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DEEP AERO adalah kerangka kerja yang selaras untuk platform manajemen lalu lintas udara dan drone. Didukung oleh AI dan teknologi rantai blok, DEEP Aero UTM adalah sistem manajemen Lalu Lintas UAS yang otonom, terdesentralisasi, berpemerintahan sendiri, cerdas yang akan menjamin penerbangan yang aman dari pesawat berawak dan tak berawak di ruang bersama. Pesawat penumpang dan kargo kerangka kerja ini akan mengubah transformasi perkotaan berkat penerbangan dan pengiriman kargo sesuai permintaan.
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    Volume 24H
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  • Token.Store
    DRONE/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 2.86
  • Exrates
    DRONE/ETH % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 2.683E-5
    $ 20.21
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    DRONE/BTC % count% satu tahun yang lalu
    $ 0.0001
    $ 2.84
  • Exrates
1 Mei 2018
31 Jul 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
30 Mar 2018
15 Apr 2018
100% lengkap
Mengumpulkan dana - tanpa data
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Mata Uang yang Diterima
Detail Perusahaan
Negara Terdaftar
United Arab Emirates
detil tambahan
Peron, Perangkat lunak, Elektronik, Data besar, Kecerdasan buatan



Seperti teknologi internet dan GPS, drone telah berkembang melampaui asal militernya menjadi alat bisnis yang kuat. Penggunaan kendaraan udara tak berawak (drone / UAV) meningkat secara eksponensial. Terlepas dari kegiatan rekreasi, drone mengubah cara bisnis dan pemerintah menjalankan misi mereka.

Drone mengubah segalanya dari pertanian dan manajemen darurat menjadi keamanan nasional dan pengiriman barang dan jasa. Drone mengambil dimensi yang sama sekali baru sebagai simpul dalam infrastruktur Internet of Things yang muncul. Saat penggantian untuk sensor stasioner, drone memperluas kemampuan pengguna untuk mengumpulkan informasi. Masyarakat pada awalnya memahami bagaimana drone akan menjadi faktor dalam infrastruktur teknologi masa depan dan bagaimana mereka akan mendorong batas-batas dari apa yang mungkin.

Saat ini, drone adalah platform pengumpulan data yang sangat efisien yang dapat menyelesaikan tugas dalam hitungan jam yang akan membuat orang berhari-hari atau berminggu-minggu. Mereka dapat memberikan data visual yang sangat terperinci untuk sebagian kecil dari biaya memperoleh data yang sama dengan cara lain. Drone telah menjadi sangat penting dalam keselamatan di tempat kerja dan sering digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan proses yang berbahaya seperti inspeksi menara sel, inspeksi turbin angin, pengiriman kemanusiaan, bantuan bencana, dll.

Pentingnya menemukan cara bagi drone untuk hidup berdampingan dengan aman dengan pesawat berawak semakin hari semakin mendesak. DEEP AERO sedang membangun kerangka kerja yang harmonis untuk manajemen lalu lintas udara (ATM) dan manajemen lalu lintas Drone / UAS (UTM). Kami sedang membangun Platform Manajemen Lalu Lintas (UTM) Drone / Sistem Pesawat Terbang Drone / mandiri tanpa kendali yang mandiri yang akan dapat memastikan penerbangan yang aman dari pesawat tak berawak dan tak berawak di wilayah udara bersama.


- Platform manajemen lalu lintas Drone
- & nbsp; Pesawat Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) mengangkut orang dan barang yang berjalan di DEEP AERO UTM
- & nbsp; Tempat pasar terdesentralisasi untuk produk dan layanan terkait Drone

- Penerbangan dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan kondisi ruang udara, termasuk angin, visibilitas, dan suhu, untuk kinerja yang optimal.

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% name% Roadmap

  • October 2017

  • Concept development of DEEP AERO ecosystem
  • November 2017

  • DEEP AERO UTM Platform development
  • January 2018

  • DEEP AERO Whitepaper
  • March 2018

  • DEEP AERO Token Pre-sale
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • May 2018

  • May 2018

  • DEEP AERO Drone MarketPlace Development
  • June 2018

  • DEEP AERO Cargo Drone research and development
  • July 2018

  • Launch DEEP AERO Drone MarketPlace Beta version
  • August 2018

  • DEEP AERO Passenger Drones research and development
  • September 2018

  • Launch DEEP AERO MarketPlace
  • November 2018

  • DEEP AERO Cargo Drone testing
  • December 2018

  • Blockchain deployment for DEEP AERO UTM Platform
  • January 2019

  • DEEP AERO Passenger Drone Testing
  • April 2019

  • Launch DEEP AERO UTM Platform Beta version
  • July 2019

  • Launch DEEP AERO Cargo Drones
  • October 2019

  • Launch DEEP AERO UTM Platform
  • January 2020

  • Launch DEEP AERO Passenger Drones


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Gurmeet Singh
tidak diverifikasi
Mayank Jain
tidak diverifikasi
Harsh Sharma
Vice President
tidak diverifikasi
Kamaldeep Dhanju
Principal Technical Architect
tidak diverifikasi
Rushdeep Singh
Technical Manager
tidak diverifikasi

