan penerbit Token dan ICOholder bukanlah penjual Token tersebut. Pemegang ICO tidak memiliki tanggung jawab hukum atas setiap pernyataan yang dibuat oleh pihak ketiga sehubungan dengan penjualan Token dan setiap klaim atas pelanggaran kontrak juga harus dilakukan secara langsung terhadap entitas penerbit Token yang tercantum di sini. P>
Jika Anda memiliki masalah tentang sifat, kepatutan atau legalitas penjualan token ini atau orang-orang yang terlibat di dalamnya, hubungi dengan informasi rinci tentang masalah Anda. p> div>