Dua hari, 3 tahap, 400+ peserta: & nbsp; MoneyLIVE Summit & nbsp; membawa memberi Anda kesempatan untuk jaringan dengan maverik perbankan dan terinspirasi oleh lebih dari 80+ pengubah permainan di industri perbankan. Dengan & nbsp; 3 tahapan yang mencakup segala sesuatu mulai dari Bank of the Future, hingga aplikasi di AI, hingga kemitraan FinTech dan lainnya, konferensi ini mencakup semua yang Anda perlukan untuk membuat dampak nyata pada industri.
Welcome address
Chair's opening remarks - Declan Curry, Journalist and Broadcaster
The Future is Open
Handing the reins back to the customer
Kirsty Rutter, Barclays - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsKirsty Rutter Managing Director & Chief Innovation Officer , Barclays Bank
Reinventing the status quo: the future of lifestyle banking
Ewan MacLeod, Nordea - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsEwan MacLeod Chief Digital Officer , Nordea
The service formerly known as banking
Martin Ekenbäck, Tink - MoneyLIVE EventsMartin Ekenbäck Business Development Director , Tink
Open banking: expanding the horizons of innovation
How are open API strategies enabling banks to further digital innovation?
From a reactive to proactive mindset: making the most of the opportunities of open banking
Avoiding becoming the dumb pipes: delivering a proposition that genuinely excites customers
What changes can be seen as a consequence of the CMA open banking initiative?
Here come the AISPs and PISPs: how can banks protect their relationships with customers?
Who is most likely to emerge as the victor in the AISP and PISP space?
In what ways can FinTech partners help strengthen customer relationships?
How might partnerships with FinTechs provide banks with access to new revenue streams?
Ewan MacLeod, Nordea - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsEwan MacLeod Chief Digital Officer , Nordea
Chad West, Revolut - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsChad West Chief Marketing Officer , Revolut
Martin Ekenbäck, Tink - MoneyLIVE EventsMartin Ekenbäck Business Development Director , Tink
Caroline Ambrose Open Banking Director, Barclays Bank
A brave new open banking world
The advent of open banking is a seismic change which offers the industry great potential to serve its customers even better. However, new opportunities for banks to succeed also create new opportunities for fraud. Find out how the industry can prepare itself for success, whilst staying one step ahead of the fraudsters in this presentation from Jim Wadsworth of Mastercard.
Jim-WadsworthJim Wadsworth UK Product Director , Mastercard
The rise of the intelligent machine | Let's talk payments | FinTech Central
AI: pushing the boundaries of banking
• Uncovering a wealth of opportunity in artificial intelligence: what impact will it have on banking over the next ten years?
• The convergence of Big Data and AI: how will this transform the customer experience?
• From RPA to artificial intelligence: what roadblocks can banks expect to encounter?
• Increasing staff efficiency: understanding how AI can truly support internal operations
• How can data be readied for AI strategies?
• What more can AI teach banks about their customers?
Shachar Bialick, Curve- MoneyLIVE EventsShachar Bialick, Chief Executive Officer , Curve
Creating a strategy for AI development
Richard Harris FeedzaiRichard Harris Head of International Operations , Feedzai
Gaining momentum in digital transformation: maximising the potential of artificial intelligence
• In which areas of banking is the technology proving to be most effective?
• Maturity of the technology: is AI ready for the banking industry to implement at scale?
• How can AI and ML maximise the effectiveness of data analytics?
• Readying data for AI strategies: what more needs to be done?
• What challenges have banks encountered on the way?
• In what ways does AI augment, rather than contradict, the capabilities of the human workforce?
• Robot gone rogue: monitoring AI and putting preventative measures in place
Angel Serrano Head of Data Science , Santander
Shachar Bialick, Curve- MoneyLIVE EventsShachar Bialick, Chief Executive Officer , Curve
Richard Harris FeedzaiRichard Harris Head of International Operations , Feedzai
Lunch hosted by PwC and Salesforce
A data-driven world | Identifying the customer: digital advances | FinTech Central
Unleashing the power of analytics
Robert Mulhall, AIB Group - MoneyLIVE EventsRobert Mulhall Managing Director – Retail and Commercial Banking Ireland , AIB Group
The big bad budget: leveraging data for quick and agile drive-based forecasting
Dan Bolland Director, Banking , KPMG
Speaker PlaceholderGivarn Ramsundar Management Consulting , KPMG
Putting data at the centre of customer strategies
• How can data analytics strategies be overhauled for banks to deliver truly intuitive services and products?