59 ICOs

$175 760 999

Naviin Kapoor
Blockchain Expert
tidak diverifikasi
Prabhjeev Narang
Technology Consultant
tidak diverifikasi
Kamlesh Nagware
Blockchain Consultant
tidak diverifikasi
Karthikeyan Thangave...
Blockchain Expert
tidak diverifikasi
Rajasekhar Guttapall...
Blockchain Researcher
tidak diverifikasi
Jagpreet Singh
Automation Testing Expert
tidak diverifikasi
Aditya Bharti
Robotics Engineer
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 13%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Pedro Luque
tidak diverifikasi


$4 000 000

Andrii M
tidak diverifikasi


$4 000 000

David Steel
tidak diverifikasi
Michael Davidson
tidak diverifikasi
Timothy Van Langevel...
tidak diverifikasi
Sydney Ifergan
tidak diverifikasi


$44 248 497

Didi Taihuttu
Ishmeet Singh
tidak diverifikasi

DEEP AERO Wawancara

Didi Taihuttu
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role is marketing advisor an i think that DEEP AERO’s  harmonized framework for air and drone traffic management platform is amazing. Powered by AI and block chain technologies, DEEP Aero UTM is autonomous, decentralized, self-governing, intelligent UAS Traffic management system that will guarantee safe flights of manned and unmanned aircraft on the shared space. This is needed in the future and this future isn’t far away.

DEEP AERO Berita terakhir

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% name% Ulasan

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

DEEP AERO is a harmonized framework for air and drone traffic management platform. Powered by AI and block chain technologies, DEEP Aero UTM is autonomous, decentralized, self-governing, intelligent UAS Traffic management system that will guarantee safe flights of manned and unmanned aircraft on the shared space. The framework’s passenger and cargo drones will transform urban transformation thanks to on-demand aviation and cargo delivery.


  • The platform provides an effective mechanism to manage unmanned air traffic. It features the necessary capabilities to handle devices that do not have a pilot.
  • It does not require human operators to always monitor each and every vehicle. This eliminates possibilities of human error that is inherent in traffic current management systems.
  • Persistent DEEP UTM provides consistent coverage in a given geographical area. The resulting data can be used to make pertinent decisions to ensure only approved UAS use the airspace.
  • It will provide crucial data that include airspace requirements, alerts that concern manned traffic, prevailing climatic conditions and locations of infrastructure and drone obstacles.
  • The future of the platform is bright since with the congestions and traffic jams especially in urban centers that result in substantial time wastage.
  • The platform will include a marketplace where users can purchase the drones for their desired purposes and drone accessories ensuring are requirements are readily available.
  • Team: The platform is backed up by an adequate number of skilled executive and technology team that will ensure that the platform will thrive.


  • Whitepaper: It is not straight to the point; dedicating a substantial fraction to benefits of drones in general instead of delving into vital issues to do with the platform was unnecessary.
  • While the concept is great, adoption of the system, the cost of buying and operating it, is likely to be prohibitively high for the intended purpose (cargo delivery and passenger services).
  • The worn-out parts and old drones being electronic components may pose health hazards if not disposed of properly.


  • Summarize the white paper and ensure that it describes the platform exhaustively. Consider placing a link to other general information about drones on the website for any reader who is interested in the same.
  • Retarget the system to corporate persons and state dignitaries who are willing to pay for sufficiently a sophisticated system of transport and delivery of goods.
  • Recycle as many parts as possible and come up with a clear way on how to dispose of those that cannot be reused to protect the environment.


Clearly, this is a noble idea that will bring about great advantages both to the economy and to the users. However, in the state, the system is now I will not invest in it. The whitepaper should leave no question unanswered. All aspects of feasibility and target market should also be addressed satisfactorily.

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Deep Aero is in the process of turning science fiction into reality. They’re not just dreamers, however. They have a team of developers and designers who are working around the clock to develop the transportation system of the future. Drones will be in massive demand over the course of the next decade, and being able to use them for cargo and passenger transport will vastly improve the quality of life in large cities. It may be some time before this company comes into full fruition, but it’s definitely an investment that’s worth making.

Deep Aero is creating an AI-based guidance and traffic system to handle drone communication and transportation.
They are providing a comprehensive marketplace for drone-related sales and services.
The technology is cutting-edge and likely to be a revolutionary technology.
Busy and polluted cities will become less busy and cleaner.
Deep Aero has big goals, and funding them will cost a lot of money
The USA is restricted from ICO investment which means that a lot of the tech billionaires who would be the first to invest in the company won’t be able to.

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News, reviews

Deep Aero aims to disrupt the global drone marketplace by creating three core technologies, including a blockchain-based drone management platform, a marketplace for drone-related products and services, and a fleet of drones for passengers and cargo.

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