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Pembaharuan Terakhir

15 Mei 2019

DST menyediakan formula yang sangat dapat dipercaya, berkat penggunaan blockchain, dan kontrak pintar yang memenuhi tantangan yang dihadapi saat menambang, memproses, dan berinvestasi dalam logam mulia. Ini mengatasi tantangan yang berkaitan dengan kuantitas produksi, inspeksi kualitas, inspeksi waktu dan jauh lebih memungkinkan penjualan dan pengembangan yang efektif melalui barang dagangan yang dipesan di muka. DST berupaya meningkatkan transparansi dan fluiditas yang memungkinkan investor dan manufaktur waralaba untuk mencapai perjanjian P2P.

Tentang DST

Tentang DST

DST Ecosystem Model

DST bertujuan untuk membangun ekosistem penambangan perak yang ditandai dengan penciptaan, integrasi, koeksistensi, dan konsultasi bersama. The & nbsp; pengembangan industri pertambangan adalah proses perluasan berkelanjutan dari rantai industri dan evolusi ekosistem yang berkelanjutan. Pengembangan ekosistem penambangan perak akan membawa terobosan dan pengembangan subversif energi kinetik baru untuk kemajuan industri dan kerjasama win-win. DST berkomitmen untuk membangun ekosistem penambangan baru, memperluas ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, sumber daya, dana, merek, hubungan masyarakat dan hubungan investor, dan berkontribusi besar dalam promosi untuk kemakmuran dan pengembangan perak dengan keunggulan pelengkap dan peningkatan evolusi.

DST Membangun Ekosistem Perak dengan Blockchain

Sumber daya mineral perak adalah sumber daya aset berat. Itu selalu menjadi topik diskusi dalam industri tentang bagaimana membuat sumber daya mengalir dan melikuidasi. Atas dasar industri ritel perak internasional, DST akan menciptakan ekosistem perak dengan bantuan teknologi blockchain, sehingga untuk mendigitalkan sumber daya industri, membuat aset bersirkulasi, dan selanjutnya mempromosikan pengembangan dan inovasi industri.

& nbsp;


Signifikansi Blockchain di DST's Silver Ecosystem:

  1. & nbsp; Mendigitalkan industri pertambangan perak dengan blockchain untuk meningkatkan likuiditas dan mendapatkan arus kas.
  2. Untuk melacak asal produk mineral dengan blockchain untuk memastikan keunikan dan keeksklusifannya tidak dapat dirusak.
  3. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan layanan keuangan industri, aplikasi pembayaran rantai industri dan skenario yang diterapkan.
  4. Untuk mempromosikan proyek budaya yang relevan dengan komunitas blockchain, mengeluarkan saluran pemasaran dan komersial dan untuk meningkatkan daya saing.
  5. Untuk meningkatkan subjek yang dihargai oleh publik dan investor.

Keuntungan Model Bisnis Inovatif DST:

  1. Seluruh rantai industri penambangan perak, penambangan terpusat, manufaktur, pembelian, pemrosesan, penjualan, pergudangan dan logistik; operasi terintegrasi arus barang, transaksi, modal, dan informasi untuk memungkinkan biaya yang lebih rendah dan keuntungan yang dioptimalkan.
  2. Memecah model penjualan tradisional melalui Internet + beberapa skenario aplikasi, membangun saluran penjualan lintas industri besar baik online maupun offline untuk meningkatkan penjualan produk perak.
  3. Mode multi-pertukaran untuk mencapai penemuan harga bertahap 4. Platform layanan big data terintegrasi untuk membuat bisnis rantai industri online, membentuk data industri besar, menyediakan solusi pembiayaan dan operasi untuk hulu dan perusahaan hilir, dan membangun ekosistem bisnis untuk industri perak.
  4. Menciptakan penghasilan dari perusahaan yang terdaftar.

Info Teknis

Sistem DAPP adalah sistem rantai publik. Ini merujuk pada blockchain konsensus yang dapat dibaca oleh siapa pun di dunia, dapatkan konfirmasi efektif setelah mengirim pesanan transaksi. Karakteristik rantai publik adalah netralitas, keterbukaan, desentralisasi, imutabilitas, efek jaringan, dan resistensi tinggi terhadap verifikasi. DAPP menggunakan token bawaan (DST) untuk menjadi operasi otentikasi pass untuk sistem blockchain, dan DAPP akan dibangun Ethereum, menggunakan POW untuk menentukan bagaimana mencapai konsensus dan hadiah dari setiap node yang menjalankan DAPP. DAPP akan menggunakan kontrak pintar Ethereum sebagai mekanisme anti-pemalsuan untuk blockchain gabungan, menyusun konten kontrak dengan kode pemrograman dan mentransfer konten kontrak digital ke komputer untuk dieksekusi. Keuntungan dari kontrak pada blockchain adalah bahwa kontrak tidak akan diubah secara sewenang-wenang atau terganggu karena intervensi; dan penandatanganan kontrak dilakukan secara otomatis oleh komputer alih-alih manusia untuk menghindari berbagai perselisihan yang timbul dari faktor manusia.
dan, tentu saja, lebih efisien daripada dieksekusi oleh manusia.

