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Perusahaan blockchain untuk klinik Gigi dan rantai pasokan
13 Agu 2017
13 Sep 2017
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
Tujuan 1 530.00 ETH
  • 750 DFBT
    1 ETH
Detail Token
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
detil tambahan


1. Disintermediation & trustless exchange
Two parties are able to make an exchange without the oversight or intermediation of a third party, strongly reducing or even eliminating counterparty risk

2. Empowered users
Users are in control of all their information and transactions

3. High quality data
Blockchain data is complete, consistent, timely, accurate, and widely available

4. Durability, reliability, and longevity
Due to the decentralized networks, blockchain does not have a central point of failure and is better able to withstand malicious attacks

5. Process integrity
Users can trust that transactions will be executed exactly as the protocol commands removing the need for a trusted third party

6. Transparency and immutability
Changes to public blockchains are publicly viewable by all parties creating transparency, and all transactions are immutable, meaning they cannot be altered or deleted

7. Ecosystem simplification
With all transactions being added to a single public ledger, it reduces the clutter and complications of multiple ledgers

8. Faster transactions
Interbank transactions can potentially take days for clearing and final settlement, especially outside of working hours. Blockchain transactions can reduce transaction times to minutes and are processed 24/7

9. Lower transaction costs
By eliminating third party intermediaries and overhead costs for exchanging assets, blockchains have the potential to greatly reduce transaction fees

DentalFix Token

What represents

DentalFix token – DentalFix Blockchain Share – represents the right to receive a part of company’s profit. All token holders are eligible for obtaining dividends according to their stakes. Any number of tokens (100%) sold at the end of ICO have right to receive 20% of company’s profits

Payout Structure

According to the company bylaws, at the end of a financial year 20% of the company’s profit transferred to a Waves wallet. The Waves then redistributed to all holders of DentalFix Tokens according to smart contract conditions



Token Price

$1 (USD)

Token amount

Equal to collected amount in USD


Yes. All unsold tokens will be burned.


5% of tokens will be reserved for the ICO administration costs

Management Fees

2.5% of net profit



- Cara sederhana untuk mengelola proses bisnis untuk klinik gigi
- Sistem manajemen pasien dengan fitur blockchain
- Antarmuka yang mudah digunakan
- Cara mudah untuk memesan persediaan langsung dari produsen
- Software sudah terpasang di 300 klinik gigi
- Perusahaan sudah menguntungkan

Info Teknis

Rincian teknis: & nbsp; Akan ada dua jenis token yang tersedia berdasarkan Ethereal dan Gelombang. Setiap investor akan menganggap dirinya tipe token dia ingin mendapatkan. Kode sumber: & nbsp; Kode tidak tersedia Bukti pengembang: & nbsp; Tim publik


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Sergey Safronov
Founder, CMO and BizDev
tidak diverifikasi
Anton Borisov
Co-Founder, DevOps
tidak diverifikasi
Polina Fadeeva
Head of sales
tidak diverifikasi
Alexey Borisov
Co-founder, Dental Industry Development Catalyst
tidak diverifikasi
Denis Satyukov
Head of development
tidak diverifikasi

DENTALFIX Berita terakhir

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