• What data is the ‘right’ data: do banks run the risk of drowning in data?
• The here and now in data analytics: what impact might AI and automation have on this?
• Turning the fickle customer into a loyal one in an era of data portability
• Tailoring value-added services to the customer: optimising your data strategy
• New marketing approaches for a GDPR-world: how can banks maintain consistent dialogue with customers?
• The right to be forgotten: how are banks approaching this aspect of GDPR?
Tony Crane, Bank of Ireland - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsTony Crane Customer Experience Director , Bank of Ireland
Robert Mulhall, AIB Group - MoneyLIVE EventsRobert Mulhall Managing Director – Retail and Commercial Banking Ireland , AIB Group
Maxim Yevdokimov, Tinkoff Bank - MoneyLIVE EventsMaxim Evdokimov Chief Digital Customer Experience Officer , Tinkoff Bank
Chris Wilkinson, Metro Bank - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsChris Wilkinson Head of Digital Strategy , Metro Bank
Dan Bolland Director, Banking , KPMG
Remaking the customer relationship | Accelerating onboarding | FinTech Central
Lessons from the hospitality industry
‘Welcome to a new kind of hotel’. From hiring actors providing on-site assistance to ‘moodpads’ in every room, CitizenM hotels have set a new benchmark for the hospitality industry, giving its competitors a wake up-call to the demands of the digitally-savvy customer. In this case study, Lennert de Jong will outline how CitizenM made the most of technological innovation and predictive analytics to shake up the traditional hotel model.
Lennert de Jong, CitizenM Hotels - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsLennert de Jong Commercial Director , CitizenM Hotels
The impact of voice and conversational AI to the financial services customer journey
Jon BussJon Buss Managing Director, UK & Northern Europe , Yext
Helping customers discover the delight in banking
• Maintaining digital relevance: what exactly do customers want?
• Co-creating with customers: the power of communities
• Designing and offering the right value-added services for customers: where can banks look to for inspiration?
• The power of voice: will home assistants be the key to deepening customer engagement?
• Understanding the challenges and opportunities of creating a strong brand: redefining what banking means to customers
Alison Jaap, First Direct - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsAlison Jaap Head of Change , First Direct
Guido MangiagalliGuido Mangiagalli Head of Authentication & Identity , VISA
Shane Closser, Yext - MoneyLIVE EventsShane Closser Head of Industry/ GM – Financial Services , Yext
Everyone joins the Turquoise Stage for the Champagne Keynote Address
New customer dynamics
Transforming our relationships with customers through truly digital banking
Linda Duncombe, Citi - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsLinda Duncombe Chief Marketing Officer, Global Head of Growth, Citi FinTech , Citi
Open banking spaghetti: connecting here, there and everywhere
Eleni Coldrey, Equinix - MoneyLIVE EventsEleni Coldrey Business Development Director , Equinix
Delivering the ultimate in customer convenience
Karen Pepper, Amazon Pay - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsKaren Pepper Head of the UK, Amazon Pay , Amazon
Chair’s closing remarks, end of Day 1 followed by MoneyLIVE Winter Warmer drinks reception
Chair's opening remarks - Declan Curry, Journalist and Broadcaster
A platform for change - marketplace banking and beyond
New beginnings: e-commerce players and financial services
Toshihiko Otsuka, Rakuten Bank - MoneyLIVE EventsToshihiko Otsuka Chief Executive Officer and Director , Rakuten Europe Bank
Marketplace Beta and beyond: designing new business models for banking
Tom Foster-Carter, Monzo - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsTom Foster-Carter Chief Operating Officer , Monzo
A marketplace of financial services and payments: exploring new territories
Julian-Sawyer-Starling-BankJulian Sawyer Chief Operating Officer , Starling Bank
Marketplace and lifestyle banking: banking on a new competitive environment
Wiil-StevensWill Stevns Partner , PwC
Vicki Lintern, Salesforce - MoneyLIVE EventsVicki Lintern Senior Director Solution Engineering , Salesforce
Taking the steps towards lifestyle banking
Alex-Weber-N26Alex Weber Head of International Markets , N26
Building a compelling platform: future-proofing banking
• From a passive to an active role: finding ways to add real value to the customer relationship
• Account aggregation is just the first step: the benefits of marketplace banking
• Looking to the WeChat model: making the banking app a destination app
• How can banks use analytics to deliver compelling digital lifestyle portals?