Mantan anggota

Kevin Tan
Dr Chin Kuen Liang
Craig Lye
Dr Liew Voon Kiong
Technical Advisor
Stephen Mah
HR Manager
Richard Mah
Pei Yin
Project Manager
Jozen Tang
Content Manager
Liyan Law
PR Manager
Kent Haw
Digital Marketing Manager

DST Wawancara

Craig Lye
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role as a Chief Operating Officer of project lies is in assisting the team with a full range of issues which they may face.

Being the cornerstones of the project clarity and transparency are those key points which users seek constantly, therefore I believe in a bright future for DST and will highly appreciate relevant public interest to it.
Dr Liew Voon Kiong
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Technical Adviser
Stephen Mah
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the HR Manager at DST. I believe DST is the key to change the future of mining ecosystem. The development of DST's silver ecosystem will promote the industrial's development and innovation. I am excited and proud to be a part of DST.
Richard Mah
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We believe that we can set the new rules and create more opportunities globally. My role is to create the best visual and user experience for each user in DST!
Pei Yin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We have an active business, and our project is one of the few that has a strong team, an excellent vision, and a working product.
Jozen Tang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am Content Manager here at DST. I am greatly inspired by the idea and believe in our success.
Liyan Law
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Public Relations Manager. I'm not a dreamer, I just prefer numbers. This project is based on existing business with a real economy, that's why it's doomed to success. Neither users will stop buying goods tomorrow, nor sellers would give up looking for effective tools for attracting and retaining customers. DST is what brings these goals together.
Kent Haw
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
It's a great project which we need to work on so we can achieve it's goal
Kevin Tan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
It is a challenge to realize the main idea of our company's founder. I like challenges. I'm ready for it and i'll do it.
Dr Chin Kuen Liang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I really believe that our idea will improve the whole industry! why?
Because with blockchain help It will reduce high operating/currency exchange fees and will also ensure high levels of international liquidity. Blockchain-based system is universal and ideal for any country, so there is no need in modifying the program for every region or in adopting specific payment methods. Use of a decentralized system eliminates the risk of fraud on the part of organiser, the risk for an account getting blocked and problems with withdrawing funds for regular bettors.

Also, blockchain highly reduces the costs of the infrastructure. Because of that, more funds can be used for the projects development.
We also offering a great Face To Face betting interface, best odds, opportunity to become a bookmaker : You will be able to finally step into bookmakers' shoes and let pople bet against you. Create unique markets, choose desired margins and let us take care of the rest!

% name% Ulasan

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


DST provides a very trustworthy formula, thanks to its use of blockchain, and smart contract that meets the challenges encountered while mining, processing and investingin precious metals.  It addresses challenges relating to production quantity, quality inspection, timing inspections and much more allowing effective sales and development via pre-ordering merchandise. DST seeks to increase transparency and fluidity enabling franchise investors and manufactures to attain P2P agreements.


  • The platform prices the precious metals according to their production and as such promotes healthy development and effective management of mining fields leading to high efficiency.
  • Since it incorporates smart contracts and blockchain, the platform is distributed and decentralized and features strong encryption security resulting in a secure network that is hard to invade and temper with.
  • DST Foundation, a partner non-profit organization is focused on social welfare undertakings, offering support to underprivileged citizens besides promoting the adoption of blockchain technology in mining and jewelry related enterprises.
  • The platform is committed to being kind to all and promoting efficient utilizing resources. It has innovated smelting technology to enhance productivity and processing thus improving efficient energy utilization.
  • DST is committed to the welfares of its staff alongside those of the platform itself. It will conduct staff training, nurture talents and develop management talents for the transformation of the company and the workforce.
  • The team; The platform has the backing of qualified, competent and distinguished persons who have proven expertise and track record in blockchain technology and mining field.
  • The whitepaper; it adopts a very unique and effective approach (that involves starting with a captivating executive summary) It also uses elaborate illustrations and diagrams.


  • The management team is composed of only five members. Additionally, the whitepaper does not include their images in the short descriptions.
  • The only digital currency users can use to buy platform tokens is Etherum. Individuals who already possess other cryptocurrencies, therefore, will have to do some conversion first.
  • The planned distribution of proceeds from ICO is not comprehensive. The document only includes a chart showing the percentages that go to the various parties.


  • The platform should include more team members to make it varied, rich and complete.
  • The platform should accept the major cryptocurrencies so that individuals who already own such currencies can have an easy time acquiring the tokens.
  • The whitepaper should include explanations on how the proceeds from ICO will be distributed and even detail how the percentage that will go to operation costs and market maintenance will be spent.


While the ecosystem is relevant, practical and promising the fact mineral mining is non-renewable can taint the future of this otherwise great idea. It is, however, clear careful considerations went to its inception and creation. Because of my reservations on platforms related to minerals resources, I will not invest in the platform.

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  • Informasi ini bukan saran atau saran tentang berinvestasi dalam pendanaan ICO. Silakan teliti sendiri informasi yang relevan dan putuskan partisipasi ICO.
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