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Arsitektur Kontrak Cerdas yang terdesentralisasi yang beroperasi di Mesin Virtual Etosum sebagai pasar utama Startup Token (global).
18 Agu 2017
2 Sep 2017
100% lengkap
$27 990
2.5 K
67% tujuan lengkap
Tujuan 27 990.00
  • 2000 GODZ
    1 ETH
Detail Token
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Negara Terdaftar
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Peron, Layanan bisnis

Tentang Godzillion

Godzillion is a Decentralized Marketplace that opens up the whole investing and capital raising cycle for startups and investors. Here people vote, fund and trade startups 24/7. Startups submit their proposals to be funded with a reward and people vote to decide if will be allowed to post an auction. If the Startup has been voted YES, the Startup can issue their tokens and people can participate in his crowdfunding campaign. You can sell the Startup tokens at any time. The DApp was built in Solidity (Architecture of Smart Contracts) and operates on the Ethereum Blockchain, using a token called GODZ. Godzillion’s DApp does not use a central server to run user processes or logs.

What are the problems that we solved?

Screening problem: Decentralizes the process of deciding whether or not to let a company publish its crowdfunding campaign through a voting system. A startup can offer an amount in GODZ as a reward to investors who vote, within a Smart Contract. Investors vote using GODZ, to decide whether a startup will have the right to post its campaign. Existing crowdfunding platforms charge fixed and variable fees and centralize the decision whether a startup will be allowed to post its campaign. Investors vote using GODZ and 95% of the reward goes to the voters who win, regardless if the outcome of the election is YES or NO. The losing voters share 5% of the reward. That implies that voting generates profit for the investors who vote, because after the vote they get their GODZ back, plus their share of the reward.

Liquidity problem: It increases the liquidity of this class of alternative assets. The dilemma today for crowdfunding investors is that after investing they are “stuck” in the investment. In the Godzillion DApp, there is a continuously operating exchange for trading these investments. Because of that, the growing companies do not face the decision whether to reinvest profits or pay dividends. Investors are not “locked in”. They do not need to wait for the company to pay them a dividend or be acquired. Investors can go to the exchange and place a sales orders for the tokens they bought and thus harvest their capital gains.

High costs: The Godzillion DApp does not charge fees on the monetary value traded; instead each user only pays the “gas” required to execute his request within the DApp. That means lower transaction costs for users, compared to the traditional paradigm of a percentage of the amount of capital. In order to decentralize the entire Startup financing process, including the voting phase that precedes a crowdfunding campaign, we created GODZ, which function as a voting token, attracting investors to vote by giving them a financial incentive. GODZ are also the units of value that investors use to fund startups on Godzillion. And GODZ are also the native currency of the Godzillion exchange where investors can buy and sell tokens to harvest their capital gains and dividends.


Investor dapat memberikan suara pada para pemula dan mendapatkan penghargaan untuk itu.
Ini memfasilitasi diversifikasi investasi portofolio untuk Aset Alternatif.

Info Teknis

Rincian teknis: & nbsp; Kami telah menerapkan dan mengoperasikan aplikasi yang terdesentralisasi murni sebagai Arsitektur Kontrak Cerdas, yang beroperasi di Mesin Virtual Etosum sebagai pasar utama Startup Token (global) dan sekunder. http://dapp.godzillion.io/ Kode sumber: & nbsp; Kode Godzillion akan diberikan setelah ICO selesai. Bukti pengembang: & nbsp; Tim publik

% name% Roadmap

  • 2017/10 sampai 2018/03

  • 1. Naik Godzillion DApp2. Peningkatan Fungsionalitas yang Ada3. Keamanan Perbaikan Terus-menerus4. Antarmuka Pengguna Perbaikan Terus-menerus5. Acara F2F dengan Kelompok Startup Teratas6. Acara Umum di Universitas Worldwide7. Strategi Pemasaran Kampanye Terus-menerus8. Kolaborasi Pemerintah & Otoritas Lokal9. Penentuan Blockchain Ethereal Block10. Adaptasi Sesuaikan Admin & RH11. Adaptasi Infrastruktur Fisik & TI
  • 2018/04 sampai 2018/09

  • 1. Peningkatan Fungsi Fungsional2. Manajer Portofolio sebagai Smart Contract3. Keamanan Perbaikan Terus-menerus4. Antarmuka Pengguna Perbaikan Terus-menerus5. Acara F2F dengan Kelompok Startup Teratas6. Acara Umum di Universitas Worldwide7. Acara F2F dengan Kelompok Investor Teratas8. Strategi Pemasaran Kampanye Terus-menerus9. Kolaborasi Pemerintah & Pemerintah Daerah10. Penentuan Blockchain Ethereal Block 11. Audit Legal & Compliance & Stress-Test12. Adaptasi Infrastruktur Fisik & TI
  • 2018/10 sampai 2019/03

  • 1. Manajer Portofolio sebagai Smart Contract2. Pasar Uang sebagai Kontrak Pintar3. Keamanan Perbaikan Terus-menerus4. Antarmuka Pengguna Perbaikan Terus-menerus5. Acara F2F dengan Kelompok Startup Teratas6. Acara Umum di Universitas Worldwide7. Acara F2F dengan Kelompok Investor Teratas8. Strategi Pemasaran Kampanye Terus-menerus9. Kolaborasi Pemerintah & Pemerintah Daerah10. Penentuan Blockchain Ethereal Block 11. Audit Legal & Compliance & Stress-Test12. Adaptasi Infrastruktur Fisik & TI
  • 2019/04 sampai 2019/09

  • 1. Manajer Portofolio sebagai Smart Contract2. Pasar Uang sebagai Kontrak Pintar3. Keamanan Perbaikan Terus-menerus4. Lending and Leverage Smart Contracts5. Antarmuka Pengguna Perbaikan Terus-menerus6. Acara Umum di Universitas Worldwide7. Acara F2F dengan Kelompok Investor Teratas8. Bekerja sama dengan Accelerator Programs9. Strategi Pemasaran Kampanye Terus-menerus10. Kolaborasi Pemerintah & Pemerintah Lokal11. Penentuan Blockchain Ethereal Block12. Audit Hukum & Kepatuhan & Uji-Tegangan13. Adaptasi Infrastruktur Fisik & TI

Godzillion Tim

Diverifikasi 50%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Rodrigo Sainz
tidak diverifikasi


$27 990

Cristobal Pereira
Eduardo Portugues
Matias Pereira
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 20%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

John C. Edmunds
tidak diverifikasi
Albi Rodriguez
José Luis Ruiz
tidak diverifikasi
Roberto Darrigrandi
tidak diverifikasi
David Díaz
tidak diverifikasi

Godzillion Berita terakhir

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