• Beyond financial services: offering a wider and more compelling proposition
• Amazon and Google as platforms for banking: hot air or serious threat?
Tom Foster-Carter, Monzo - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsTom Foster-Carter Chief Operating Officer , Monzo
Ricky Knox, Tandem Money Limited - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsRicky Knox Founder , Tandem
Alex-Weber-N26Alex Weber Head of International Markets , N26
Julian-Sawyer-Starling-BankJulian Sawyer Chief Operating Officer , Starling Bank
Wiil-StevensWill Stevns Partner , PwC
Integrating the best of the physical and digital worlds | Designing and delivering high-value products | Bank and FinTech partnerships: where next?
You and Studio B
Studio B is so much more than a bank branch. Since opening its flagship store in in April 2017, Studio B has seen tens of thousands of customers walk through its doors and published more than 20 concepts, with seven progressing to active exploration. Studio B has built a new community of customers that do more than just ‘bank’ in the branch by inviting them to collaborate and co-innovate. In this case study, David Judic will share the ongoing successes of Studio B and will share how it redefines what it means to be a digital bank for the customer of the future.
David Judic, CYBG - MoneyLIVE EventsDavid Judic Head of Innovation , CYBG
Innovate or die: winning with digital transformation, frictionless banking and customer experience
From tech start-ups to new competition and demand for elevated customer experiences, nervous banks and credit unions have become exceedingly vulnerable to digital disruption. However, even though customers are pivoting more and more to digital channels to conduct their business, branches are still in demand to help solve complex issues and find personalised advice. In this presentation, Glenn Shoosmith will reveal how banks can navigate disruption through tackling the omnichannel challenge, reimagining branch functions, supercharging branch staff and more.
Glenn Shoosmith, BookingBug - MoneyLIVE EventsGlenn Shoosmith Founder and Chief Executive Officer , BookingBug
Maintaining the ‘human touch’: paving the way to digital-centric physical spaces
• Changing needs: what are customers demanding from their branch and in-store experiences?
• What lessons can be learnt from developments in the retail sector?
• What does an immersive physical banking experience look like?
• Which technologies have the capability of deepening the in-store customer experience?
• The omnichannel challenge: designing a cohesive strategy around online, in-branch and mobile experiences
• How can banks’ balance operational costs with digital innovation?
Alison Port, Leeds Building Society - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsAlison Port Director of Strategy , Leeds Building Society
David Judic, CYBG - MoneyLIVE EventsDavid Judic Head of Innovation , CYBG
Tech Showcase | Navigating the new data landscape | TPPs: new kids on the block
Voice tech: realising its potential in banking
• Why should voice be the next development as part of an overall omnichannel strategy?
• Voice data: what can be done with this new source of data?
• Product innovation in voice: what has been done to date?
• Hands-free payments: will voice become customers’ preferred platform for payments?
Ben Chisell, Starling Bank - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsBen Chisell Products and Marketing Director , Starling Bank
The changing state of collaborative workspace
Martin SmithMartin Smith Video Collaboration Specialist , Logitech
Getting into the swing of IoT
• The potential of IoT in payments, personalisation, fraud detection, credit assessment and more
• How can data from IoT devices be harnessed to offer concierge services?
• The connected customer: how data from IoT be harnessed to create better products
Dave Fleming, Mastercard - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsDave Fleming Global Head of Research & Development , Mastercard
Harnessing data to become market leaders and why the power of AI scares us
· When Big Data and AI become mainstream
· Data-driven case studies from a traditional bank and digital bank start-up
· Looking beyond credit bureaus for Big Data sources: what are the alternative options?
· Why AI is scary for bankers and regulators
Dima Dubilet - MonobankDima Dubilet Co-founder , Monobank
A digital reincarnation
Digital lifestyles and the Bank of the Future
• Digital relevance vs. obsolescence: what must banks do to adapt?
• Giving customers choice: what services and products might banks provide in 10 years’ time?
• Specialisation: is this the way forward to counter the threat of disintermediation?
• How might the end of cross-subsidisation and free-if-in-credit banking transform the industry?
• Changing cultural mindsets: from banking products to lifestyle management
• Bank of Amazon and Google: responding to the potential threat of tech giants becoming AISPs
Alison Jaap, First Direct - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsAlison Jaap Head of Change , First Direct
Stephen Dury, Santander - MoneyLIVE Banking EventsStephen Dury Director, New Business Models , Santander
Chair's closing remarks and end of conference